Windows Talk: 5 Computer Maintenance Tips You Should Not Ignore

5 computer maintenance tips

Computer Maintenance Tips You Should Not Ignore

By Mitz for Windows Talk

The average computer user usually likes to ignore computer maintenance all together. They simply forget to perform even the slightest bit of computer maintenance and only think about it when something goes terribly wrong their computer.

If only they knew how much time and money computer maintenance can save you. I guess you learn this by experience but I always recommend a minimum of 5 computer maintenance tips to get any lazy computer user out of trouble.

Tip #1: Don’t Ignore Errors

When I am in a hurry I break this rule myself sometimes—although I often regret it later. I see a computer error, maybe a blue screen of death or even a computer black screen but I don’t have time to deal with the problem, so I ignore it.

Especially if the computer magically heals itself on the next restart, I forget about the error and continue to use the computer. meanwhile the same error has been left unattended and is still brewing in the background. Does this sound familiar to you?

But ignoring computer errors is kind of like ignoring traffic signs on the roads. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, if you ignore a Yield sign or Reduced Speed Limit sign, nothing bad will happen. But that hundredth time you could get into an accident. This is the same for computer errors so don’t ignore them.

Article Continued Here

This excerpt is shared with permission from Windows Talk.

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