Using Old Windows Aero Features in Windows 8


Using Old Windows Aero Features in Windows 8

Many who are struggling to adapt to Windows 8 – fail to realize that many of the features of the popular Windows Aero interface – still exist within the new operating system.
–PC Pitstop.

Windows Aero became a popular interface for PC users with the release of Windows Vista in 2007. Not only did Aero introduce a new guideline for themes in Windows, but it also changed the way users interacted with the user interface. Windows 8 still has some elements of Aero left over. However, for users who want to utilize Aero features in Windows 8, they may not realize how to use those features.

Aero Peek

Aero Peeks allows you to quickly see your desktop along with any open window in a transparent fashion.

In order to enable it, Right-click on the taskbar and select “Properties.”


Click “Use Peek to preview the desktop” to enable Aero Peek. Click “Apply” and “OK” to enable the settings.

If you have used Windows Vista or 7 in the past, you know there’s a Show Desktop tab at the end of the taskbar.

This will not show up in Windows 8.

You simply hover over the same area to get Aero Peek to pop up.


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