Cybersecurity Incident Causes Network Outage at Lurie Children’s Hospital

Lurie Children’s Hospital is currently experiencing a network outage due to a cybersecurity issue affecting phones, emails, and internet services.

The hospital is actively investigating the matter with the support of cybersecurity experts and law enforcement agencies. As part of their response, Lurie has taken network systems offline and is working to establish a call center to address patient families’ and community providers’ needs.

PC Matic Pro protects healthcare institutions and hospitals from ransomware attacks, malware, and advanced cyber threats. PC Matic Pro is an effective solution for protecting sensitive patient information’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The outage has led to the cancellation of some elective surgeries and procedures. Despite the inconvenience, emergency services are reportedly unaffected. The hospital is providing updates on its website and social media, urging patience from affected families and community providers.

The incident has forced medical staff to resort to paper records, impacting daily operations. Despite the challenges, hospital officials are working to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

PC Matic delivers complete home and business cybersecurity protection against ransomware, malware, identity theft, online tracking, data breaches, and more. For over 20 years, PC Matic’s award-winning cyber protection has saved millions of satisfied customers from becoming the next cybercrime victim and is exclusively made in the USA.
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