PC Matic Antivirus Protection - Server Security Solutions

A Quarterly Update on PC Pitstop, PC Matic, and the AV Industry

A View From the Top

Juniper Research, out of the UK, estimates that worldwide cybercrime will reach $2 trillion in 2019.  Cybersecurity Ventures, an American research firm, estimates that same number will grow to $6 trillion in 2021.  That’s more than the entire economy of the United Kingdom.

The first modern day ransomware struck in September 2013.  The virus had two technical innovations. First, the virus employed unbreakable encryption to capture and kidnap important files.  Second, a payment was demanded in anonymous bitcoins. We will never know the masterminds behind these attacks which renders the government helpless.  As the city of Atlanta has painfully learned, the government can and will be the victim of the attacks.

Every day, we learn of yet another successful infection or breach.  Every year, the attacks increase in damage, frequency and sophistication.  

As the cyber attacks bombard our nation, our cyber defenses are essentially stagnant.  The company’s providing cybersecurity are more concerned with the next quarter’s profit and loss statement than the effectiveness of their products against today’s cyber attacks.  After all, as the attacks continue, cybersecurity has become big business.

My company’s goal is to be unlike any other security company.  Our mission is to create antivirus software that blocks all the viruses, and hence no one gets infected, and no more ransomware.  I believe that the more we focus on this mission, that the finances will take care of themselves. No security company has gotten it right, or else we would not be in this conundrum.  Our mission is to get it right, and I believe we will. In fact, we are so close.

I founded this company in 1999 after a successful career at Gateway Computer as its SVP of sales, marketing and support worldwide.  I have been blessed and fortunate in my life. I left Gateway as a millionaire and no debt. Then we made PC Matic, and the response has been fantastic, and we made lots of money.  See that’s the problem. The measurement should not be money. In fact, in the world of security, it isn’t even customer satisfaction. The mission needs to be ZERO infections.

But it’s not that simple because security needs to be for everyone.  There are expensive security solutions that require an army of highly trained IT professional to respond to anomalies on the network.  That is not us. Our solutions are easy-to-use and affordable. You should not have to have a computer science degree to be secure. Of course, it doesn’t hurt either in today’s digital society.

Last month, I turned 59 years old, but I keep on going.  Not because of money. I have made lots of money in my life.  I keep going because I believe my work is important. Come join us.

To read the Q3 PC Pitstop Newsletter in its entirety, click here.

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