Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Slated to Release Windows Update — Again

Microsoft Launches October Windows Update, in November

The initial launch of the Windows October Update was an epic fail.  After being released for less than a week, Microsoft put a halt on any updates that had yet to initiate, so they could resolve the issues its users had been reporting.  Some of those bugs included incorrect CPU utilization, .zip issues, file-wiping problems, and driver crashes.  Microsoft opted to take their time to fix each of these issues and ensure the update executed as should.  Due to the time this took, they ended up missing their October deadline.

However, according to TechRepublic, Windows October update is now live.  If users want the update now, they will have to access it through the Windows 10 download page, here.  The latest version of the October update will also be released through the Windows Update feature; however, that release date had not yet been set.

A couple of the key features of this update include a cloud clipboard and an automatically clearing hard drive space.

As always, PC Matic encourages timely updates to all of your applications, operating systems included.  Once this update is available through the Windows Update feature, please be sure to update your PCs accordingly.

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