By Steve Bass
•You think you have a tough, thankless job? Try cleaning out a cobra pit. [That’s amazing. — Copyedit.]
•There’s nothing cuter than watching and listening to a baby penguin laugh.
Here’s a shorter version if you decide to forward to a friend. (Thanks, Judy.)
•You know those airline safety announcements, the ones you rarely pay attention to, unless they’re either funny or the fight attendants are naked?
Seven-year-old Chief Stewardess Alice stars in the one you’ll watch until the very end.
•Weird weather: Snow rollers — log shaped snowballs — can be as large as a 30-gallon garbage can. Here’s how they’re formed. (Thanks to Jim Clark.)
Snow rollers on the Idaho Panhandle
•More weird weather: Actually, atmospheric conditions. A spooky video of the aurora borealis. (The music’s hokey, and
unnecessary, so turn down the sound.) (Thanks to Tom Hansen.)
The Aurora from TSO Photography on Vimeo.