Dave's Computer Tips

Daves Computer Tips has been through many iterations as it has grown to what it is today! Staffed with knowledgeable authors and packed with coverage of important tech related topics...their goal has always been... “To become the best source of easy to understand, plain English computer and tech information on the internet while helping others to better understand computers and technology.”

Dave’s Computer Tips: 100 Portable Windows Utilities in 1

I received an email message the other day, nothing unusual about that, except this one emanated from a leading tech site and had been forwarded on to me by Dave. The email posed an intriguing question… what is your favorite freeware application or tool?

My initial reaction was along the lines of… good grief, how could anyone possibly pick just one out of so many excellent and viable free offerings – this was not going to be easy. I pondered the proposition over the next couple of days, hunting through all the freeware on my PC in the hope that a likely candidate might jump out and hit me between the eyes. Then, after further consideration, I realized that what I was searching for actually required several key elements:

Dave’s Computer Tips: 100 Portable Windows Utilities in 1 Read More »