Microsoft – It’s Go Time!

I received this email the other day from an old associate.

Dear Rob,

Why does PC Pitstop keep bashing Vista? Isn’t it like biting the hand that feeds you?

Your Pal,


This email really gave me a pause because they are right. It hit me like a ton of bricks. PC Pitstop needs Vista to be successful. We are part of the Windows eco system, and in many ways, it is not in our interest to bash Vista. But on the other hand, it is not in my nature nor the company’s DNA to ignore the realities of Vista.

Microsoft – It’s Go Time! Read More »

PC Pitstop Pushes PC Administration Into OverDrive With New Self-Service Support Service

PC Pitstop Pushes PC Administration Into OverDrive With New Self-Service Support Service

Sioux City, IA – X, 2008 – PC Pitstop, the undisputed leader in PC diagnostics and support with over 100 Million PC performance tests and counting, has released its newest service for general availability, OverDrive. With just a few clicks, PC Pitstop’s newly overhauled OverDrive service offers a simple scan using Internet Explorer (IE) or the IE tab in Firefox web browsers to provide a full PC Configuration report in under five minutes. The scan evaluates system performance, security, software, drivers, application versioning, system conflicts and other key information and delivers a report for a full system tune-up.

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Windows 98 Turns 70 In Dog Years


This year marks the 10th anniversary of windows 98. Because of this and the fact that Vista is getting so much press, albeit negative, we decided to do an actual comparison using Windows 98, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, just to get a true idea of how far technology has progressed. The results might be surprising to some of you and were certainly an eye-opener for me.

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