Bob Rankin

Bob Rankin is a translator for the technology impaired -- a writer and computer programmer who enjoys exploring the Internet and explaining technology in plain English. His work has appeared in Computer World, NY Newsday, and other publications. Bob is also publisher of Internet TOURBUS, author of several computer books, and creator of the Lowfat Linux tutorial.

Bob Rankin: Malware on the Rise

malware on the rise

Malware developers have been working overtime, according to a recent McAfee Labs Threats Report. The security firm found over 8 million new species of malware in the first quarter of 2012, and the problem is by no means limited to desktop PC users. Mac OS X and smartphone users need to start paying attention to security threats, too…

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Bob Rankin: How to Test and Fix Your Computer Hardware

How to Test and Fix Your Computer Hardware

If your computer is acting strangely, and you’ve already ruled out a virus, it might be gremlins. But more likely, a software error is being caused by a hardware component that’s flaky, damaged, or overheated. Here are some tips and tools to help you diagnose and fix those annoying or intermittent computer problems that just seem to pop up for no apparent reason…

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Bob Rankin: Will Microsoft Security Essentials Conquer the World?

Microsoft Security Essentials review

Microsoft recently released Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) 4.0, their free antivirus software. And according to a recent market analysis, MSE is on the verge of becoming the number one antivirus product. Find out what’s new in the most recent MSE 4.0 release, and if it’s the right internet security solution for you…

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