What is DaemonProcess.exe & Mobogenie

What is DaemonProcess.exe & Mobogenie

by Mitz from Tips4pc.com

Why is DaemonProcess.exe running on your PC and why won’t your PC shut down.–PC Pitstop.

We wanted to shut down an old Windows XP computer and an error message appeared. It said that the DaemonProcess.exe was running and it wouldn’t let us shut down. That is when my daughter informed me that they downloaded a program called Mobogenie the day before.

How Did My Computer Download Mobogenie

My kids were playing around on this computer and wanted to watch some movie footage from our new camera. The only problem was that the movie was a weird video type so they tried to download VLC player. That program is amazing and plays anything but they ended up downloading it from a bad website.

That is how our old Windows XP computer ended up with Mobogenie and the DaemonProcess.exe process running.

I also should mention that the computer also had Microsoft Security Essentials which stopped support for Windows XP. I totally forgot about this and didn’t even realize I had an XP computer in the house.

I tried opening the task manager (pressing CTRL ALT DEL) and ending the process but the DaemonProcess.exe kept starting again.

So I tried something else.

But first, what is this Mobogenie software?

This excerpt appears with permission from Tips4PC.com.

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