Malware Prevention Tops IT Pros List of Security Priorities

Malware Prevention Deemed Higher Priority Than Detection

According to a recent study conducted by Barkley, 51% of IT pros would allocate additional funds to malware prevention over detection and recovery efforts.  This should come as no surprise, considering one in three respondents gave their organizations a failing grade when it comes to prevention of malware attacks.

The study also showed, 43% of respondents believe their organizations are failing in malware detection, yet continue to see prevention as a higher priority.  This really shouldn’t be too shocking, considering some simple logic.  If you place a higher emphasis on prevention, there should be less to detect, correct?

Some malware attacks are completely shutting down company networks, attacking their backup files, and rendering their systems useless for days at a time.  It makes sense to place a higher emphasis on preventing an event like this from occurring.

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Prevention Efforts

Application whitelisting has been proven to be a highly effective method in preventative malware detection.  PC Pitstop, makers of PC Matic, PC Matic Pro and PC Matic MSP, recently tested their whitelist solution with the Virus Bulletin Reactive and Proactive (RAP) test.  PC Pitstop scored a 99.97% in proactive detection.  To put this in perspective, the average proactive detection rate for this test, was 64.35%.  With results like that, it is clear why IT pros believe their organizations are failing when it comes to preventative efforts.

You can see the full Virus Bulletin RAP test report here.

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