FBI Urges Ransomware Victims to Speak Up–But Will They??

The FBI wants ransomware victims to report the attacks immediately.  But does that mean they will?

The FBI recently released a public service announcement urging ransomware victims to notify authorities if they are ever infected with ransomware.  The goal is for authorities to gain a better understanding of the growing ransomware threat.  In theory, it makes sense.  The more data you collect, the better your understanding will be of the issues.  However, we wanted to get a better idea of how many people would really do it.

Our Vice President of Cyber Security, Dodi Glenn, recently asked IT Pro’s within the Spiceworks community if they would report a ransomware infection to the FBI.

Almost 40% of responders stated they would not report the incident.  A vast majority of people felt as though it would simply be a waste of time.  What are your thoughts?  Would you be comfortable contacting the FBI if you were infected with ransomware?

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After the potential changes to Rule 41 allowing the FBI’s to install malware on thousands of PCs with a single warrant, does your stance change?  Let me hear your thoughts!

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