April 2008 Newsletter #2

This Month


The Road Ahead

Rob addresses the masses about our future: SaaS, Optimize and Craplets, OverDrive comes out of beta.


From Bloat to Craplet

There is more junk installed on your out of the box comptuer than you think. Craplets are everywhere.


How to Rev Up a Vista Machine

Clean the junk out of your Vista machine and improve upon out-of-the-box configuration step by step.


Song: You’re Not Me

The Tachometers have done it again! Tune in to this song about Identity Theft and tell us your story!


PC Pitstop

Product Updates


Optimize Now Removes Craplets

Optimize now finds & removes hundreds of those useless programs that keep your PC from running at peak performance.


OverDrive Out of Beta

OverDrive, the redesign of our world renowned Full Tests, is officially out of beta and now scans for cookies.

Free Scans

Driver Alert

Driver Alert

PC Update

Improve system functionality & stability.

Free Spyware Scan



Stop Spyware from slowing your PC.

Disk Health

Disk MD

Drive Refresh

Keep your Hard Drives working at full speed!

Personal Data Profiler


PC Profiler

Learn what others may discover about you!

Win Patrol Free Trial


PC Watchdog

Who is watching your PC’s front door?

Full Test


PC Checkup

Most complete
PC analysis available.

PC Trends


Help, Help! Save my XP!

XP will be going the way of the dinosaurs: what you can do to prepare for XP exinction.


Installed RAM – XP vs. Vista

How has the release of Vista affected the trend in average RAM installed? Check out our most recent research!


Search Survey Results

How does the average user find information online and what search engines are they using?


You could win $100 for participating in our current surveys!
See all past winners.

Tech Tips


Handy MS Word tip

This is a handy tip for paragraph pasters. Thanks Paultx for this life-simplifying tip.


Icon restore

With this handy tip from morbidbutterfly, you’ll never have to manually arrange your desktop again.


Reclaim CPU power: Vista boot

Got high CPU usage after you boot? This great tip from LordMordred saves your computer and frees up CPU power.


$100 goes to the best tips each month.

Exclusive Offers


Corel® MediaOne™ Plus Software for just $19.99!

Save 60% ($30 off) on Corel® MediaOne™ Plus ($49.99 retail).

  • Improve and enhance photos
  • Use hundreds of creative templates
  • Automatically backup your entire photo collection and more!

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© 2007 PC Pitstop, LLC
was formed in February 2000, and offers users a unique way to make sure their PCs are running fast, stable and
secure–all through a free, Web-based interface.

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