Breakthrough Firefox Speed Boost

Richard with Dave’s Computer Tips points us to ‘the best Firefox speed boost’ he has seen in years.–PC Pitstop.

Breakthrough Firefox Speed Boost

by Richard Pedersen for Daves Computer Tips

AdBlock Plus (ABP) is the go-to ad blocking solution that every Firefox user seems to swear by. The downside of this very good add-on is that it slows down your browsing experience and uses a whole lot of memory in the process. I’ve been a stalwart user of this add-on for many years but I have recently made a change. It is a browsing life-changer.

µBlock is more than a simple ad blocker. It accomplishes exactly the same thing as ABP with some useful and interesting differences. Here is what the developers have to say:

µBlock is not an ad blocker; it’s a general-purpose blocker. µBlock blocks ads through its support of the Adblock Plus filter syntax. µBlock extends the syntax and is designed to work with custom rules and filters.

As I mentioned, it uses much less memory than ABP. And I can testify that it most certainly made my browsing experience much faster. In fact, I can safely say this is the best Firefox speed boost I have enjoyed in years. Probably, the slower your connection and computer are, the more impressive will be the improvement.

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