The Pit Blog

Man Wins $100.00 Finding PC Matic Easter Egg

By Steve Hogan

Very meticulous people are an asset to any business. They are also the ones that get FREE CASH from PC Pitstop.

Will your keen eye make you some loot? Keep clicking, you may be next.

Paul almost overlooked it but it wasn’t long before his clerical roots and curiosity got the best of him. Paul went back and scoured every line until he found the source of the the mysterious flash. At first he didn’t recognize what he was seeing.

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Windows 7 SP1 Leaked

By Steve Hogan

A quick peek around the web this morning had me tripping over reports of SP1 Beta for Windows 7. Geeksmack posted the first screen shots of the suspect on April 6th along with the build string:


I don’t suggest giving it a try until the official release. Why mess up a good thing!

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5 Ways To Improve Windows7

It’s no secret that I love Windows7. I started using it with the beta version, moved to RC 1, and then purchased the Windows 7 Pro version as soon as it was available.

But as much as I love it, there are a couple of things that I think are missing and a couple of things that can be improved. Listed below are the things I add as soon as I install the program. I know they’re not the only things available, but they are the things I must have to feel comfortable using Windows 7.

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