Word.Tips.net: Using Last-page Headers and Footers

By Allen Wyatt for Word.Tips.Net

Using Last-page Headers and Footers in Microsoft Word

Often it is desirable to insert something in the header or footer that you only want to appear on the last page. Word can be tricked into doing this because the number of pages in a document only equals the page number on the last page of a document! The header or footer can still contain information that you want printed on every page, but this field prints the document name and path on the final page footer only.

{ IF { PAGE } = { NUMPAGES } { FILENAME \p} }

If you want to print one footer on every page, but a different footer on the last page, you can do so by modifying this slightly. For instance, the following will print the filename on the last page, but different text on the other pages:

{ IF { PAGE } = { NUMPAGES } { FILENAME \p} “This is not the last page”}

You can also modify the header or footer so that it only prints on pages except the final page. For example, this allows you to add ‘Continued …’ on all pages except the final page:

{ IF { PAGE } < { NUMPAGES } " Continued... " }

As you have learned in other WordTips, you can insert field braces by pressing Ctrl+F9, and you can nest different fields, as this tip requires.

To create the header or footer you desire, open your document and follow these steps:

This post is excerpted with permission from Word.Tips.Net

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