Crypto-Mining Tools Used for More Than Mining Digital Currency

Hackers Exploit Crypto-Mining Tools

Crypto-mining tools are often legitimate, meaning they will run on a device without having issues.  These software programs are what people use to mine digital currencies, which again, is completely legal if done on machines you own.  However, hackers have found alternative ways to use crypto-mining software, beyond its original purpose.  According to CNBC, the latest risk includes using the crypto-mining software to steal intellectual property, impersonate employees, and steal user credentials.

Since these hackers are using a legitimate software program to execute the malicious activity, it is incredibly difficult to block these threats.  However, businesses should never ignore crypto-mining tools running on their network.  These software programs are robust and require a significant amount of resources to mine for digital coins.  Even if it is a legitimate program — companies, unless in the digital currency business, should remove mining software immediately.

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