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File Extensions Found:

Extension Most Used Application File Name
b File Association Manager fam.exe
b&w XnView for Windows xnview.exe
b_a_t EmEditor emeditor.exe
b_w XnView for Windows xnview.exe
b0 WinDS PRO windspro.exe
b00 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b01 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b02 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b03 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b04 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b05 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b06 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b07 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b08 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b09 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b1 File Association Manager fam.exe
b10 WISO-Sparbuch 2009/2010 wiso2010.exe
b10a EbaWin2010 ebawin2010.exe
b11 WISO-Sparbuch 2010/2011 wiso2011.exe
b11a EbaWin2011 ebawin2011.exe
b12 WISO-Sparbuch 2011/2012 wiso2012.exe
b12a EbaWin2012 ebawin2012.exe
b13 WISO-Sparbuch 2012/2013 wiso2013.exe
b16 XnView for Windows xnview.exe
b1b244 3.1 soffice.exe
b1d splat32.exe splat32.exe
b1s Winamp winamp.exe
b2 Media Center ehshell.exe
b2004 tax 2005 Anwendung beleg2004.exe
b2005 tax 2006 Anwendung beleg2005.exe
b2006 tax 2006 Anwendung beleg2005.exe
b2007 tax 2008 Belegeingabe beleg2008.exe
b2008 tax 2009 Belegeingabe beleg2009.exe
b2009 tax 2010 Belegeingabe beleg2010.exe
b2010 tax 2011 Steuervorschau beleg2011.exe
b2011 tax 2012 Steuervorschau beleg2012.exe
b2012 Steuer 2012 Steuermanager stman2013.exe
b27 BH270 bh270(ver02.04).exe
b2a File Association Manager fam.exe
b2d XnView for Windows xnview.exe
b2e 秀丸エディタ hidemaru.exe
b2e37 Microsoft (R) HTML Application host mshta.exe
b2g omicsbox_launcher.exe omicsbox_launcher.exe
b2h ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b2k brl2000.exe brl2000.exe
b2s DB2 to MySQL converter db22sql.exe
b2t workshop.exe workshop.exe
b2w ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b300 psredit300.exe psredit300.exe
b32 TWXBgTrend MFC Application UNICODE twxbgt~1.exe
b3d IrfanView 64-bit i_view64.exe
b3h ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b3p GenEdit Editor/Librarian Application genedit.exe
b3w ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b4a B4A b4a.exe
b4dunp Microsoft Office Picture Manager ois.exe
b4e Proteus VX proteu~1.exe
b4f Burn4Free CD & DVD burn4free.exe
b4h ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b4i B4i b4i.exe
b4j B4J b4j.exe
b4r B4R b4r.exe
b4s VLC media player vlc.exe
b4s wpl:asx Winamp winamp.exe
b4s¨wpl:asx Winamp winamp.exe
b4s±wpl:asx Winamp winamp.exe
b4s¹wpl:asx Winamp winamp.exe
b4sðwpl:asx Winamp winamp.exe
b4swpl:asx Winamp winamp.exe
b4u build 1 bbykifc.exe
b4w ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b4x Byki ® v 4.0 byki4deluxe.exe
b4xlib IZArc Archiver izarc.exe
b5 Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese wenlinmianfeiban.exe
b50 EditPad Pro editpadpro7.exe
b5i poweriso.exe poweriso.exe
b5l Registry Editor regedit.exe
b5t DAEMON Tools Pro Agent dtagent.exe
b63c1b Microsoft (R) HTML Application host mshta.exe
b64 WinZip winzip64.exe
b6h ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b6i File Association Manager fam.exe
b6l Registry Editor regedit.exe
b6t DAEMON Tools Pro Agent dtagent.exe
b6w ADMain MFC アプリケーション mdmain.exe
b7i BUS-5 Series Ver1.0 buswin.exe
b7p tb71_xpa.exe tb71_xpa.exe
b7z BZ5503 bz5503.exe
b8 EbaWin2008 ebawin2008.exe
b80 Application MFC SFT2841_HAT sft2841.exe
b83 Application MFC SFT2841_HAT sft2841.exe
b84 Firefox firefox.exe
b8i BUS-5 Series Ver1.0 buswin.exe
b9 fileexec.exe fileexec.exe
b90 Programming Software for BearCom BC90 bc90.exe
b95 Programming Software for BearCom BC95 bc95.exe
b98 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b99 NRG Symphonie data logger software sdr.exe
b9i BUS-5 Series Ver1.0 buswin.exe
b9j b9creator.exe b9creator.exe
b9l b9creator.exe b9creator.exe
ba File Association Manager fam.exe
ba_ File Association Manager fam.exe
ba1 TaxACT Application taxact11.exe
ba2 TaxACT Application taxact12.exe
ba3 TaxACT Application taxact13.exe
ba5 TaxACT Application taxact10.exe
ba533a5f Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
ba6 Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
ba8 TaxACT Application taxact08.exe
ba9 Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bab ツカエル会計/青色申告 起動モジュール account.exe
babel BabelWin babelwin.exe
babelrunningpcsavedgame Babel Running br_win_11.7-wt.exe
babiesandtoddlersfirstpuzzlesavedgame Babies and Toddlers First Puzzles babiestoddlersfirstpuzzles-wt.exe
babs Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
babyloniasavedgame Babylonia babylonia-wt.exe
babyluvsavedgame Baby Luv babyluv_launcher-wt.exe
babysittingmaniasavedgame Babysitting Mania babysittingmania-wt.exe
bac File Association Manager fam.exe
backnet backnet MFC アプリケーション backnet.exe
backserv backserv MFC アプリケーション backserv.exe
backup dbrestore.exe dbrestore.exe
backup_1324042845 Notepad notepad.exe
backup_1324043541 Notepad notepad.exe
backup_20110206_133936_339 flvplayer.exe flvplayer.exe
backupdb File Association Manager fam.exe
backupinfo Notepad notepad.exe
backyardigansmissiontomarssavedgame Backyardigans Mission to Mars mtm-wt.exe
backyardsportssandlotsluggerssavedgame Backyard Sports - Sandlot Sluggers play-wt.exe
bacview LaunchAnywhere viewbuilder.exe
bad File Association Manager fam.exe
baf ツカエル会計/青色申告 起動モジュール account.exe
bafl File Association Manager fam.exe
bafx ツカエル会計/青色申告 起動モジュール account.exe
bag Adobe Acrobat 9.0 acrobat.exe
baggage miaui.exe miaui.exe
bah Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
bai Acomba acomba.exe
bak Act! act!.exe
bak~ File Association Manager fam.exe
bak~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bak1 秀丸エディタ hidemaru.exe
bak2 秀丸エディタ hidemaru.exe
bak3 秀丸エディタ hidemaru.exe
bak4 Notepad notepad.exe
baka Winamp winamp.exe
baked Notepad notepad.exe
bakx Notepad notepad.exe
bal Software for the Decision Sciences: Production/Operations Management, Quantitative Methods, Management Science, Operations Research pomqmv4.exe
bal8 HSC-Balance hsc-balance.exe
ball1 Adobe Illustrator CS4 illustrator.exe
ballardofsolarsavedgame Ballad of Solar balladofsolar-wt.exe
ballbar Renishaw.Calibration.Lonsbrough renishaw.calibration.xcal-view.exe
ballhallasavedgame Ballhalla ballhalla-wt.exe
ballistiksavedgame Ballistik ballistik-wt.exe
balloonblastsavedgame Balloon Blast balloonblast-wt.exe
balz PeaZip, file and archive manager peazip.exe
bam Loan Calculator Plus Executable lcp30.exe
ban The Print Shop pmw.exe
bananabugssavedgame Banana Bugs (TM) bananabugs-wt.exe
banctp Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
band File Association Manager fam.exe
bandofbugssavedgame Bubblefish Bob bob-wt.exe
bandwidthgauges Bandwidth Gauges bandwidth-gauges.exe
bangdltmp VLC media player vlc.exe
bani Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bank Investment Analyst icc.exe
bao 競馬予想データベース bao4.exe
bap File Association Manager fam.exe
bar File Association Manager fam.exe
barnyardinvasionsavedgame Barnyard Invasion barnyardinvasion-wt.exe
bas Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
bas inc bcx ConTEXT Programmers Editor context.exe
bas,bcx,inc ConTEXT Programmers Editor context.exe
bas~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
base Notepad notepad.exe
base_msim MapleSim 2020 maplesim.exe
base_msimlib MapleSim 2020 maplesim.exe
base_pairs main controller wordsmith.exe
baseconfig AirPort Utility aputil.exe
basex basexgui.bat basexgui.bat
basexgui basexgui.bat basexgui.bat
basexhome basexgui.bat basexgui.bat
basexperm basexgui.bat basexgui.bat
bash Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor notepad++.exe
bash_history File Association Manager fam.exe
bash_login Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
bash_logout Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
bash_profile File Association Manager fam.exe
bashrc File Association Manager fam.exe
basi SourceBoost IDE MFC Application ide.exe
basinc PICAXE Editor picaxeeditor.exe
basket BasketLauncher basketlauncher.exe
basl SourceBoost IDE MFC Application ide.exe
basn DNA Master dnamas.exe
basn1 DNA Master dnamas.exe
basstournamenttycoonsavedgame Nancy Drew - Curse of Blackmoor Manor game-wt.exe
bat Notepad notepad.exe
bat;*btm;*cmd GIZMO gizmo.exe
bat_ Notepad notepad.exe
bat~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bat~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bat” Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
batch-doc2chm Batchwork Batch DOC to Help Generator doc2chm.exe
batch-doc2doc Batchwork Batch DOCX to DOC Converter doc2doc.exe
batch-doc2pdf Batchwork Batch Word to PDF Converter doc2pdf.exe
batch-doc2rtf Batchwork Batch Word to RTF Converter doc2rtf.exe
batch-doc2txt Batchwork Batch Word to Text Converter doc2txt.exe
batch-ppt2ppt Batchwork Batch PPT TO PPTX Converter ppt2ppt.exe
batchreport Sage Report Designer sagereportdesigner.exe
batch-xls2xls Batchwork Batch XLSX to XLS Converter xls2xls.exe
batotreasuresoftibetsavedgame Bato - Treasures of Tibet bato-wt.exe
batsf MIKE Zero Shell mzshell.exe
batten2 Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
battlegroup2savedgame Battle Group 2 battlegroup2-wt.exe
battlegroupsavedgame Battle Group battlegroup-wt.exe
battleship3dsavedgame Battleship3D bs3d-wt.exe
battleshippopcapsavedgame Battleship battleship-wt.exe
battleshipsavedgame Battleship - Fleet Command battleshipsa-wt.exe
battleslotssavedgame Battle Slots battleslots-wt.exe
battlestargalacticasavedgame Battlestar Galactica bsg-wt.exe
bau File Association Manager fam.exe
bav File Association Manager fam.exe
bax Bluebeam PDF Revu revu.exe
bay Free File Viewer freefileviewer.exe
baz Acomba acomba.exe
bb File Association Manager fam.exe
bb;bx Badboy Script File badboy.exe
bb2 cl_edit2.exe cl_edit2.exe
bb3 BlasterBall3 (Level File Support) blasterball3_levelhandler.exe
bb8 Notepad notepad.exe
bb8template Notepad notepad.exe
bba Vita-Mix Programmer vita-mix-module.exe
bback bSuite bsuite.exe
bbasset buildboxlauncher.exe buildboxlauncher.exe
bbb File Association Manager fam.exe
bbc File Association Manager fam.exe
bbc4 TM4 ODIN odingui.exe
bbcd File Association Manager fam.exe
bbd bdb_pro.exe bdb_pro.exe
bbdoc buildboxlauncher.exe buildboxlauncher.exe
bbe bbemime.exe bbemime.exe
bbem Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bbf ResourceManager resourcemanager.exe
bbfw iTunes itunes.exe
bbg Basketball Game Module bball6.exe
bbh BlueZone Script Host bzsh.exe
bbi BUS-5 Series Ver1.0 buswin.exe
bbj BJK MFC Application bbjack32.exe
bbk GASUKE gasuke.exe
bbl File Association Manager fam.exe
bblbox Bubbles Module bubbles.exe
bbli moduleinstaller.exe moduleinstaller.exe
bblm File Association Manager fam.exe
bblx moduleinstaller.exe moduleinstaller.exe
bbm viewgadget.exe viewgadget.exe
bbml Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bbmlic Bluetooth Battery Monitor battmonui.exe
bbmodel Blockbench blockbench.exe
bbms Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
bbnc デジタル名刺管理ソフト BBNCファイルViewer bbncviewer.exe
bbnode buildboxlauncher.exe buildboxlauncher.exe
bbo activ8.exe activ8.exe
bbp BeatBuddy Manager Software bbmanager.exe
bb-package-info Microsoft Office Picture Manager ois.exe
bb-package-sig Microsoft Office Picture Manager ois.exe
bbproject File Association Manager fam.exe
bbprojectd File Association Manager fam.exe
bbr Primerica Financial Services Application bbreport.exe
bbrk5giftpuzzle BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzle bb5.exe
bbrkaddon BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzle bb5.exe
bbrkbackup BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzle bb5.exe
bbrkgiftpuzzle BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzle bb5.exe
bbrkpack BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzle bb5.exe
bbrkpuzzle BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzle bb5.exe
bbrksave BrainsBreaker jigsaw puzzle bbrk4.exe
bbrz Windows Wordpad Application wordpad.exe
bbs BlueZone Script Host bzsh.exe
bbsx BroadbandSPICE broadbandspice.exe
bbt BBT bbt_ib.exe
bbu bosscmd.exe bosscmd.exe
bbx EFILive V8 Scan and Tune Software efilive_scanandtune.exe
bbz File Association Manager fam.exe
bc File Association Manager fam.exe
bc! File Association Manager fam.exe
bc0 lwbarcod.exe lwbarcod.exe
bc1 lwbarcod.exe lwbarcod.exe
bc125at_ss BC125AT_SS bc125at_ss.exe
bc2 lwbarcod.exe lwbarcod.exe
bc3 lwbarcod.exe lwbarcod.exe
bc4 lwbarcod.exe lwbarcod.exe
bc5 TaxACT Application taxact13.exe
bc6 buscheck.exe buscheck.exe
bc75xlt_ss BC75XLT_SS bc75xlt_ss.exe
bca CPS MFC Application cps.exe
bca-archive CPS MFC Application cps.exe
bcb bak32bcs.exe bak32bcs.exe
bcc Calendar Creator 9.0 creator.exe
bccx BCCalcOfflineRunner bccalcofflinerunner.exe
bcd File Association Manager fam.exe
bcd3 edwinsoft.blogcommentdemon3.exe edwinsoft.blogcommentdemon3.exe
bcdp busine~2.exe busine~2.exe
bce ArchiCAD 13.0.0 Component archicad.exe
bcf Business Card Factory Deluxe novabc.exe
bcft Business Card Factory Deluxe novabc.exe
bcfzip Tekla BIMsight bimsight.exe
bcg Microsoft Office Picture Manager ois.exe
bch PCSBAT.EXE pcsbat.exe
bch~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bchan TouchDesignerFTE.077 touchdesigner.exe
bchx Launch of IBM i Access Client Solutions acslaunch_win-32.exe
bci Belarc Advisor Computer Inventory belarcadvisor.exe
bcil2 BradleyQuotable bradleyquotable.exe
bck File Association Manager fam.exe
bc-key Blue-Cloner 5 bdcloner.exe
bckp File Association Manager fam.exe
bckx RCT Console winsd9.exe
bcl File Association Manager fam.exe
bclay Raven raven.exe
bclip TouchDesignerFTE.077 touchdesigner.exe
bclk Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bcm PeaZip, file and archive manager peazip.exe
bcmr 2007 Microsoft Office component oisicon.exe
bcmx File Association Manager fam.exe
bcn skbcp.exe skbcp.exe
bcnrf Beef Cattle Nutrient Requirements Model 2016 bcnrm.exe
bco Veeam.Backup.Configuration.Restore veeam.backup.configuration.restore.exe
bcp Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
bcp~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bcpkg Beyond Compare bcompare.exe
bcprj Blu-ray Video Converter blurayconverterultimate.exe
bcproj Beatcraft beatcraft.exe
bcpt Business Card Designer Plus bcdp.exe
bcptrn beaderscanvas.exe beaderscanvas.exe
bcr The Print Shop Premier Edition 5.0 pspe5.exe
bcs File Association Manager fam.exe
bcss Beyond Compare bcompare.exe
bct File Association Manager fam.exe
bctpuri azureus.exe azureus.exe
bcu skbcp.exe skbcp.exe
bcue Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bcuelist Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bcup Buttercup buttercup.exe
bcuri azureus.exe azureus.exe
bcv Biamp Canvas Software Executable biampcanvas.exe
bcw businesscardsmx.exe businesscardsmx.exe
bcwav Winamp winamp.exe
bcx ConTEXT Programmers Editor context.exe
bd Notepad notepad.exe
bd0 lwbadge.exe lwbadge.exe
bd1 lwbadge.exe lwbadge.exe
bd2 2002 Lacerte Tax for Windows w02tax.exe
bd3 2003 Lacerte Tax for Windows w03tax.exe
bd4 2004 Lacerte Tax for Windows w04tax.exe
bd5 2005 Lacerte Tax for Windows w05tax.exe
bd6 2006 Lacerte Tax for Windows w06tax.exe
bd7 2007 Lacerte Tax for Windows w07tax.exe
bd8 2008 Lacerte Tax for Windows w08tax.exe
bd9 Lacerte Tax for Windows w19tax.exe
bda MULTIW umw.exe
bdae File Association Manager fam.exe
bdata FRNURRBillingUI tmpro.exe
bdb Microsoft® Works Database wksdb.exe
bdb2 BrainMaster Avatar master40.exe
bdc bdv16j243.exe bdv16j243.exe
bdcm Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 devenv.exe
bdconv_reg Blu-ray Video Converter blurayconverterultimate.exe
bdcr Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 devenv.exe
bdd File Association Manager fam.exe
bde Active-HDL 7.2 avhdl.exe
bde2c5b0 Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bdec Ansi/Nist Viewer ansinistviewer.exe
bdecr Ansi/Nist Viewer ansinistviewer.exe
bdel ULW ulw.exe
bdelr Ansi/Nist Viewer ansinistviewer.exe
bdf File Association Manager fam.exe
bdg SolveIT! executable slvit62.exe
bdi Parts-Compiler for WinRail partcomp.exe
bdic File Association Manager fam.exe
bdict 百度输入法分类词库安装程序 cellinst.exe
bdjo AnyStream Registration Tool reganystream.exe
bdky Microsoft (R) Windows Based Script Host uusee32cache.smy
bdl File Association Manager fam.exe
bdm File Association Manager fam.exe
bdm~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bdmv Media Player Classic - Homecinema mpc-hc64.exe
bdmv~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bdmv3d JRiver Media Center 21 mc21.exe
bdmx Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bdn Cary DNA/RNA Application dnarna.exe
bdo Viewing the distributed result sets sharing.exe
bdoc DigiDoc4 Client qdigidoc4.exe
bdp File Association Manager fam.exe
bdr File Association Manager fam.exe
bds Embarcadero RAD Studio Launcher for Windows bds.exe
bdsdeploy Embarcadero RAD Studio Launcher for Windows bds.exe
bdsgroup Embarcadero RAD Studio Launcher for Windows bds.exe
bdsp Winamp winamp.exe
bdsproj File Association Manager fam.exe
bdt Disk Suite GUI Module disksuite.exe
bdt2 File Association Manager fam.exe
bdt3 File Association Manager fam.exe
bdtp 百度影音 baiduplayer.exe
bdv f-fxs7212.exe f-fxs7212.exe
bdva Accident Reconstruction Professional arpro7.exe
bdw Budget for Windows budgetmainwindow.exe
bdx eFrame MFC Application of.exe
bdz BindIt Software bindit.exe
be Embroidery System embroidery.exe
be79fa47 AOL Software aol.exe
bea Beamer beamer.exe
beacon Beacon beacon.exe
beaconauth Beacon beacon.exe
beacondata Beacon beacon.exe
beaconidentity Beacon beacon.exe
beaconpreset Beacon beacon.exe
bead SPICE Simulator w/ Schematic Capture xviix64.exe
beaking2savedgame Be a King 2 beaking2-wt.exe
beakinggoldenempiresavedgame Be a King beaking-wt.exe
beakingsavedgame Be a King beaking-wt.exe
beam File Association Manager fam.exe
bean File Association Manager fam.exe
beat BEAT! MusicPlayer beat.exe
beathazardsavedgame Beat Hazard beathazard-wt.exe
beb BinaryEditor binaryeditor.exe
bec BeCoat4 becoat4.exe
bed File Association Manager fam.exe
beebodeluxesavedgame Beebo Deluxe beebodeluxe-wt.exe
beegardensavedgame Bee Garden game_beegarden-wt.exe
beezzlesavedgame Beezzle beezzle-wt.exe
bef hdrexpose.exe hdrexpose.exe
beff Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
befflist Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
befreiung2020 WISO steuer:Sparbuch 2020 wiso2020.exe
befreiung2021 WISO Steuer-Sparbuch 2021 wiso2021.exe
behindthereflection2savedgame Behind The Reflection 2: Witch's Revenge behind_the_reflection_2-wt.exe
beholderplusdlcbundlesavedgame Beholder beholder-wt.exe
beholdersavedgame Beholder beholder-wt.exe
bei BUS-5 Series Ver1.0 buswin.exe
bei64 BUS-6 Series Ver.1 buswin_64.exe
beijing_olympics_beach_volleyball_women_oly1241 Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bejeweled2deluxesavedgame Bejeweled 2 Deluxe bejeweled2-wt.exe
bejeweled3savedgame Bejeweled 3 bejeweled3-wt.exe
bejeweledsavedgame Bejeweled bejeweled-wt.exe
bejeweledtwistsavedgame Bejeweled Twist bejeweledtwist-wt.exe
bek Cary Enzyme Kinetics Application enzymekinetics.exe
bel LhaForge lhaforge.exe
belgium_uk_wwi_soldier_found_vm102 Microsoft Office Picture Manager ois.exe
belic Bentley.Licensing.ActivationWizard for Windows bentley.licensing.activationwizard.exe
believeinsantasavedgame Believe in Santa believeinsanta-wt.exe
belladesignsavedgame Bella Design bella_design-wt.exe
bellatorusdeluxesavedgame Bellatorus Deluxe bellatorus-wt.exe
bellesbeautyboutiquesavedgame Belle's Beauty Boutique bellesbeautyboutique-wt.exe
bem ParetoLogic FileCure filecure.exe
ben Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
ben8 BEN hsc-best.exe
beopt BEopt beopt.exe
bep ArchiCAD 13.0.0 Component archicad.exe
ber savecert.exe savecert.exe
bes B2W Estimate (32-Bit) bid2win.exe
besrp BigFix Enterprise Console besconsole.exe
bestgiftsavedgame Best Gift bestgift-wt.exe
bestofhiddenobjectbundlev6savedgame Best of Hidden Object Bundle Vol. 6 bestofho_bundle_vol6-wt.exe
bestofhiddenobjectsavedgame Best of Hidden Object Vol. 1 bestofho_bundle-wt.exe
bestofhiddenobjectvol2savedgame Best of Hidden Object Vol. 2 bestofho_bundle_vol2-wt.exe
bestofhiddenobjectvol8savedgame Best of Hidden Object Vol. 8 bestofho_bundle_vol8-wt.exe
bestofhogbundlevol7savedgame Best of Hidden Object Bundle Vol. 7 bestofho_bundle_vol7-wt.exe
bestofhogvol3savedgame Best of Hidden Object Vol. 3 bestofho_bundle_vol3-wt.exe
bestofhogvol4savedgame Best of Hidden Object Vol. 4 bestofho_bundle_vol4-wt.exe
bestofhogvol5savedgame Best of Hidden Object Vol. 5 bestofho_bundle_vol5-wt.exe
besx Beswin beswin.exe
bet File Association Manager fam.exe
bettertogether Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
betweentheworlds2thepyramidsavedgame Between the Worlds 2: The Pyramid btw2-wt.exe
betweentheworldssavedgame Between the Worlds uspy-wt.exe
beu Brockhaus multimedial iaktualisierung.exe
bewareplanetearthsavedgame Beware Planet Earth! bewareplanetearth-wt.exe
bex Bluebeam PDF Revu revu.exe
bexp DelsaMax delsamax.exe
bexpk PGP Tray pgptray.exe
beye blackeye blackeye.exe
beyondfixture Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
beyondfixtures Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
beyondlayout Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
beyondlayoutset Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
beyondlightadventsavedgame Beyond: Light Advent beyond_lightadvent-wt.exe
beyondmidimap Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
beyondpage Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
beyondspacesavedgame Beyond Space beyondspace-wt.exe
beyondstardescendantsavedgame Beyond: Star Descendant beyond_stardescendant-wt.exe
beyondtheinvisibledarknesscsavedgame Beyond the Invisible: Darkness Came beyond_the_invisible_darkness_came-wt.exe
beyondthekingdomcesavedgame Beyond the Kingdom CE beyondthekindgomce-wt.exe
beyondthekingdomsesavedgame Beyond the Kingdom beyondthekindgom-wt.exe
beyondthelegendolympussavedgame Beyond the Legend: Mysteries of Olympus mysteriesofolympus-wt.exe
beyondtheunknownamatteroftimesavedgame Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time beyond_the_unknown_a_matter_of_time-wt.exe
beyondwaveform Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
beyondworkspace Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bez Bend-Tech 7x bend-tech.exe
bf File Association Manager fam.exe
bf1 BFile MFC Application ngsbfile.exe
bf2 Winbiff winbiff.exe
bf888 Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bfa File Association Manager fam.exe
bfast BFast Client Application bfast.exe
bfb CubeX cubex.exe
bfc Windows Explorer explorer.exe
bfd 暴风桌面应用 baofengdesktop.exe
bff File Association Manager fam.exe
bff8 Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bff9 Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bfg bfgprocess Application bfgprocess.exe
bfg" Windows Wordpad Application wordpad.exe
bfh6 Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bfi Form Viewer bscfview.exe
bfj Benchmark Factory Executable bfactory.exe
bfl Quicken Legal Business Pro application qlb.exe
bflang2 Bluefish bluefish.exe
bfli XnView for Windows xnview.exe
bfm brl2000.exe brl2000.exe
bfo V-nas3DViewer Ver.2018 vw3d.exe
bfont Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bfox V-nas3DViewer Ver.2018 vw3d.exe
bfp 暴风影音5 stormplayer.exe
bfproject Bluefish bluefish.exe
bfq FlashPeak BlazeFtp Application blazeftp.exe
bfr Wireshark wireshark.exe
bfr3 Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bfrlnk Ron's Renamer Desktop Application renamer.wingui.exe
bfrm Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bfs File Association Manager fam.exe
bftp BoomFTP32 Executable boomftp32.exe
bfu Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bfw Math Resource Studio mathresourcestudio.exe
bfx Bluebeam PDF Revu revu.exe
bfx3plus Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bg Professional software for artistic bead design bg.exe
bg00 Winamp winamp.exe
bg4 borings.exe borings.exe
bga XnView for Windows xnview.exe
bgc EMU emu.exe
bgcf Belltech Greeting Card Designer greeting.exe
bgchngbnulrtoky Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bgd runwb2.exe runwb2.exe
bgeo gplay.exe gplay.exe
bgf eXtreme Gammon extremegammon2.exe
bgg EMU emu_black.exe
bgh Bugger bugger.exe
bghn 鸿业市政道路横断面自然标高应用程序 hdmdat~1.exe
bgi BGInfo - Wallpaper text configurator bginfo.exe
bgl File Association Manager fam.exe
bglog On-Demand Log Viewer bglogviewer.exe
bgm Winamp winamp.exe
bgo BigOven for Windows bigoven.exe
bgp GridGammon gridgammon.exe
bgproj bleupdate.exe bleupdate.exe
bgr 文書ギアシステム bungear.exe
bgra RawViewer rawviewer.exe
bgs BigOven for Windows bigoven.exe
bgs3 Templot2 run templot_2.exe
bgt File Association Manager fam.exe
bgtx BubbleGrader bubblegrader.exe
bgw Winamp winamp.exe
bgx Bagatrix Solved!™ solved!.exe
bgz File Association Manager fam.exe
bh IZArc Archiver izarc.exe
bh2 プレゼンテーション メイン oasysprs.exe
bh2pcm Winamp winamp.exe
bh3 bh3 MFC Application bh3.exe
bha Bhasys 2.20R0 bhasys.exe
bhd 暴风影音5 stormplayer.exe
bhf pcAnywhere Host awhost32.exe
bhg Kassenbuch buchen.exe
bhi BHWebBrowser bhwebbrowser.exe
bhip houdini.exe houdini.exe
bhn 部品作成プログラム gzkwhtc.exe
bho File Association Manager fam.exe
bhr BHEARTS MFC Application bhearts.exe
bhrbsbmwyipzvwksjzyrkfqyfpsb Windows PowerShell xjsumtimyojlgqzyklvf.bhrbsbmwyipzvwksjzyrkfqyfpsb'));$ac.iv
bhsngofpxsg Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host wscript.exe
bhw blophome.exe blophome.exe
bhx WinZip winzip64.exe
bhxotc Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host wscript.exe
bi IDE for FreeBasic compiler fbide.exe
bi_ Windows Explorer explorer.exe
bi5 xlicons.exe xlicons.exe
bi7 Tipos Beam-Statics Application tipbeam.exe
bib zotero.exe zotero.exe
bibtex zotero.exe zotero.exe
bic File Association Manager fam.exe
bicycleblackjacksavedgame Bicycle Blackjack bicycleblackjack-wt.exe
bicyclecanastasavedgame Bicycle Canasta bicyclecanasta-wt.exe
bicyclecrazy8ssavedgame Bicycle Crazy 8's bicyclecrazyeights-wt.exe
bicycleginrummysavedgame Bicycle Gin Rummy bicycleginrummy-wt.exe
bicyclegofishsavedgame Bicycle Go Fish bicyclegofish-wt.exe
bicycleheartssavedgame Bicycle Hearts bicyclehearts-wt.exe
bicycleoldmaidsavedgame Bicycle Old Maid bicycleoldmaid-wt.exe
bicyclerummysavedgame Bicycle Rummy bicyclerummy-wt.exe
bicycleskatsavedgame Bicycle Skat bicycleskat-wt.exe
bicyclesolitairesavedgame Bicycle Solitaire bicycle_solitaire-wt.exe
bicycletexasholdemsavedgame Bicycle Texas Hold 'em bicyclepoker-wt.exe
bicyclewarsavedgame Bicycle War bicyclewar-wt.exe
bid ezform.exe ezform.exe
bidlist Bulk Image Downloader bid.exe
bidml BusinessObjects.Desktop businessobjects.desktop.exe
bidqueue bidqueuemanager.exe bidqueuemanager.exe
bidule File Association Manager fam.exe
bie IMDisplay MFC Application imdisplay.exe
bif poweriso.exe poweriso.exe
bifsm FSMEditor MFC Application fsmeditor.exe
bifx File Association Manager fam.exe
big File Association Manager fam.exe
bigcityadvensydneysavedgame Big City Adventure - Sydney bigcityadventuresyd-wt.exe
bigcityadventurebarcelonasavedgame Big City Adventure: Barcelona bigcityadventurebarcelona-wt.exe
bigcityadventureistanbulsavedgame Big City Adventure: Istanbul bigcityadventureistanbul-wt.exe
bigcityadventurelondonstorysavedgame Big City Adventure: London Story bigcityadventurelondon-wt.exe
bigcityadventureriosavedgame Big City Adventure - Rio bigcityadventurerio-wt.exe
bigcityadventureromesavedgame Big City Adventure: Rome bigcityadventurerome-wt.exe
bigcityadventureshanghaisavedgame Big City Adventure: Shanghai bigcityadventureshanghai-wt.exe
bigcityadventuresnewyorksavedgame Big City Adventure - New York City bigcityadventureny-wt.exe
bigcityadventuresparissavedgame Big City Adventures Paris bigcityadventureparis-wt.exe
bigcityadventuressfsavedgame Big City Adventures San Francisco bigcityadventuresf-wt.exe
bigcityadventuretokyosavedgame Big City Adventure Tokyo bigcityadventuretokyo-wt.exe
bigcityadventurevancouversavedgame Big City Adventure - Vancouver bigcityadventurevan-wt.exe
bigfootchasingshadowssavedgame Bigfoot: Chasing Shadows bigfoot-wt.exe
bigislandblendssavedgame Big Island Blends bigislandblends-wt.exe
biglybt BiglyBT Launcher biglybt.exe
bigmoneysavedgame Big Money winbm-wt.exe
bigrigeuropesavedgame Big Rig Europe eurotrucks-wt.exe
bigtune bigcomm.exe bigcomm.exe
bih BandInHandTool bandin~1.exe
bik VLC media player vlc.exe
bik~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bikey Windows Wordpad Application wordpad.exe
bil File Association Manager fam.exe
billandpay WinPay Zahlungserfassung ccwinpay.exe
bilz nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
bim Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 devenv.exe
bimx ArchiCAD 16.0.0 Component bimx.exe
bin VLC media player vlc.exe
bin;bcf;dat Channel Master stbce.exe
bin_ emu8086 emu8086.exe
bin~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bin~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bin~urti XOPAp MFC Application xopap.exe
binairy aiproductscatalog1.0.exe aiproductscatalog1.0.exe
bin-areadb EZ-FRISK 7.62 Build 1 ez-frisk.exe
binary propelleride.exe propelleride.exe
binarycookies Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bin-attendb EZ-FRISK 7.62 Build 1 ez-frisk.exe
binder Dropbox dropbox.exe
binds Notepad notepad.exe
bin-faultdb EZ-FRISK 7.62 Build 1 ez-frisk.exe
bingbarapp Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
bin-gridssdb EZ-FRISK 7.62 Build 1 ez-frisk.exe
bink Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
bin-ssdb EZ-FRISK 7.62 Build 1 ez-frisk.exe
binvox netfabb Studio Basic netfabb.exe
bio File Association Manager fam.exe
bio1 LearnWeb learnweb.exe
bio2 LearnWeb learnweb.exe
bioexcess EgisCrypto Application egiscrypto.exe
biojson Jalview jalview.exe
bip File Association Manager fam.exe
bipz nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
biq File Association Manager fam.exe
bir EASE Ears Module easeears.exe
birdfont birdfont.exe birdfont.exe
birdiessavedgame Birdies birdies-wt.exe
birdsonawiresavedgame Birds on a Wire birds-wt.exe
birhyjv Windows Command Processor zenbyzno.esdy
bis BeInSync beinsync.exe
bistroboulevardsavedgame Bistro Boulevard bistroblvd-wt.exe
bistrostarssavedgame Wild Games bistrostars-wt.exe
bit File Association Manager fam.exe
bitcoinpaymentrequest multibit-hd.exe multibit-hd.exe
bitmap GNU Image Manipulation Program gimp-2.10.exe
bitpim File Association Manager fam.exe
bitser Bitser Beta bitser.exe
bitwine BitWine Taskbar™ bitwinetaskbar.exe
bitzer BITZER Software winsoftware.exe
biu TrayBackup (Datensicherungsprogramm) trayba~1.exe
biv Tivatrainer file distributor ttfiledistr.exe
bivx DVDFab Media Player dvdfabmediaplayer.exe
bix File Association Manager fam.exe
bix~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bixc gcbix.exe gcbix.exe
biz The Print Shop pmw.exe
biz/uli=99-ui=30033571-oi=11-oni=32367-si=22252-c Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bizctp Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bj Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bj218 Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bj318 Radio Programmer Engine radioengine_v5.exe
bjar bluej.exe bluej.exe
bjd BlogJet blogjet.exe
bjf NTI Backup Now 5 bkupnow.exe
bjg bjigsaw.exe bjigsaw.exe
bji Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating V10.1 aspenedr.exe
bjk BeatJam BeatSkin beatskin.exe
bjm Masher executable masher.exe
bjo File Association Manager fam.exe
bjr wagaya6.exe wagaya6.exe
bjsxnzq3nzq1o2o7mtgzmzu7mtiwmdsxmjy2oze2odg Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bjt SPICE Simulator w/ Schematic Capture xviix64.exe
bk File Association Manager fam.exe
bk! WordPerfect(R) wpwin13.exe
bk$ Craftsman Launcher for National Estimator tnestart.exe
bk1 File Association Manager fam.exe
bk2 File Association Manager fam.exe
bk3 TeraCopy teracopy.exe
bk4 Bankruptcy2011 bk2012.exe
bk5 BankLink Client File Handler bkhandlr.exe
bk6 TARGET 3001! PCB CAD V30 tarv30.exe
bk7 TARGET 3001! PCB CAD V30 tarv30.exe
bk8 TARGET 3001! PCB CAD V30 tarv30.exe
bk9 swwin32.exe swwin32.exe
bka PhotoBase v4.5 File photobase.exe
bkb Macromedia Projector bookreader.exe
bkc Book Collector bookcollector.exe
bkd Book Library booklib.exe
bke WinDev15.exe (WinDev 15) windev15.exe
bkf Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
bkf~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bkfsys Recover BKF files sysinf~1.exe
bkg irload.exe irload.exe
bkgx FTIR gas analyzer control and analysis software calcmet.exe
bkh irload.exe irload.exe
bkk File Association Manager fam.exe
bkl irload.exe irload.exe
bklog Log Viewer bankoe.logviewer.exe
bkm NX Component ugs_router.exe
bkm2 CRAFT 2008 アプリケーション craft.exe
bkmk File Association Manager fam.exe
bkml Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bkn kinetics.exe kinetics.exe
bko backupoutlook.exe backupoutlook.exe
bkp File Association Manager fam.exe
bkp000 ME'scopeVES v5mescopeves.exe
bkr installboard.exe installboard.exe
bks Microsoft® Works Spreadsheet wksss.exe
bks2 Victor Reader Soft vrsoftinterface.exe
bkse BookWhere bkwr32.exe
bkt shredder.exe shredder.exe
bku Sage Timeslips 2011 timeslip.exe
bkup File Association Manager fam.exe
bkv mysecurityvault.exe mysecurityvault.exe
bkw installboard.exe installboard.exe
bkx bkx_view.exe bkx_view.exe
bky BIO-key Reader Setup Tray application biokey~2.exe
bkz Express Zip File Compression Software expresszip.exe
bl MasterCook Application mastercook15.exe
bl2 Brookside Archive 2002 archive2002.exe
bl7 bl7_importexport.exe bl7_importexport.exe
bla Vita-Mix Programmer vita-mix-module.exe
blackhawkstriker2savedgame Blackhawk Striker 2 blackhawk2-wt.exe
blackhomesavedgame Nancy Drew - Curse of Blackmoor Manor game-wt.exe
blacklist SolarWinds Spam Blacklist spam-blacklist.exe
blackrainbowsavedgame Black Rainbow brainbow-wt.exe
blackvipersofiasfatesavedgame Black Viper: Sofia's Fate blackviper-wt.exe
blake2sp TeraCopy teracopy.exe
blake3 TeraCopy teracopy.exe
blasterball2drm3savedgame Blasterball 2 Revolution bb2-wt.exe
blasterball2holidayssavedgame Blasterball 2 Holidays bb2holidays-wt.exe
blasterball2remixsavedgame Blasterball 2 Remix bb2remix-wt.exe
blasterball3savedgame Blasterball 3 blasterball3-wt.exe
blb File Association Manager fam.exe
blc inLabCAMSW inlabcamsw.exe
blcm hl2.exe hl2.exe
bld File Association Manager fam.exe
ble ble.exe ble.exe
blend blender.exe blender.exe
blend1 File Association Manager fam.exe
blend2 File Association Manager fam.exe
blend3 blender.exe blender.exe
blf File Association Manager fam.exe
blf7 LabelMaker labelmaker.exe
blg Microsoft Management Console perfmon.msc
blg~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bli BikeLog Deluxe bikelo~1.exe
blib Programmierumgebung für C-Control, Basic++ /ASM workbench.exe
blizwiz SC2Edit sc2editor_x64.exe
blk docmaster.exe docmaster.exe
blkrt File Association Manager fam.exe
blm StartSomaBEND radbendcnc.exe
blme blm_ui.exe blm_ui.exe
bln File Association Manager fam.exe
blng BvT Live Tv bvtlivetv.exe
blo Adobe Acrobat 9.0 acrobat.exe
blob File Association Manager fam.exe
bloc ottoblockly ottoblockly.exe
blockbreakerdeluxesavedgame Block Breaker Deluxe bbd_mc-wt.exe
blogspot Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
blogthis Windows Live Writer windowslivewriter.exe
blogthis~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
blogtorrent btorrentupload.exe btorrentupload.exe
blokussavedgame Blokus - World Tour blokus-wt.exe
bloodlineofthefallenannasavedgame Bloodline of the Fallen: Anna's Sacrifice annassacrifice-wt.exe
bloodtiessavedgame BloodTies bloodties-wt.exe
bloomabouquetforeveryonesavedgame Bloom! A Bouquet for Everyone bloom2-wt.exe
bloombookorder Bloom bloom.exe
bloomcollection Bloom bloom.exe
bloomcollectionfile Bloom bloom.exe
bloomorder Bloom bloom.exe
bloompack Bloom bloom.exe
bloompackfile Bloom bloom.exe
bloomsavedgame Bloom bloom-wt.exe
bloomtmsavedgame Bloom bloom-wt.exe
bloomvalentinesavedgame Bloom bloom-wt.exe
blorb ADRIFT Runner run500.exe
blot bivius.exe bivius.exe
blowhardspcsavedgame Blowhards PC blowhards-wt.exe
blp File Association Manager fam.exe
blproj BabelWin babelwin.exe
blr BeadLayers beadlayers.exe
bls File Association Manager fam.exe
blt aim.exe aim.exe
bltrev MadCap EMail Request Handler emailrequesthandler.exe
blts FiberCable 2 Suite fiber_cable.exe
blu File Association Manager fam.exe
bludo techcard.exe techcard.exe
bluebeardscastleheartlesssavedgame Bluebeard's Castle: Son of the Heartless bluebeardscastle_sonoftheheartless-wt.exe
bluebutton Notepad notepad.exe
bluej bluej.exe bluej.exe
blueprint blender.exe blender.exe
blues Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bluestacks BlueStacks App Runner hd-runapp.exe
bluetearsavedgame Blue Tear bluetear-wt.exe
bluraydisc JRiver Media Center 27 mc27.exe
blurb bookwright.exe bookwright.exe
blv ProStar 325 Verify Application lcverify.exe
blw File Association Manager fam.exe
blx Bluebeam PDF Revu revu.exe
blz File Association Manager fam.exe
bm Boxer Text Editor b.exe
bm2 File Association Manager fam.exe
bm3 File Association Manager fam.exe
bma Utilitaire de mise en page ma30mep100040c.dll
bmb Bitmap file builder for JHScale bitmap~2.exe
bmbak BasicMaker basicmaker.exe
bmbp BerserkerMultiWorld berserkermulticlient.exe
bmc File Association Manager fam.exe
bmc~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bmd File Association Manager fam.exe
bmd_def Shows you the state of your Barricade router. barrmon.exe
bmd5 edwinsoft.bookmarkingdemon.exe edwinsoft.bookmarkingdemon.exe
bmdx Winamp winamp.exe
bme File Association Manager fam.exe
bmeff Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bmesh Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bmf File Association Manager fam.exe
bmg File Association Manager fam.exe
bmi File Association Manager fam.exe
bmi2 吉野教育図書株式会社 ysfigure2.exe
bmid WinJammer Shareware Program wjsw.exe
bmj e-Campaign Bulk Email Software ecampaign.exe
bmk File Association Manager fam.exe
bmk~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bml File Association Manager fam.exe
bml_def Shows you the state of your Barricade router. barrmon.exe
bmm ApS-Ethos Series MFC Application workstation.exe
bmo MUSICMATCH Jukebox mmjblaunch.exe
bmod modloaderclient.exe modloaderclient.exe
bmp Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bmp;jpg;png CrazyPhoto czphoto.exe
bmp;png;gif;jpg Falco Image Studio falcoi~1.exe
bmp~##ltt TODO: EncryptExecute.exe encryptexecute.exe
bmp~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bmp~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bmp~urti XOPAp MFC Application xopap.exe
bmpcalcpcgifivsjpgjpegpdfplnpngtiftiff eTakeoff Plan Viewer etakeoff.exe
bmpenx EgisCrypto Application egiscrypto.exe
bmpf ACDSee Pro 3 acdseeqvpro3.exe
bmpgz Seelog seelog.exe
bmplugin Beyond Media ssbmhelper.exe
bmpp ACDSee Pro 3 acdseeqvpro3.exe
bmpr Balsamiq Wireframes balsamiqwireframes.exe
bmpskin Blaze Media Pro bmp.exe
bmpx Decrypt encrypted file by eDataSecurity Management. egisreader.exe
bmpxxxxx Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bmq Viewer n5 imgview5.exe
bmr MUSICMATCH Jukebox mmjblaunch.exe
bmr_def Shows you the state of your Barricade router. barrmon.exe
bms File Association Manager fam.exe
bms_def Shows you the state of your Barricade router. barrmon.exe
bmskin Beyond Media ssbmhelper.exe
bmt MUSICMATCH Jukebox mmjblaunch.exe
bmtp Midi Translator: MIDI filter and processor miditranslator.exe
bmul Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bmv movieFOLiO moviefolio.exe
bmw ApS-Ethos Series MFC Application workstation.exe
bmwair AIR Client airclient.exe
bmx File Association Manager fam.exe
bmz File Association Manager fam.exe
bmzd futils MFC Application futilsd.exe
bn NOOK Study nookstudy.exe
bn7 oxmetrics.exe oxmetrics.exe
bna File Association Manager fam.exe
bnc bnc.exe bnc.exe
bncps Large Ruminant Nutriton System lrns.exe
bnd File Association Manager fam.exe
bnd11 MIKE Zero Shell mzshell.exe
bnf Disk Suite GUI Module disksuite.exe
bng File Association Manager fam.exe
bnh File Archiver zipzag.exe
bni デイジーピクチャープラス dpp1.exe
bnk Freemake Video Converter freemakevideoconverter.exe
bnl Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bnm QvodPlayer qvodplayer.exe
bno La Parola bibbia.exe
bnp File Association Manager fam.exe
bnp~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bnr Windows Wordpad Application wordpad.exe
bnr2016 tax 2016 Steuermanager stman2016.exe
bnr2017 tax 2017 Steuermanager stman2017.exe
bnr2018 tax 2018 Steuermanager stman2018.exe
bnr2019 tax 2019 Steuermanager stman2019.exe
bnr2020 tax 2020 Steuermanager stman2020.exe
bnr2021 tax 2021 Steuermanager stman2021.exe
bnr2022 tax 2022 Steuermanager stman2022.exe
bnr2023 tax 2023 Steuermanager stman2023.exe
bns File Association Manager fam.exe
bnsf Winamp winamp.exe
bnskin File Archiver zipzag.exe
bnt Dragon UnPACKer 5 drgunpack5.exe
bnx Windows Wordpad Application wordpad.exe
bny CiderPress ciderpress.exe
bnz File Association Manager fam.exe
bo Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 devenv.exe
bo2 Winamp winamp.exe
boa Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
board Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor notepad++.exe
bob tacloader.exe tacloader.exe
bobthebuildersavedgame Media Center ehshell.exe
boc File Association Manager fam.exe
bod 柿木将棋Ⅷ Light kshogi8l.exe
bode Bode Analyzer Suite bodeanalyzersuite.exe
bode3 Bode Analyzer Suite bodeanalyzersuite.exe
bodex Bode Analyzer Suite bodeanalyzersuite.exe
bodyformv30key lizenz.exe lizenz.exe
bodz Bode Analyzer Suite bodeanalyzersuite.exe
boe Outlook Express Backup Application oebackup.exe
boe_config Crystal Reports Viewer 2008 crystalreportsviewer.exe
bof POSTFEKO postfeko.exe
bog UEStudio uestudio.exe
bogglesavedgame Boggle bogglesa-wt.exe
bogglesupremesavedgame Wild Games bogglesupreme-wt.exe
boh Notepad notepad.exe
bok Test Generator testgen.exe
bok1 TTimeV Viewer. ttimev.exe
bok2 TTimeV Viewer. ttimev.exe
bok4 TTimeV Viewer. ttimev.exe
bok5 TTimeV Viewer. ttimev.exe
bok6 TTimeV Viewer. ttimev.exe
boljnlp NeoLogica RIA Helper riahelper.exe
bom File Association Manager fam.exe
bombthemonstershdsavedgame Bomb The Monsters! HD bomb-the-monsters-wt.exe
bomdoc x2.exe x2.exe
bonfirestoriesthefacelessgdfixsavedgame Bonfire Stories: The Faceless Gravedigger PC bonfirestories_facelessgravedigger-wt.exe
bonk Winamp winamp.exe
bonvoyageandroidbstsavedgame Bon Voyage: Hidden Object launch-bonvoyageandroidbst-wt.exe
boo File Association Manager fam.exe
boogiebunniessavedgame Boogie Bunnies boogiebunnies-wt.exe
book File Association Manager fam.exe
bookexport Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bookmarks EmEditor emeditor.exe
bookoflegendssavedgame Book of Legends bookoflegends-wt.exe
bookofmagic2in1packsavedgame Atlantis Trilogy Bundle bundle-wt.exe
booktemplate File Association Manager fam.exe
bookwormadventuressavedgame Bookworm Adventures bookwormadventures-wt.exe
bookwormadventuresvolume2savedgame Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 bookwormadventuresvol2-wt.exe
bookwormdeluxesavedgame Bookworm Deluxe bookworm-wt.exe
bookwormfracturedfairytalessavedgame Bookworm Adventures - Fractured Fairytales bookwormadventuresff-wt.exe
boomvoyagesavedgame Boom Voyage boomvoyage-wt.exe
boonkasavedgame Boonka boonka-wt.exe
booproj SharpDevelop sharpdevelop.exe
boorpsballssavedgame Boorps Balls boorpsballs-wt.exe
boot File Association Manager fam.exe
bootskin File Association Manager fam.exe
boox StuffIt Expander stuffitexpander.exe
bop BusinessOfficePro businessofficepro.exe
bor Quilt-Pro quiltpro6.exe
border winstitch.exe winstitch.exe
bornintodarknesssavedgame Born Into Darkness bornintodarkness-wt.exe
bos StudyWizard sw.exe
bot cc98.exe cc98.exe
botanicaearthboundsavedgame Botanica: Earthbound botanica_earthbound-wt.exe
botanicaintotheunknownsavedgame Botanica: Into the Unknown botanica_intotheunknown-wt.exe
bottletease Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
boulderdashpiratesquestsavedgame Boulder Dash - Pirates Quest bdpq-wt.exe
bouncesavedgame Bounce Symphony bounce-wt.exe
bountytrainsavedgame Bounty Train bountytrain-wt.exe
boutiqueboulevardsavedgame Boutique Boulevard boutique-wt.exe
bov 暴风影音5 stormplayer.exe
bow Buyout application module bowin.exe
bowerrc Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
box File Association Manager fam.exe
box~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
box3d Box Shot 3D boxshot3d.exe
boxcanvas box.exe box.exe
boxchart Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
boxes WordPerfect X7 wpwin17.exe
boxgdr BridgeLink bridgelink.exe
boxnote box.exe box.exe
boxr BoxerJam Gameshows Installer boxrstub.exe
boxshot Boxshot Application boxshot.exe
boxshot5 Boxshot Application boxshot.exe
boxshotjob Boxshot Application boxshot.exe
boxshotjs Boxshot Application boxshot.exe
bp Backup Platinum bp.exe
bp0 Programme de gestion bancaire bankperfect.exe
bp1 Business PlanMaker Deluxe 5.0.02 bpmaker.exe
bp1_templ Business Process Design Tool afpm70.exe
bp2 File Association Manager fam.exe
bp3 File Association Manager fam.exe
bp8 bopf8 bopf8.exe
bpa File Association Manager fam.exe
bpassist Bosch Project Assistant projectassistant.exe
bpb File Association Manager fam.exe
bpc BOOTP/DHCP Server bootpserver.exe
bpc8 NCH Toolbox toolbox.exe
bpd Business Plan Pro pas.bppenu.exe
bpdx Adobe Acrobat 9.0 acrobat.exe
bpe ArchiCAD 13.0.0 Component archicad.exe
bpf File Association Manager fam.exe
bpfx BrightAuthor brightauthor.exe
bpg Honeyview honeyview.exe
bpgr jbuilderw.exe jbuilderw.exe
bph blophome.exe blophome.exe
bphys Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bpi Backup Platinum bp.exe
bpim Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bpj boujou.exe boujou.exe
bpk File Association Manager fam.exe
bpl Open Freely openfreely.exe
bplist beatdrop beatdrop.exe
bplt edis_sadbplot.exe edis_sadbplot.exe
bpm File Association Manager fam.exe
bpmc Bizagi Process Modeler bizagimodeler.exe
bpn File Association Manager fam.exe
bpnueb File Association Manager fam.exe
bpobject Blue Prism Launcher automates.exe
bpoly gplay.exe gplay.exe
bpp BatchPhoto - The Fastest Photo Editor batchphoto.exe
bpprocess Blue Prism Launcher automates.exe
bpr File Association Manager fam.exe
bprc Install Tool Application instapp.exe
bprelease Blue Prism Launcher automates.exe
bpres XSplit Broadcaster xsplit.core.exe
bprj XMLBlueprint xmlblueprint.exe
bprm The BPR thebprapp.exe
bps Microsoft® Works msworks.exe
bpskill Blue Prism Launcher automates.exe
bpst DelsaMax delsamax.exe
bpt Aspen Batch Process Developer Application V10 batchplus.exe
bptpj PCTool GUI pctoolgui.exe
bpu behaveplus6.exe behaveplus6.exe
bpuk17 BrightPay brightpay.exe
bpuk18 BrightPay brightpay.exe
bpuk19 BrightPay brightpay.exe
bpuk20 BrightPay brightpay.exe
bpuk21 BrightPay brightpay.exe
bpuk22 BrightPay brightpay.exe
bpv SmartPlayer smartplayer.exe
bpw File Association Manager fam.exe
bpx Bluebeam PDF Revu revu.exe
bpxml BizPricer bizpricer-tps.exe
bpz Business PlanMaker Deluxe 5.0.02 bpmaker.exe
bpzip XSplit Broadcaster xsplit.core.exe
bqa Brio Enterprise Client brioqry.exe
bqm embird.exe embird.exe
bqq Burn Quick System Tray Application bqtray.exe
bqy File Association Manager fam.exe
br PeaZip, file and archive manager peazip.exe
br3 File Association Manager fam.exe
br4 File Association Manager fam.exe
br5 File Association Manager fam.exe
br6 File Association Manager fam.exe
br7 File Association Manager fam.exe
bracket RNA secondary structure editor structureeditor.exe
brain File Association Manager fam.exe
brainchallengesavedgame Brain Challenge brainchallengewin-wt.exe
brainle 翻訳ブレイン 実用翻訳2 brainle.exe
brainstorm Hoylu Flow startflow.exe
braintheme thebrain.exe thebrain.exe
braintrainingfordummiessavedgame Brain Training for Dummies braintrainingfordummies-wt.exe
brainvillesavedgame Brainville brainville-wt.exe
brainzip thebrain.exe thebrain.exe
bramp redit.exe redit.exe
brandie Adobe Acrobat 9.0 acrobat.exe
bratzsuperbabyzsavedgame Bratz Super Babyz superbabyz-wt.exe
bravefurriessavedgame Brave Furries 16_07_2014_bravefurries_pc-wt.exe
bravelandsavedgame Braveland braveland-wt.exe
braw Blackmagic RAW Player blackmagicrawplayer.exe
brb Bryce5.5 bryce55.exe
brc Ballistic Reticle Calculator brc.exe
brcs-aalpam Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-access_vsn Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-activant Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-ael Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-affiliatedcom Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-alex_city Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-allentate Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-alltechn Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-amcor_atlas Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-amxcorp Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-aplusnetworking_ Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-bentonvillesoftw Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-bethesdaassociat Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-biminiplatinumca Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-biomedrealty Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-bjsystems Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-bomgarpam Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-btrstrialna Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-bustracks_2 Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-bustracks_temp Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-bvwest Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-canton_pa_prod Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-capsure Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-cbc_support Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-century21 Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-daimei Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-dakotacountymin0 Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-directpointepri Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-donovan_miller_s Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-edgecore Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-encompass Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-ensignusdrilling Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-execinfoserv Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-firmenich_pam Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-flagler_co Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-floresville_isd Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-freedonsolutions Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-fyitechpro Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-green_plains_pav Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-hotspringsschool Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-inaalert Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-initusa Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-insolutions Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-intellectsupply Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-interact_911 Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-interact911 Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-interactpublic_n Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-kdcone Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-kepco Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-kmgprestige Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-lab1stu7 Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-lcubva Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-leandertx_cloud Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-llumc Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-m3ts Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-mcpcoks Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-microturbo Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-milnerdoc Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-minndnr Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-minnetonka_mn Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-monroe Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-msdps Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-ncg Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-netsworkonline Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-new_world_fips Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-obmach_prm Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-owensbusinessmac Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-pa_stclair Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-pa_woodbridge Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-pa1idealcu Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-plantcmlmc911 Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-qostelesys Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-remote Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-remoteaccess_car Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-remotepa Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-rss_carefusion Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-sacsinc Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-sarasotacountygo Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-sdtrial Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-silverchain Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-sjvc Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-smithspra Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-softbank Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-softbank_ea_test Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-stamfordbeyondtr Access Console bomgar-acc.exe
brcs-stanford Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-stellar Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-support Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-support_affinity Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-support1_chs_sta Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-supportfr Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-supportlakecount Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-supportprd Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-sydiansolutionsd Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-texascw Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-univhealthcare Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-utahvalleyu Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-utsmcd Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-varianmed Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-veoliaenergyna Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-washnet Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brcs-wrmc Bomgar Representative Console bomgar-rep.exe
brd eagle.exe eagle.exe
brdf BSDF_BRDF_Anisotropic_Viewer 2022 R1 bsdf_brdf_anisotropic_viewer.exe
bre Software for the Decision Sciences: Production/Operations Management, Quantitative Methods, Management Science, Operations Research pomqmv4.exe
breakingb Windows Wordpad Application wordpad.exe
breast OmegaTracer tracer.exe
breezebloxsavedgame Breezeblox breezeblox-wt.exe
breg BUSRegSvr busregsvr.exe
brep progeCAD 2009 Application icad.exe
brf systemsync.exe systemsync.exe
brg File Association Manager fam.exe
brh Baraha Executable baraha.exe
bri File Association Manager fam.exe
bri~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
brianna1 Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
brianna2 Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
brickshooteregyptsavedgame Brickshooter Egypt brickshooter-wt.exe
bricksofcamelotsavedgame Bricks of Camelot bricksofcamelot-wt.exe
bricksofegyptsavedgame Bricks of Egypt bricksofegypt-wt.exe
bridgecache Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 (Editor) photoshopelementseditor.exe
bridgecachet Adobe Bridge bridge.exe
bridgeconstructorplaygroundbstsavedgame Bridge Constructor Playground launch-bridgeconstructorplaygroundbst-wt.exe
bridgeconstructorsavedgame Bridge Constructor bridgeconstructor-wt.exe
bridgeitsavedgame Bridge It Plus bridgeit-wt.exe
bridgesort Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
bridgetoanotherworldaliceifixsavedgame Bridge to Another World: Alice in Shadowland PC btaw_aliceinshadowland-wt.exe
bridgetoanotherworldburntdreamssavedgame Bridge to Another World: Burnt Dreams btaw_burntdreams-wt.exe
bridgetoanotherworldescapefromozsavedgame Bridge to Another World: Escape From Oz btaw_escapefromoz-wt.exe
bridgetoanotherworldtheotherssavedgame Bridge to Another World: The Others btaw_theothers-wt.exe
brinkofconsciousnesscesavedgame Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome Collector's Edtion doriangraysyndromece-wt.exe
brinkofconsciousnesslonelyheartssavedgame Brink of Consciousness: Lonely Hearts Murders brinkofconsciousness_lonelyheartsmurdersce-wt.exe
brinkofconsciousnessstandardsavedgame Brink of Consciousness Dorian Gray Syndrome Standard Edition doriangraysyndromese-wt.exe
brk File Association Manager fam.exe
brkbak5 loader.exe loader.exe
brkdat5 loader.exe loader.exe
brl brl2000.exe brl2000.exe
brm File Association Manager fam.exe
brn File Association Manager fam.exe
bro The Print Shop pmw.exe
broctp Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
brooke Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
brothersinarmseib Brothers In Arms Earned In Blood eib.exe
browniessavedgame Brownies brownies-wt.exe
browser File Association Manager fam.exe
brp Programable Web Spider brownrecluse.exe
brp~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
brpi moduleinstaller.exe moduleinstaller.exe
brpx moduleinstaller.exe moduleinstaller.exe
brqsave Soranica Ele malie.exe
brs File Association Manager fam.exe
brstm File Association Manager fam.exe
brstmspm Winamp winamp.exe
brt File Association Manager fam.exe
bru Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
brunhildaandthedarkcrystalsavedgame Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal brunhilda-wt.exe
brush Adobe Photoshop CS4 photoshop.exe
brushcategory Painter 11 painte~1.exe
brushlibrary Painter 11 painte~1.exe
brushvariant Painter 11 painte~1.exe
brv C3 SoftWorks - BRAVO! bravo!.exe
brw File Association Manager fam.exe
brx StampEditor 2 stampeditor2.exe
brz thebrain.exe thebrain.exe
bs badgestudio.exe badgestudio.exe
bs1 File Association Manager fam.exe
bs11 MIKE Zero Shell mzshell.exe
bs2 File Association Manager fam.exe
bs3 Play sessions recorded by BeamYourScreen applications meetingplayer.exe
bs4 File Association Manager fam.exe
bs4~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bs4prj Bausoftware für Windows bs4_5.exe
bs7 File Association Manager fam.exe
bsa File Association Manager fam.exe
bsap bsademon bsaprint.exe
bsb File Association Manager fam.exe
bsblic Blue Sky Plan blueskyplan.exe
bsbxml ChemBioFinder Std/Pro/Ultra 12.0 chemfinder.exe
bsc Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe
bsc~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
bsca WinRater Rating Suite homerate.exe
bscb WinRater Rating Suite homerate.exe
bscc WinRater Rating Suite homerate.exe
bscn XSplit Broadcaster xsplit.core.exe
bscp Bitvise SSH Client bvssh.exe
bscx webupld.exe webupld.exe
bsd File Association Manager fam.exe
bsdf BSDF_BRDF_Anisotropic_Viewer 2022 R1 bsdf_brdf_anisotropic_viewer.exe
bsdf180 BSDF_BRDF_Anisotropic_Viewer 2022 R1 bsdf_brdf_anisotropic_viewer.exe
bsdl File Association Manager fam.exe
bse BASIC Stamp Editor stampw.exe
bsearch Behaviorsearch 6.0.4 behaviorsearch.exe
bsed 百度影音 baiduplayer.exe
bseq Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bsf PowerDVD powerdvd.exe
bsf~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bsg XnView for Windows xnview.exe
bsh File Association Manager fam.exe
bshw Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bsi ezplayer.exe ezplayer.exe
bsjsave Battlestations: Pacific - Launcher battlestationspacific.exe
bsk File Association Manager fam.exe
bskey BSContact Player Wrapper Application bscont~1.exe
bsl labelFOLiO.exe labelfolio.exe
bsm BeerSmith 3 beersmith3.exe
bsml SnapGene snapgene.exe
bsmx BeerSmith 3 beersmith3.exe
bsn MAGMAP Application magmap.exe
bsnp2021 Tax declaration for Persons baltax.2021.exe
bsolid bSuite bsuite.exe
bsp hl2.exe hl2.exe
bspd ASPENMODELER MFC Application aspenmodeler.exe
bspf Beatstation Standalone (32-bit) beatstation.exe
bsproj bigcomm.exe bigcomm.exe
bsq nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
bsqbb nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
bsqsc nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
bsqst nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
bsqt WinRater Rating Suite homerate.exe
bsqwc nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
bsqz nfindr.exe nfindr.exe
bsr Altair WinProp - ProMan - Propagation and Network Planning proman.exe
bss File Association Manager fam.exe
bsskin Ashampoo Burning Studio 22 burningstudio22.exe
bst File Association Manager fam.exe
bst3gpp QPST Roaming List Editor rleditor.exe
bst4 BESTCOMSMainShell bestcomsplusshell.exe
bsti Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bstr LJ-Navigator 2 lj-navigator2.exe
bstx BESTCOMSMainShell bestcomsplusshell.exe
bsu BriTray Notifications Agenda for GEDEX britray.exe
bsv Image Batch Processor imbatch.exe
bsw irload.exe irload.exe
bswrl BSContact Player Wrapper Application bscont~1.exe
bswx BIMReview bimreview.exe
bsx Bluebeam Stapler stapler.exe
bsx9_0 BarCodeStamper barcodestamper.exe
bsx9_2 BarCodeStamper barcodestamper.exe
bsxm scythebill.exe scythebill.exe
bsy Blockorientierte Simulation BORIS boris.exe
bsyn Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
bsz Windows Explorer explorer.exe
bt File Association Manager fam.exe
bt! iTunes itunes.exe
bt$ JwBth.exe jwbth.exe
bt_result btviewer.exe btviewer.exe
bt0 Band-in-a-Box Application bbw.exe
bt1 West Mountain Radio CBA wmrcba.exe
bt2 ProFile Application profile.exe
bt3 ProFile Application profile.exe
bta BeadTool 4 beadtool4.exe
btab TurboProject - Project Management Software tp.exe
btactile Biblos Braille Word Processor biblos.exe
btapp File Association Manager fam.exe
btax Bend-Tech 7x bend-tech.exe
btbat Batch Maker batchmaker.exe
btc BeadTool 4 beadtool4.exe
btc8 LogPlot8 logplot8.exe
btd Business-in-a-Box Application bib.exe
btdb DataBuilder Trial databuilder.exe
btdoc Boomtown Client Executable btathome.exe
bte BvT Live Tv bvtlivetv.exe
btf File Association Manager fam.exe
btg BvT Live Tv bvtlivetv.exe
bth JwBth.exe jwbth.exe
bthx Bend-Tech 7x bend-tech.exe
bti File Association Manager fam.exe
bti~fpap-exl540 FilePtc.exe fileptc.exe
btif File Association Manager fam.exe
btim syncad syncad.exe
btin BarTender Integration Builder integrationbuilder.exe
btinstall File Association Manager fam.exe
btip buttontool.exe buttontool.exe
btk Fugawi 4.5 fugawi45.exe
btkey utorrent.exe utorrent.exe
btl BeadTool 4 beadtool4.exe
btlic Bluetooth Tweaker User Interface bttweakerui.exe
btm File Association Manager fam.exe
btmryqmv/hero-0 Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
btmx Bend-Tech 7x bend-tech.exe
btn File Association Manager fam.exe
btnd ボタン工房 btnmaker.exe
bto File Association Manager fam.exe
btoa File Association Manager fam.exe
btod Baidu Typeオプション辞書インストーラ regtool.exe
btp BeadTool 4 beadtool4.exe
btp-btam BT Common Client btomo.exe
btp-btcm BT Common Client btomo.exe
btpl BluffTitler blufftitler.exe
btp-mxsen BT Common Client btomo.exe
btproc BarTender Process Builder processbuilder.exe
btproj Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 devenv.exe
btpx Bend-Tech 7x bend-tech.exe
btq Health and Activity Tracking Tool btshatapp.exe
btr File Association Manager fam.exe
btreport 新樹精靈 daqctyap.exe
btrk CompeGPSLAND Application compegpsair.exe
btrs iBloodTracker ibloodtracker.exe
btrx Bend-Tech 7x bend-tech.exe
bts Baidu Typeオプション辞書インストーラ regtool.exe
btsearch File Association Manager fam.exe
btskey BitTorrent Sync btsync.exe
btskin utorrent.exe utorrent.exe
btsln BT Application Design Tool btapplicationdesigntool.exe
bttx Bend-Tech 7x bend-tech.exe
btu BT Common Client btomo.exe
btw BarTender bartend.exe
btwkey µTorrent Web utweb.exe
btwsendto Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
btx Bluebeam PDF Revu revu.exe
btxm scythebill.exe scythebill.exe
btxml BarTender bartend.exe
btxt Lasershow Designer QuickShow qs.exe
btz BT Common Client btomo.exe
btz-btam BT Common Client btomo.exe
btz-btcm BT Common Client btomo.exe
btz-mxsen BT Common Client btomo.exe
bu Windows Live Movie Maker moviemaker.exe
bub IPIX Viewer Application ipxviewr.exe
bubblebonanzasavedgame Bubble Bonanza bubblebonanza_release-wt.exe
bubblefishbobsavedgame Bubblefish Bob bob-wt.exe
bubbleshooterchristmassavedgame Bubble Shooter Premium Edition bshooter-wt.exe
bubbleshootersavedgame Bubble Shooter Premium Edition bshooter-wt.exe
bubblesnookersavedgame Bubble Snooker snooker-wt.exe
bubblessavedgame Bubbles bubbles-wt.exe
bubbletownsavedgame Bubble Town bubbletown-wt.exe
buc Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 (Editor) photoshopelementseditor.exe
buccaneersavedgame Buccaneer t3d-wt.exe
buckets Buckets buckets.exe
bud budgetadvisor.exe budgetadvisor.exe
buddi3 Buddi (Personal Budget Software) buddi.exe
buddi3plugin Buddi (Personal Budget Software) buddi.exe
buddies Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll
buddy My Cute Buddy mycutebuddy.exe
budget Personal financial manager. budget.exe
budgetwb Budget Workbook for Windows budgetworkbook.exe
budgetx Budget for Windows budgetmainwindow.exe
buds2 LaunchFromFile launchfromfile.exe
buf File Association Manager fam.exe
bug Notepad notepad.exe
bugbitssavedgame BugBits game_bugbits-wt.exe
build pythonw.exe pythonw.exe
buildalot2savedgame Build-a-lot 2 buildalot2-wt.exe
buildalot3savedgame Build-a-lot 3 buildalot3-wt.exe
buildalot4savedgame Build-a-lot 4 - Power Source buildalot4-wt.exe
buildalot5elizabethanerasavedgame Build-a-Lot - The Elizabethan Era buildalot5-wt.exe
buildalot6onvacationsavedgame Build-a-lot: On Vacation buildalot6-wt.exe
buildalot7fairytalessavedgame Build-a-lot Fairy Tales buildalot7-wt.exe
buildalot8mysteriessavedgame Build-a-lot Mysteries buildalot8-wt.exe
buildalotmysteries2savedgame Build-a-lot Mysteries 2 buildalot9-wt.exe
buildalotsavedgame Build-a-lot buildalot-wt.exe
buildintimesavedgame Build in Time buildintime-wt.exe
builditmiamibeachresortsavedgame Build It - Miami Beach Resort buildit-wt.exe
buildlog BuildLog buildlog.exe
buildpath File Association Manager fam.exe
build-process Notepad notepad.exe
buj Personal Backup persbackup.exe
buk bukompas.exe bukompas.exe
bul Holiday Lights Application holida~1.exe
bulk BulkZip File Compressor bulkzip.exe
bulk-001 BulkZip File Compressor bulkzip.exe
bullshit Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bum XnView for Windows xnview.exe
bum~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bumbletalessavedgame BumbleTales bumbletales-wt.exe
bumptheme WinRAR archiver winrar.exe
bun File Association Manager fam.exe
bundle File Association Manager fam.exe
bundledmesh Notepad notepad.exe
bunnyquestsavedgame Bunny Quest bunnyquest-wt.exe
bunnyramasavedgame Bunnyrama bunnyrama-wt.exe
bup File Association Manager fam.exe
bur File Association Manager fam.exe
burgerbustlesavedgame Burger Bustle burger-wt.exe
burgerislandsavedgame Burger Island bi-wt.exe
burgerrushsavedgame Burger Rush burgerrush-wt.exe
burgershop2savedgame Burger Shop 2 burgershop2-wt.exe
burgershopsavedgame Burger Shop burgershop-wt.exe
buriedintimesavedgame Buried in Time buriedintime-wt.exe
burp Burp Suite Community Edition burpsuitecommunity.exe
bus File Association Manager fam.exe
bus2 Unity Software unity2~1.exe
busdriversavedgame Bus Driver busdriver-wt.exe
businesscard BusinessCard businesscard.exe
butta butta.exe butta.exe
butterfly installboard.exe installboard.exe
butterflyescapesavedgame Butterfly Escape butterflyescape-wt.exe
button SciTE Lite - a Scintilla based Text Editor modified by Valik & Jos for AutoIt3. scite.exe
buttontalessavedgame Button Tales buttontales-wt.exe
buyz 発売日ナビ - 登録キーワードでコミック/DVD/ゲーム等の発売日を自動チェック buyznavi.exe
buz BuzzEdit v3 buzzedit.exe
bv 百度影音 baiduplayer.exe
bv7 BV7 bv7.exe
bvcse Setup.exe newco.exe
bvd File Association Manager fam.exe
bvf BIM Vision - freeware IFC viewer bim_vision_x64.exe
bvg Winamp winamp.exe
bvh File Association Manager fam.exe
bvi Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe
bvm MSBVSpecialist.exe msbvspecialist.exe
bvmtg OfficeSuite HD Meeting officesuitehdmeeting.exe
bvn BVAT NU Scoring and Reporting Program bvatnu.exe
bvnrecord Zoom ztscoder.exe
bvo Cary Validate Application validate.exe
bvp File Association Manager fam.exe
bvr Blue Iris Video Security and WebCam Software blueirisadmin.exe
bvr~odke JESIS-ID Shell Extension Open Command sdkopap.exe
bvs ship.exe ship.exe
bvse Setup.exe newco.exe
bvsxml ship.exe ship.exe
bvt mysecurityvault.exe mysecurityvault.exe
bw Free File Viewer freefileviewer.exe
bw5 bw5.exe bw5.exe
bw6 Internet scanner blackwidow.exe
bw89mq%5f%5fcsccfoc0 Internet Explorer iexplore.exe
bwa File Association Manager fam.exe
bwav Igor Pro igor64.exe
bwb Media Center ehshell.exe
bwc SolveIT! executable slvit62.exe
bwd banglaword.exe banglaword.exe
bwe Notepad notepad.exe
bwf TheRecord Player Application therecordplayer.exe
bwfb BookLive!Reader booklive.exe
bwg File Association Manager fam.exe
bwi poweriso.exe poweriso.exe
bwj Brady Workstation bradyworkstation.exe
bwl BrainStorm brain.exe
bwlayout Brady Workstation bradyworkstation.exe
bwm Shadow Module Installer shmodinst.exe