Support Us

Users often ask us how we’re able to offer so many services on the site for free, and what they can do to help support and give back to PC Pitstop. You can help us by purchasing our products and those of our partners.

Feedback is important to us; we want our products and services to be the best you can find anywhere on the Internet. We want to know when users aren’t finding the answers they need on our site. Whether you used our free services or have purchased a product through our site, let us know how to improve things on our forums.

Above all, please keep coming back. Spread the word to friends, colleagues and co-workers. Let them know about what we have to offer, and how it can make their PC run better.

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Some users have asked if they could support us via a monetary donation. We certainly appreciate this, and we’ve made it fast, easy and safe to do via the popular PayPal and Honor System direct-pay services. If you’d like to make a donation to PC Pitstop, click the links on the right for PayPal or Amazon, whichever system you prefer. Both accept credit card payments online and are 100% secure.

Thank you for visiting and supporting PC Pitstop. We promise it’ll come back to you in expanded and improved services at our site, which of course means a better PC for you.