By Steve Bass
•Watch this kitten tackle what seems to be the scariest thing in the world. (Actually, what she needs is a dog, preferably a Lab, to help her out.) (Thanks, Judy B.)
•Throw the stick! Please, please, please throw the stick! What, you thought that dog was dopey (or needs glasses)? I’ll give you a dopey dog. (Thanks, Judy B.)
•What, you thought that dog was dopey (or needs glasses)? I’ll give you a dopey dog. (Thanks, Judy B.)
•Chevron recently geared up to defend its campaign to allegedly spend their profits in worthwhile ways. For instance, they’re putting their profits to good use.
•(Ha!) Funny or Die doesn’t think Chevron’s being honest in their right-on-the-money spoof, Chevron Thinks We’re Stupid. [Warning: Adult language.]
•More at Chevron Thinks Were Stupid.
•If you have kids, sometimes you say, perhaps in exasperation, “Oh, just go to sleep.” Occasionally you might even think the same thing, only with stronger language. Oddly enough, there’s a book available on Amazon with just those sentiments. It’s titled “Go the **** to Sleep.” Obvious warning: Adult language.
•Time lapse photography has always fascinated me. This video of landscapes (and oceans, skies, and night stars) is just fun to watch. (Thanks to Sandra Curtis.)