How to Fight WindowsRot

How to Fight WindowsRot

By Anand Khanse for The Windows Club

Learn how to fight against Windows slowdown otherwise known as WindowsRot.–PC Pitstop.

With Windows 7 Microsoft has tried to make PC experience easy and clutter free for its users. It has many auto optimizing features to make your PC run smoother, but you must know some basic computer optimization tips to make your computer work.

It doesn’t matter how fast or shiny computers might be when they’re new, they all seem to get slower over time. That state-of-the-art PC you bought last year might not feel like such a screamer after you install a dozen programs, load it with antispyware and antivirus tools, and download untold amounts of junk from the Internet. The slowdown might happen so gradually that you hardly notice it, until one day you’re trying to open a program or file and wonder, “What happened to my PC?” This slowdown is called Windows Rot; although Microsoft has done a lot to reduce this, since Windows Vista.

Optimize Windows for better performance

Whatever the cause, there are lots of ways to help speed up Windows and make your PC work better even without upgrading your hardware. Here are some very easy and basic tips to help you optimize Windows 7 for faster performance:

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