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Privacy Protection Software

Cookies can track you

Internet cookies can track your browsing habits without your knowledge. PC Matic Privacy scans for cookies inserted by websites you have visited recently and removes them.

ID Theft Protection

Images are still there

All images your web browser has ever downloaded and displayed are saved in your browser cache. PC Matic Privacy scans all major browsers for cached images and deletes them for you.

Stop Identity Theft

"Delete" doesn't mean delete

Just putting a file in the recycle bin doesn't actually delete it from your PC. You must also empty your recycle bin. PC Matic Privacy empties your recycle bin if you forgot to empty it manually.

Computer Privacy Software

Embarrassing Browser History

Browsers keep a detailed list of how many times and when you have visited each website. Your PC may have records dating back to your PC purchase. PC Matic Privacy deletes browsing history in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome.

How to protect your personal information?

Sensitive Information

Every image, movie, audio, microsoft office, and pdf document opened recently are chronicled in Windows for future access. PC Matic Privacy resets the list so your document history remains private and secure from unauthorized use.

Prevent hackers from stealing your ID.

Favicon History

Every website you visit has a favicon and your browser saves a details list of each favicon and the URL it came from. PC Matic Privacy not only cleans your history but also cleans the trail of favicons.

What your computer knows might hurt you.

Windows is storing virtually everything you do on your computer including your personal information. Every web site that you visit, every document that you open is being stored in a humongous archive somewhere on your PC. Supposedly, this makes your computer easier to use.

On the other hand, it is also an easily accessible, detailed report of everything that you have done on your computer. PC Matic Privacy is a unique privacy product that removes this potentially embarrassing and private information, allowing you to control what others may learn about you and your computer habits if your PC is accessed without your knowledge.

Computer Archive
Automated Cleaning

Automated Cleaning

PC Matic Privacy takes the grind out of keeping your PC clean using advanced cloud technology. Set up schedules for all of your PCs from any PC with PC Matic Privacy.

With the PC Matic Privacy scheduler, you don’t have to worry about constantly covering up your digital paper trail. All potentially incriminating and embarrassing PC access records will be erased automatically.

PC Matic Privacy Scans and Cleans from Chrome, Firefox, and Edge:

  • Browser Cookies
  • Browser History
  • Image Cache
  • Favicon History
  • Download History
  • Autofill Data
  • Recycle Bin

Protect Your Privacy Now

Keep your information private and secure from unauthorized access with PC Matic Privacy.