File Extension Detail Icon

File Extension - Detail

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File Extension - Application Detail

Open files with Windows Media Player - wmplayer.exe

Windows Media Player
Microsoft Corporation

Open Extension With:

Name Extension
Windows Media Player Skin Package .wmz
Windows Media Player Skin File .wms
Windows Media Player Download Package .wmd
Windows Media Audio shortcut .wax
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist .wmx
MIDI Sequence .midi
Windows Media Audio/Video file .wm
Windows Media playlist .wpl
Movie Clip .mp2v
Windows Media Audio/Video file .asf
ADTS Audio .adt
Movie Clip .mpv2
MP4 Video .mp4v
MPEG-2 TS Video .tts
Movie Clip .mod
Movie Clip .m1v
Movie Clip .m2v
Movie Clip .mpa
AVCHD Video .m2t
Movie Clip .mpe
AVCHD Video .mts
Windows Media Audio/Video file .wmv
AVCHD Video .m2ts
Video Clip .avi
MPEG-2 TS Video .ts
Windows Media Audio file .wma
ADTS Audio .adts
sView Video .mk3d
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist .wvx
3GPP2 Audio/Video .3gp2
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist .asx
3GPP Audio/Video .3gpp
AU Format Sound .au
AU Format Sound .snd
3GPP2 Audio/Video .3g2
MIDI Sequence .rmi
3GPP Audio/Video .3gp
MIDI Sequence .mid
ADTS Audio .aac
MP4 Video .mp4
Free Lossless Audio Codec File .flac
VLC media file (.mkv) .mkv
VLC media file (.mka) .mka
M3U file .m3u
Movie Clip .mpeg
Movie Clip .mpg
Wave Sound .wav
MP4 Video .m4v
MP3 Format Sound .mp3
MP3 Format Sound .mp2
MPEG-4 Audio .m4a
QuickTime Movie .mov
CD Audio Track .cda
AIFF Format Sound .aifc
AIFF Format Sound .aiff
AIFF Format Sound .aif
HDMOV File .hdmov
ALAC Audio file .alac
VLC media file (.flv) .flv
Blu-ray playlist file .bdmv
Movie Clip .m2p
VLC media file (.webm) .webm
GOM Media file(.trp) .trp
MPEG4 file .mpv4
VLC media file (.ogm) .ogm
EVO - File .evo
Blu-ray playlist file .mpls
MPEG-TS Video File .tps
VLC media file (.ogv) .ogv
MediaCenter.15.Playlist .mpl
GOM Media file(.tp) .tp
Flash Video file .f4v
VLC media file (.divx) .divx
VLC media file (.rmvb) .rmvb
FinalMediaPlayer RM File .rm
APC.IVF .ivf
Blu-ray 3D Video File .ssif
RealOne Recording .rec
VLC media file (.amv) .amv
VLC media file (.vob) .vob
VLC media file (.dv) .dv
VLC media file (.mxf) .mxf
VLC media file (.tta) .tta
VLC media file (.dts) .dts
VLC media file (.wv) .wv
Media Center file .mpc
Media Center file .ape
VLC media file (.mlp) .mlp
VLC media file (.spx) .spx
Video File .video
RealAudio .ra
Ogg Vorbis File .ogg
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .264
dav Document .dav
VLC media file (.aob) .aob
Apple Core Audio Format .caf
PLS Audio Playlist .pls
VideoCD-Playlist .plv
MPlayer Audio File .tak
KMP -Video File .ofr
Winamp media file .umx
AIMP2: Compressed Tracker Module .mo3
Multitracker Module .mtm
Smacker/Bink Media file .smk
Opus Audio Codec .opus
Smacker/Bink Media file .bik
VLC media file (.ac3) .ac3
MPlayer Audio File .shn
Dialogic VOX file .aax
VLC media file (.oga) .oga
酷狗音乐DTSWAV文件 .dtswav
Fasttracker 2 Module .xm
Screamtracker 3 Module .s3m
Impulsetracker Module .it
DSD audio file .dff
DSD audio file .dsf
3G2 Video .3g2p
M3U Audio Playlist (UTF-8) .m3u8
VLC media file (.nuv) .nuv
WebM Audio File .weba
AMR Narrow-Band Content .amr
VLC media file (.ifo) .ifo
Expression Encoder Smooth Streaming File .ismv
Expression Encoder Screen Capture File .xesc
HEVC Video .hevc
RealPlayer Presentation .ram
Sony MicroMV File .mmv
Music .ofs
Windows Media Player .sdmedia
dat .dat
AviSynth Script .avs
VLC media file (.bin) .bin
MPEG File .h264
Miro .xvid
VLC media file (.m4p) .m4p
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show .pps
RealPlayer Presentation .rmm
GIF Image .gif
MPEG Video .mpv
Windows Media Player .3gpp2
VLC media file (.vro) .vro
SWF Movie .swf
JPEG Image .jpg
AVS DVD Player Files .div
GOM Media file(.k3g) .k3g
Dialogic VOX file .aa
RealVideo .rv
MPEG-4 Audio File (Protected) .m4b
MPEG Media .mps
XVD videos .vg2
XSI Scene file .scn
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document .doc
Windows Media Player .bup
Windows Live Movie Maker Project .wlmp
MagicISO Document .iso
RealPix .rp
SMIL マルチメディア プレゼンテーション .smil
Recording .lrc
Compressed (zipped) Folder .zip
RealText .rt
APL Audio Datei .apl
SMIL Multimedia Presentation .smi
ratdvd file .ratdvd
IconDeveloper File .dll
Video Clip .on2
Karaoke for DirectX .cdg
TarFile .rpm
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .265
fluxDVD Media File .fluxdvd
MPEG Media file .tpr
File Association Manager .dtshd
Raw Video .y4m
Windows Media Player .mswmm
WebP Image .webp
Dialogic VOX file .ex_
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet .xls
QuickTime Movie .mqv
Icon .ico
iCalendar File .ics
MASM Listing .lst
Adobe.DigitalEditions File .epub
Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File .csv
WinRAR archive .rar
Max JSON .json
Partial Download .partial
PNG Image .png
HTML Document .htm
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .ppt
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 .psd
Windows Media Player .wmdb
WinRAR archive .gz
XML Document .xml
Karaoke MIDI File .kar
Encapsulated PostScript .eps
Adobe Acrobat Document .pdf
QuickTime Movie .qt
GOM Media file(.wmp) .wmp
Stock Research Document .esv
ACDSee Pro 3 JPEG Bild .thm
HTML Document .html
Active Server Page .asp
MPEG-4 File .m4e
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation .pptx
MPEG Audio .mpga
MPEG video/audio stream .m1s
Safari Download .download
MPEG video/audio stream .mpm
CorelDraw Image .cdr
Vuze Download .torrent
URL:tdsp .tdsp
iTunes Music Database File .itl
MPEG Layer 1 Audio File .mp1
Thunderbird Document .eml
Paradox Table .db
DirectDraw Surface Image .dds
MPEG video/audio stream .m75
Dialogic VOX file .manifest
PostScript File .ps
Audio PlayList .xpl
MPEG video/audio stream .m15
Citrix ICA Client .ica
Cursor File .cur
Text Document .txt
FLC Animation .flc
XPS Document .oxps
FLC Animation .fli
MPEG video/audio stream .m1a
iTunes Music Player .plist
iEPGファイル(PL) .pl
Windows Media Player .sfcache
Adobe Illustrator Artwork 14.0 .ai
Setup Information .inf
FLC Animation .cel
InDesign XML Interchange Document .inx
Digital audio file .wfp
PDS File .pds
ASP.NET Server Page .aspx
Configuration Settings .ini
WinDVD Creator Project .wcp
Microsoft Office Word Document .docx
IrfanView HEIC File .heic
AMC Movie .amc
Qualcomm PureVoice および拡張可変レート .qcp
Dialogic VOX file .art
JPEG Image .jpeg
Dialogic VOX file .dl_
ATEasy System .sys
Ringtone .m4r
MSInfo Configuration File .nfo
Audacity Project File .aup
Bitmap Image .bmp
WAV Audio .bwf
iTunes Database File .itdb
WinZip File .r48
WinZip File .r56
WinZip File .r63
WinZip File .r67
WinZip File .r73
WinZip File .r74
WinZip File .r81
WinZip File .r85
WinZip File .r89
WinZip File .r90
WinZip File .r91
WinZip File .r92
WinZip File .r86
WinZip File .r87
WinZip File .r88
WinZip File .r82
WinZip File .r83
WinZip File .r84
WinZip File .r78
WinZip File .r79
WinZip File .r80
WinZip File .r75
WinZip File .r76
WinZip File .r47
WinZip File .r71
WinZip File .r72
WinZip File .r68
WinZip File .r69
WinZip File .r64
WinZip File .r65
WinZip File .r66
WinZip File .r57
WinZip File .r58
WinZip File .r59
WinZip File .r60
WinZip File .r61
WinZip File .r62
WinZip File .r43
WinZip File .r44
WinZip File .r45
WinZip File .r49
WinZip File .r50
WinZip File .r51
WinZip File .r52
WinZip File .r53
WinZip File .r54
WinZip File .r55
WinZip File .r30
WinZip File .r32
WinZip File .r33
WinZip File .r34
WinZip File .r35
WinZip File .r36
WinZip File .r38
WinZip File .r39
WinZip File .r40
WinZip File .r41
WinZip File .r42
WinZip File .r37
WinZip File .r46
WinZip File .r93
WinZip File .r94
WinZip File .r95
WinZip File .r96
WinZip File .r97
WinZip File .r98
WinZip File .r99
WinZip File .r31
WinZip File .r70
WinZip File .r77
PHP Script .php
Outlook Item .msg
Adobe Content Server Message .acsm
SMIL .m3url
DV Movie .dif
VLC media file (.oma) .oma
Miro .anx
ogg audio .axa
ogg audio .axv
Google Earth KML .kml
Windows Media Player .h1s
ACDSee Pro 2.5 NEF Bild .nef
Internet Shortcut .url
Internet Video Recording .ivr
VLC media file (.cue) .cue
WinRAR archive .r01
GameSpy Arcade Custom Service .apk
WinRAR archive .r05
WinRAR archive .r06
WAVE Audio File .wave
WinRAR archive .r00
WinRAR archive .r02
MHTML Document .mhtml
WinRAR archive .r27
MHTML Document .mht
QuickTime Movie .qtl
WinRAR archive .r03
WinRAR archive .r04
WinRAR archive .r14
WinRAR archive .r07
WinRAR archive .r08
WinRAR archive .r09
WinRAR archive .r10
WinRAR archive .r11
WinRAR archive .r28
WinRAR archive .r29
WinRAR archive .r26
WinRAR archive .r16
WinRAR archive .r17
WinRAR archive .r18
WinRAR archive .r21
WinRAR archive .r22
WinRAR archive .r23
WinRAR archive .r24
WinRAR archive .r25
WinRAR archive .r19
WinRAR archive .r20
Sonic Global Image File .gi
WinRAR archive .r12
WinRAR archive .r13
WinRAR archive .r15
VLC media file (.xspf) .xspf
Text Document .log
NeroVision Dokument .nvc
File Association Manager .crdownload
GSM Audio .gsm
ASF Stream Description File .asd
JPEG Image .jpe
Windows Media Player .386
Windows Media Player .msdvd
Windows Media Player .downloadhost
OpenDocument Master Document .odm
Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet .xlsx
Microsoft Video .vfw
WinZip File .img
WinRAR archive .z
Server Response File .srf
XMind Markers Package .xmp
LSM Bild .ps1
Dialogic VOX file .sol
RealAudio Protected .rax
WMF File .wmf
IrfanView ANI File .ani
MPEG Layer-3 Audio .swa
WinZip File .arc
VLC media file (.mpeg1) .mpeg1
VLC media file (.mpeg2) .mpeg2
Write Document .wri
IZArc A Archive .a
PICT Image .pic
ムービー クリップ .mpgv
ムービー クリップ .mpgx
ムービー クリップ .m2s
EPSON Print CD Document .ec3
JPEG Image .jfif
AutoTRAX Design Express Part .part
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tif
Outlook Data File .pst
Windows Media Player .wotreplay
Address Book File .wab
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide Show .ppsx
Active X .ocx
Active Server Page .cdx
Able RAWer (TIFF) .cr2
ASU Document .aud
AVS Media Player Datei .gvi
ShowBiz File .sbz
Windows Media Player .chk
MPEG video/audio stream .m2a
XML Schema File .xsd
ストリーミング メディア メタファイル .ssm
VLC media file (.a52) .a52
Audio CD Track .cdda
Windows Media Player .qht
Windows Media Player .qhtm
JNG 画像 .arf
Windows Media Player .reapeaks
WebPlus Document .wpp
P2G File .p2g
Microsoft Office Access Application .mdb
Windows Installer Package .msi
vID .vid
Dialogic VOX file .usr
SWF Movie .spl
FreeFileViewer TMP File .tmp
Windows Media Player .pnf
Windows Media Player .qdat
jZip archive file .001
Flash AS Communication File .asc
PowerISO File .nrg
Quicken QDF backup data file .qdf-backup
JScript Script File .js
Real Metadata Package .rmp
URL:xldap .xldap
Windows Media Player .acrobatsecuritysettings
Windows Media Player .midicodec
Google Earth KMZ .kmz
Other .vp6
PowerISO File .dmg
IrfanView HDP File .hdp
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Image .cpt
BitComet Unfinished Download File .bc!
Microsoft Backup File .bkf
EMF File .emf
OpenDocument Spreadsheet .ods
AMR Wide-Band Content .awb
iGrafx Share Media Packed File .pkf
RealSystem Track Info Style .rjt
Qualcomm 拡張可変レート .evr
Qualcomm 拡張可変レート .evrc
C Source .c
RealSystem Media .rmj
Dialogic VOX file .api
WinRAR archive .tar
VLC media file (.mpeg4) .mpeg4
WhereIsIt? Catalog Group File .ctg
Cabinet File .cab
Sit StuffIt Archive .sit
Bitmap Image .dib
VideoPad Project .vpj
オーディオCD編集 .nra
IZArc LIB Archive .lib
Active Server Application .asa
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tiff
Wireshark capture file .acp
Media Center file .tivo
AVS Video Editor Project .vep
MovieEditorPrj .mep
Headerless RAW Waveform .raw
Cascading Style Sheet Document .css
SVG Document .svg
MAGIX Fotoalbum .alb
C:\Program Files\VideoViewer\videoPlayer\VideoPlay .dvr
Autodesk Image File .als
Movie Clip .mzl
vCard File .vcf
Microsoft Works Word Processor .wps
AR Pro 7 Saved Formula .cfa
ArcSoft Slide Show File .mmp
JPEG 2000 Image .jp2
Virtual CloneDrive .dvd
Visual Basic Source file .vb
Visual Basic Project file .vbproj
RLE File .rle
Preprocessed C/C++ Source .i
DWG TrueView Drawing .dwg
Dazzler Presentation .dzl
CdCoverCreator Document .ccc
There Login Data .tlg
IrfanView DCM File .dcm
disk project .dip
AVS Video Editor Project .vep4
VLC media file (.3ga) .3ga
Camtasia Studio Project .camproj
Executable Jar File .jar
Installer Package .air
Dialogic VOX file .rts
SureThing Office Labeler design .dsn
MPEG-2 Transport Stream .tod
PowerISO File .ncd
Assembler Source .asm
XPS Document .xps
Dialogic VOX file .skb
Windows Media Player .docmhtml
Windows Media Player .aw
Rich Text Format .rtf
Paintbrush Image .pcx
Video Pro X-Project .mvp
Ulead DVD MovieFactory Project .dwz
File Association Manager .laccdb
Windows Media Player .qtx
AutoCorrect List File .acl
Netlist .sdf
Dialogic VOX file .exp
Amazon Digital Music Download .amz
Adobe ColdFusion File .cfm
JPEG Stereo .jps
Roxio project file .roxio
Compiled Resource Script .res
Windows Media Player .c2r
MPEG-4 Movie .mpg4
RealMedia HD .rmhd
Paint.NET Image .tga
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dcr
ACDSee Pro 3 JP2 Bild .jpx
Windows Media Player .acf
CDエキストラ編集 .nre
Windows Media Player .lnk
MPEG File .vc1
AU Audio .ulw
Quicken QDF data file .qdf
Windows Media Player .prel
Adobe Audition PK .pk
Microsoft Office Access Add-in .accda
WinRAR archive .7z
Dialogic VOX file .movie
Nero Digital(TM) Files .nd
SongFrame Song File .song
VSDC Free Video Editor .vproj
ATEasy Driver .drv
Advanced Streaming Format File .lsf
StarOffice 5.0 表計算ドキュメント .sdc
KMP - SRT Subtitle File .srt
Vegas Pro Project .veg
Apple Device Application File .ipa
VLC media file (.ogx) .ogx
Visual C# Source file .cs
Subtitle File .idx
S/MIME File .p7m
GIMP pattern .pat
MagicISO Document .daa
Microsoft Office Publisher Document .pub
PSZ File .psz
MPEG File .tr
Dialogic VOX file .ext
E-Transcript File .ptx
Microsoft Schedule+ Application .scd
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0 .vf
Media Catalog File .mmw
Creative VOC Format .voc
Zoom Player File .zpl
MixPad Audio MixerProject .mpdp
iTunes Music Player .aca
AutoTRAX Design Express Project .project
RealPlayer File .rnx
Dialogic VOX file .rtsp
Dialogic VOX file .dxr
LPEC Audio .dvf
RealSystem Secure Media File .rmx
CD-ROM (ISO) 編集 .nri
Dialogic VOX file .htt
Windows Media Player .supremecommanderreplay
アルバムビューアー 配布用アルバムファイル .aae
Media Catalog File .mgc
Nero BackItUp圧縮ファイル .nco
Dialogic VOX file .mmf
FL Studio project file .flp
Windows Media Player .meta
BobCAD20.7 Drawing .cct
Windows Media Player .prx
PowerISO File .vcd
ExpressLabeler Project File .stx
MagicISO Document .uif
3GPP Movie .sdv
PHC File .phc
iTunes Music Player .qtr
File Association Manager .dtapart
Palm Database File .pdb
Media Catalog File .mml
TurboTax 2008 Document .tax2008
Visual C# Project file .csproj
Virtual Disk .vhd
Record Song File .record
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Template .dot
WinRAR archive .tgz
Dialogic VOX file .mv
File Association Manager .dmse
PowerBackup Archive File .pbf
WinGlucofacts Professional Patient File .dex
PhotoStory3.Document .wp3
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dng
StarOffice 5.0 数式 .smf
VitalBook file .vbk
File Association Manager .easm
PowerArchiver File .003
Dialogic VOX file .scc
JNLP File .jnlp
Kindle Content .prc
Windows Media Player .polarbowlersavedgame
Windows Media Player .vxd
Testbank file .bos
Raw Video .h265
Portable Transcript Format .ptf
QuickBooks OFX data .qbo
Windows Media Photo .wdp
Dialogic VOX file .avif
Citrix Video Information (CVI) .vfm
eBook Starter Project File .ebp
Text Document .cfg
Expression Encoder Job .xej
C/C++ Code Listing .cod
Adobe Acrobat Catalog Index .pdx
ArcGIS Explorer Map .nmf .cr
EZToon Document .ezt
カシミール3D 地図データ .dem
Dialogic VOX file .nvr
GPS Exchange Format .gpx
Dialogic VOX file .pek
Neat Cabinet .nwcab
Windows Media Player .ewc2
Audacity Project File .aup3
3D Rad Project .3dr
MX900Document .mxg
Windows Media Player .mapimail
PhotoFilmStrip-Projekt .pfs
RDF File .rdf
XML Configuration File .config
Microsoft Office OneNote Section .one
Text Document .dic
Assembler Source .s
Serif PhotoPlus Picture .spp
Control Panel .cpl
ExamView Bank .bnk
Dialogic VOX file .mui
ToolBook II Book .tbk
Windows Media Player .ilj11
File Association Manager .cos2
SMIL .sml
StampsDotCom InternetPostage Application .stamps
LPEC Audio .msv
Registration Script .rgs
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .mdi
WinRAR archive .lzh
Registration Entries .key
File Association Manager .mau
Paint Shop Pro 7 Browser Cache File .jbf
ACDSee Pro 3 PSP Bild .pspimage
DWG TrueView Script .scr
GIMP image .xcf
File Association Manager .ddat
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .20
.XLSM file .pages
Windows Media Player .ilj
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .15
ASUS Security Protect Manager Encrypted File .dmf
Windows Desktop Theme Pack .deskthemepack
Dialogic VOX file .cr3
Dialogic VOX file .opdownload
Production multimédia Roxio (DMSM) .dmsm
Dialogic VOX file .rvl
UltimateZip file .pak
Roxio Image File .c2d
P2I File .p2i
DZP File .dzp
Winamp Wiedergabeliste .b4s
OpenDocument Text .odt
Windows Theme Pack .themepack
Psion Series 3 .wve
Reason Song File .rns
Advanced Streaming Redirector File .lsx
Windows Media Player .moff
Qtracker Update .qtp
Blue Iris Video .bvr
sqlite database .sqlite
BBeB Book .lrf
mystrategy Model .msf
Windows Media Player .email
Application .exe
Dialogic VOX file .tlb
Screamtracker 2 Module .stm
Disc Image File .tdi
WinZip File .hqx
Podcast Subscription File .pcast
Adobe Photoshop Elements Image .pdd
Nero Jukebox Audiozusammenstellung .nrj
Corel VideoStudio 12.0 Document .vsp
PowerISO File .mdf
Compiled HTML Help file .chm
Corel Print Style .prs
FTM Backup File 2009 .ftmb
WinRail Benchwork .bdm
Windows Media Player .pfx
Windows Media Player .lrtemplate
Hasselblad Raw Image .3fr
Dialogic VOX file .log1
IrfanView KDC File .kdc
Composer 669 Module .669
Compressed MIDI File .miz
Visual Basic Module .bas
Express Scribe Dictation File .dct
PowerISO File .wim
VLC media file (.vlc) .vlc
Portable Voice Format File .pvf
ACDSee Pro 3 RW2 Bild .rw2
Dialogic VOX file .fnt
backup File .bak
PowerArchiver File .005
LSM Bild .emz
Nemetschek Allplan File .fil
柱状 ファイル .sbf
File Association Manager .c4d
Dialogic VOX file .mogrt
Windows Media Player .log-2018918
File Association Manager .fbw
System Architect device preset file .preset
Dialogic VOX file .jav
Wireshark capture file .enc
Registration Entries .reg
Able RAWer (TIFF) .orf
Windows Batch File .bat
Safari Extension .webarchive
VLC media file (.gxf) .gxf
Microsoft Digital Image Document .mix
Windows Media Player .lwv
Samsung Raw Image .srw
FRx DrillDown File .frd
Minitab Project .mpj
File Association Manager .moi
DZA File .dza
WatchGuard Video Player .wgplayer
BlueStacks Android Package File .xapk
TurboTax 2019 Document .tax2019
TurboTax 2018 Document .tax2018
Dialogic VOX file .heics
Dialogic VOX file .sfk
Video File .qm
Punch! Home Design File .psh
Hacha .0
Detached signature .p7s
YUV תמונה .ithmb
Wave Corrector .ses
MS-DOS Application .com
Open Virtualization Format Distribution Package .ova
Python File .py
Able RAWer (TIFF) .raf
PhotoStudio File .psf
Dialogic VOX file .mpo
Neroカバーウィザードファイル .ncw
CD-ROM (MP3) 編集 .nr3
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Sh .ppsm
MemoriesOnTV Document .ptv
ACDSee Pro 3 RWL Bild .rwl
Windows Media Player .lbxlls
Able RAWer (TIFF) .arw
ACDSee Pro 2.5 SRF Bild .sr2
gsf Document .gsf
AutoCAD ADS Autoload .ads
FlexiDATA backup report file .fbr
File Association Manager .ori
Windows Media Player .lbxadd
iTunes Music Player .koz
TurboTax 2020 Document .tax2020
Windows Media Player .log-2018118
Kontakt Bank .nkb
ACIS SAT Files .sat
MAGIX audio studio MP3 Project .hmp
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image .tub
BIF Image .wbz
Adobe DRM Activation File .edn
PAR2-Wiederherstellungsdatei .par2
OpenDocument Presentation .odp
Microsoft Update Standalone Package .msu
Makefile .mk
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presenta .pptm
Sound Designer II Audio File .sd2
Able RAWer (TIFF) .pef
Able RAWer (TIFF) .x3f
Ashampoo Burning Studio Image .ashdisc
Cakewalk Bundle File .cwb
Playlist file .mpcpl
Windows Command Script .cmd
Design Center .pem
WordPerfect X3-Dokument .wpd
QuickBooks Company Backup File .qbb
PowerArchiver File .002
Finale Notation File .mus
flve document .flve
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .2
Windows Media Player .lpiano
iTunes Music Player .modd
Windows Media Player .rklog
Windows Media Player ._wmv
Chipamp VGZ Chiptune .vgz
Windows Media Player .wgi
CDisplay Ace Archive .cba
Multisim 7 Project File .mp7
Pro/E Markup File .mrk
Windows Media Player .zfsendtotarget
XKR File .xkr
ChessBase Search Booster .cbb
TMPGEnc その場でスライドショー Free版 Project File .ptmproj
Virtual CloneDrive .udf
FTM Family File 2009 .ftm
DiscSpan Compilation .nds
Quicken OFX data .qfx
Dialogic VOX file .vox
Dialogic VOX file .udt
Dialogic VOX file .inv
LP Tracks File .trk
OpenDocument Spreadsheet .123
VisiTrax Library .ldb
Soundforge Wow 64 Format .w64
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet .xlsm
C++ Source .cc
Microsoft Office Excel Binary Worksheet .xlsb
Microsoft Office Access 2007 Database .accdb
Microsoft Word Backup Document .wbk
Nero BackItUp アーカイブファイル .nba
WinZip Zipx File .zipx
Media Clip .mmm
Kindle Content .mobi
Dialogic VOX file .m14
KMP's Playlist File .kpl
MyWinLocker Protected File .egisenc
CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation .axp
Google Gadget .gg
HP Printer Control Language .prn
MPEG-2 Transport Stream .tsa
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .3
PRO100 project .sto
Windows Media Player .qpa
Windows Media Player .hoylecardgamessavedgame
Windows Media Player .prproj
Windows Media Player .log-20181225
TurboTax 2015 Document .tax2015
Windows Media Player ._playmusicid
Windows Media Player .gorgeous!
Free Editor association .lrv
Windows Media Player .fsthumb
Windows Media Player .avi_temp_tmp
Vokator Document .sva
CPC Image Document .cpi
DLS-3 Account Information .dsc
Windows Media Player .dvdfab6
Windows Media Player .polargolfersavedgame
AVC Blu-ray Disc Video .bsf
eMusic Download Manager .emx
Microsoft Flight Simulator Application .flt
VisualMill Part File .vmp
PagePlus Dokument .ppp
PyScripter project file .psproj
ORCA AVA Datenbank .ava
WinRAR archive .arj
Disc Image File .tdp
Microsoft Office Excel Add-In .xla
Crash Dump File .dmp
Hörbuchzusammenstellung .nab
OpenDocument Drawing .odg
ACDSee Pro 3 MEF Bild .mef
ACID Pro 7.0 .acd
RAR StuffIt Archive .cbr
Camtasia Recorder Document .camrec
Trade Manager File Type .trm
Windows Media Player .blackhawkstriker2savedgame
Microsoft Schedule+ Application .sch
MUSHclient World .mcl
OSP File .osp
Punch! Home Design File .phd
CGIファイル .cgi
VideoStripPoker .vs4
C:\Program Files\VideoViewer\videoPlayer\VideoPlay .avc
Chess Game .pgn
すごい位置合わせ Document .tpd
File Association Manager .sqm
Insta360 Panorama video .insv
Windows Media Player .hve
DTH.Document .hm
NOMEDIA File .nomedia
iTunes Music Player .metadata_never_index
Windows Media Player .nwbak
Linear PCM Sound .lpcm
Dirac Video .drc
PowerArchiver File .004
QuickTitler Document .etl
StuffIt Compressed File .1
Windows Media Player .ashleyjonesandtheheartofegyptsavedgame
Windows Media Player .penguinssavedgame
WildTangent PNG File .wpg
{D71BD573-AD49-43C8-8BD6-C05186919EAA} .bfg
Microsoft PowerPoint Settings File .pcb
Painter Document .rif
Dialogic VOX file .obj
AVS Video ReMaker Project .vrp
MSL File .msl
eWallet Document .wlt
Cakewalk Project File .cwp
Secure RealAudio / RealVideo File .rms
CD-ROM (WMA) 編集 .nrw
Able RAWer (TIFF) .mrw
Java Language Source file .java
C/C++ Header .h
HTML Application .hta
C++ Source .cpp
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Template .pot
Text Document .scp
Windows Media Player .database_uuid
Clip Organizer Media Package File .mpf
Export Definition File .def
Dialogic VOX file .act
DVDビデオ編集 .nrd
ビデオCD編集 .nrv
Rhapsody 2 Playlist .rpl
MAGIX Video .mxv
ROX Image File .rox
MSE File .mse
Microsoft Program Group .grp
Serif DrawPlus Drawing .dpp
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild .fff
Windows Media Player .dreamchronicles2savedgame
PaperPort Document .max
AutoCAD DXF Image .dxf
MediaCenter.15.Pack .mjs
Projet MyDVD .dmsd
Animated Wallpaper .dream
Icon Library .icl
VideoImpression File .vi Mail Dokument .smd
RS4 Setting .ws
aac music file .sdi
Lotus Freelance 9 Content Master .smc
PowerArchiver ZIP File .z64
Lenel Digital Video file .info
Hackman Watches File .wtc
TrashReplay .replay
ESB File .esb
マップルカード ファイル .rcc
StatView Dataset File .svd
ニ、ニ、モホマキーイラーー・ .pgi
Windows Media Player .hd
Quicknote .rem
Touch Project .clip
File Association Manager .hmt
Windows Media Player .lbxdat
TurboTax 2014 Document .tax2014
Video Suite: Edit Video .mepx
TechSmith Project .tscproj
Windows Media Player .screenrec
iTunes Music Player .video_stored_positions
Windows Media Player .jpg_small
iTunes Music Player .jpg_large
Windows Media Player .thumbdataindex3--1967290299
cat cam .recording
Kinko's File Prep Tool file .kdf
Windows Media Player .wheeloffortune2savedgame
HiCAD Körper Archiv .kra
MediaFile (.raw) .ari
VIZ Render Scene .drf
SharpFiling Cabinet Link .sfl
Sudoku puzzle .sdk
Otrkey File .otrkey
ChessBase Database .cbe
PC5 Map File .pvm
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .28
PowerShell XML .ps1xml
InPage Document .inp
TurboIRC Macro .tmc
YUV תמונה .tn3
SimpleSend Transfer Configuration .ssf
Solid Package File .pkg
HD Photo (JPEG XR) .jxr
EMOTION.Package .eip
Microsoft Rights Managed HTML Document .rpmsg
File Association Manager .ds_store
LabelCreator Pro .c00
Meta Media Video E-Mail .vem
Band-in-a-Box Song .sgu
IBM DB2 Object .dcs
Dialogic VOX file .iiq
MAGIX Burn Project .mbp
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild .bay
DirectX X-File .x
PowerTab File Format .ptb
BitZipper SWM Archive .swm
k25 Raw-Image .k25
XFDL Document .xfdl
eMule Collection File .emulecollection
Netscape Theme or Extension Package .xpi
Dialogic VOX file .nls
Layout & Editing .pes
avast! license file .avastlic 1.1 Drawing Template .std
InDesign Document .indd
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image .psp
ACDSee Pro 2.5 RAW Bild .mos
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document .fdf
Migration Store .mig
Microsoft Office Outlook Profile Settings .prf
Wireshark capture file .cap
Microsoft Visio Document .vsx
ASP.NET Generic Handler .ashx
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table .dbf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .crw
Upek Single File Archive Class .ueaf
Dialogic VOX file .trg
Google SketchUp LayOut Document .layout
Windows Media Player .farmfrenzysavedgame
PageMaker.Plugin .add
Windows Media Player .finaldrivefurysavedgame
Kindle Content .azw
ACID Pro 7.0 .acd-zip
muvee Unicode Document .mvex
Microsoft Schedule+ Application .sc2
Windows Media Player .fatesavedgame
Windows Media Player .chuzzledeluxesavedgame
Windows Media Player .pokersuperstars3savedgame
Wireless Bitmap Image .wbm
DataPilot Calendar File .dps
Windows Media Player .pando
Open Financial Exchange File .ofx
Windows Media Player .johndeeredrivegreensavedgame
Windows Media Player .mahjongmedleysavedgame
Windows Media Player .plantsvszombiessavedgame
File Association Manager .efw
Audible Download Helper .adh
qwpfile .pfl
REAPER Project File .rpp
Roxio Markup Sound .rxs
DMM電子書籍ファイル .dmmb
Windows Media Player .zumasrevengesavedgame
Air Attack Authentication File .aaa
EarMaster Language File .lan
MPlayer Video File .26l
MPlayer Video File .jsv
Dazzling Reflections Document .ksp
Meeting File .met
Windows Media Player .dorasworldadventuresavedgame
ConceptDraw Document .cdd
ColorExchangeFormat Document .cxf
Public-key encrypted file .fcm
ev101 Document .ver
File Association Manager .sbv
Windows Media Player .joined
3B File .bbb
Dartclip files .dartclip
File Association Manager .strings
Movienizer Database File .dmo
MPEG File .jvt
Autopano File .pano
Acronis True Image Backup Archive .tib
MemoryMixer 3 Album .sb3
SecretExplorer Document .wse
Windows Media Player .torchlightsavedgame
TRUMPF-mi .mi
EnCase Index File .index
LSM Bild .vpb
弥生顧客 08 データファイル .cd4
Windows Media Player .farmscapessavedgame
Windows Media Player ._jpg
File Association Manager .asec
Windows Media Player .bejeweled3savedgame
Windows Media Player .cradleofrome2savedgame
Windows Media Player .lettersfromnowhere2savedgame
Windows Media Player .jewelquestmysteries7thgatesavedgame
Windows Media Player .jewelmatch3savedgame
File Association Manager .njb
Windows Media Player .unk
PhotoStudio .virtualvillagers4thetreeoflifesavedgame
Windows Media Player .rollercoastertycoon3platinumsavedgame
Google presentation .gslides
Windows Media Player .luxorhdsavedgame
Windows Media Player .treasuresmysteryislandghostshipsavedgame
File Association Manager .ies
Windows Media Player .quicktime
Windows Media Player .txtdt
.mgsvr .mgsvr
Video Clip .jpgs
Media Center file .heif
mklk File .mklk
dzbl File .dzbl
pdlay File .pdlay
Dialogic VOX file .dtcp-ip
Dialogic VOX file .3mf
Dialogic VOX file .avci
PDLCP File .pdlcp
dzep File .dzep
dztr File .dztr
File Association Manager .hif
Windows Media Player .lqm
Crazy Talk Project File .ctiproject
Windows Media Player .cdx51
TurboTax 2021 Document .tax2021
Windows Media Player .btwsendto
Windows Media Player .log-201894
File Association Manager .schematic
Free Opener association .dropbox
vMix Preset File .vmix
CDADJ ファイル .cdadj
KuaiZip 03 Archive file .03
DZ3DT File .dz3dt
VMoo World .vmw
iTunes Music Player .thumbdata3--1967290299
PDADJ File .pdadj
PMPX seed file .pmpx
HiCAD-Zeichenteil .ztl
Windows Media Player .cont
Pinned Site Shortcut .website
Icon .icns
VideoWorks Project Files .vwp
Nestopia iNES File .nes
Simtower File .tdt
Intelligent Audio File .iaf
Phoenix Backup-Auftrag .phx
使手帳 .nbf
Information Card .hds
VersaCheck 2002 .vdf
Dupeless Search File .dlp
Windows Media Player .ob!
YUV תמונה .pe4
xfy View Designer Document .xvd
PowerArchiver File .022
PowerArchiver File .009
PowerArchiver File .011
PowerArchiver File .014
Caligari Rosetta Recording .rcd
PVCNC_Control70 Control .job
Subtitle File .sub
DsgnChkRpt Document .drp
DVD Photo Slideshow Professional Project File .pdm
Maya Binary File .mb
桐 フォーム .wfm
WavePad Sound EditorDatei .dart
AxCrypt Security Wrapped .axx
Text Document .conf
MySecurityVault Vault File .vlt
Easy CD Creator Project .cl5
Business Card Maker 32 Document .bcd
Single Document Setting .dvs
Broderbund Poster Type .sig
MPEG-1 Audio Stream .mpa2
Serif PhotoPlus Picture .j2k
Download Accelerator Skin file .dzs
IncrediMail Content .imn
QuickBooks Accountant Transfer File .qbx
SFV Checksum File .sfv
ACDSee Pro 3 SFIL Video .sfil
Phantom Drive Image .phi
ACDSee Pro 3 QTPF Video .qtpf
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn .8bf
Roxio SlideShow .dmss
Yahoo! Music Jukebox File .pcm
Navisworks Cache .nwc
GSD File .gsd
Mixcraft 5 Project .mx5
GPG Encrypted File .gpg
MTV Raytrace Image .mtv
Dialogic VOX file .tsv
Dialogic VOX file .man
KMP - ASS Subtitle File .ass
EasyLanguageDocumentFile .eld
BigPond Downloader File .bpd
Dialogic VOX file .dbs
WUFI® Film-Document .fid
InstallShield project file .mst
PDL File .pdl
Session Description Protocol .sdp
mohfile .moh
DZT File .dzt
DZM File .dzm
Video deluxe arrangement .mvd
RealArcade Game Installer .rgi
Flash Document .fla
Visual InterDev Project .vip
XPS Document .dwfx
Macromedia Flash Paper .mfp
Microsoft Office Access View Shortcut .mav
Linker Address Map .map
Raw Midi Sample Dump Standard File .sds
Audio Visual Research File .avr
Wireshark capture file .erf
Microsoft Office Excel Workspace .xlw
Paint.NET Image .pdn
NoiseTracker Module .nst
Microsoft Works Database .wdb
eVC 3/4 Project .vcp
Journal Template .jtp
Help File .hlp
PhotoCD Image .pcd
Flash ActionScript File .as
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Application .app
Nero BackItUp テンプレートファイル .nbt
Windows Media Player .gzr
PHP3 Script .php3
PHP4 Script .php4
テキスト ドキュメント .pmp
Retrospect Run Document .rrr
Dialogic VOX file .sbr
Dialogic VOX file .text
AR Pro 7 Saved Formula .08a
Winamp media file .dsm
GCD Image .gcd
1-2-3 Worksheet .wk4
Windows Media Player .lex
DAZ Script (binary) .dsb
Epson Print CD Document .ec4
UltimateZip file .wsz
Nokia Application Installer Datei .sis
MediaCenter.15.Subscribe .opml
Nullsoft Streaming Video File .nsv
Microsoft Money backup file .mbf
Source Game Add-on .vpk
SmartDraw Drawing .sdr
Flexible Image Transport System .fit
Chrome Extension Installer .crx
BitZipper XZ Archive .xz
Band-in-a-Box Song .mgu
TUGZip WinAmp skin archive .wal
MyPasswordManager.Document .apm
n-Track Studio wav peak file .npk
Disk Image .do
JadSplit Info File .000
Directory Opus Command File .dcf
Poster File .pos
Windows Media Player .xlsmhtml
Windows Media Player .eprt
Dialogic VOX file .odc
KeePass Password Database .kdbx
Windows Media Player .grannyinparadisesavedgame
ActivInspire Flipchart .flipchart
Qtracker PlayerWatch Skin .qts
PaperOffice Dokumentverknüpfung .paper
PowerArchiver File .028
File Association Manager .id
unInstallShield Log File .isu
Selteco Photo Lab Image .phl
File Association Manager .ax
????(.dvix) .dvix
PlanCAD-L dessin .plf
File Association Manager .lock
Windows Media Player .avi[1]
andrew's pic .iphoto
Quartus II Block/Schematic File .bdf
Windows Media Player .xst
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .5
Windows Gadget .gadget
360desktop Panorama .360
AutostartAdministrator-Sicherung .aas
EasyBCD recovery & stage files .efi
Web.Location .webloc
Winamp media file .spc
Pro Tools I/O Settings .pio
Adobe Encore DVD Project .ncor
ContractEdge Document .ced
File Association Manager .mv_
Disketch Project .deproj
Windows Media Player .ocdf
TurboTax 2012 Document .tax2012
Windows Media Player .saac
Windows Media Player .thumb
Windows Media Player .eer5
OPV Player .opv
Windows Media Player .jpge
Windows Media Player .yoak
Windows Media Player .jpg&maxw=860
Windows Media Player .jpg_name=small
Windows Media Player .log-2018114
Windows Media Player .849c9593-d756-4e56-8d6e-42412f2a707b
Windows Media Player .ilj8
Windows Media Player .pz
Windows Media Player .loaded_0
Windows Media Player ._83142-saab_9-3_2003-2007
Windows Media Player .thumbdata4-1763508120
Windows Media Player .driveupload
EasyWorship Schedule File .ewsx
File Association Manager .!qb
File Association Manager .aby
File Association Manager .wrpl
Dialogic VOX file .avifs
TurboTax 2016 Document .tax2016
Windows Media Player .musicloop
Windows Media Player .device_info_1042a392-562d-4416-9300-2ecfa8665e6a
Windows Media Player .device_info_1da03175-f05e-4e07-b5de-63119a8209f4
Windows Media Player .jpg_medium
Windows Media Player .comxddwxe0s4nglssslb4r22xeqdb4bx4jixkhgy1v
Windows Media Player .wsbdmconf
Windows Media Player .z324
Windows Media Player .glh
Windows Media Player .exposurex3
Windows Media Player .~mp4
VibrationVIEW Random Data File .vrd
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .480
File Association Manager .pkpass
MyDVD Project .mydvd
File Association Manager .ap
File Association Manager .db-wal
File Association Manager .dcproj
File Association Manager .gis
Windows Media Player .avi_idx
Windows Media Player .jsonlz4
ImageManager .ivi
Application .8ek
Windows Media Player .s01e03
Windows Media Player .mp4_
Windows Media Player .a^i
Windows Media Player .bvi
Windows Media Player .unknown_video
Windows Media Player .log-20181010
Windows Media Player .ms_
Windows Media Player .log-2018121
Windows Media Player .afpk
Windows Media Player .log-20181212
Active-HDL VHDL Source Code .vhs
File Association Manager .zl
媒体文件(.mp41) .mp41
Windows Media Player .2994807951
Windows Media Player .db-journal
Windows Media Player .ese2
KuaiZip 04 Archive file .04
Windows Media Player .nbak
Dialogic VOX file .props
KuaiZip 02 Archive file .02
Windows Media Player .identifier
File Association Manager .dinfo
File Association Manager .temp
File Association Manager .xnb
Windows Media Player .arv
Windows Media Player .v264
Roland TD-20 Backup .td0
File Association Manager .mso
SNEdit .tec
QuoteWorks Installation File .qw
NBG Name Checker file .dnc
ModelBrowser Document Database .mbd
File Association Manager .lid
Windows Media Player .rid
52DISKL マルチレイアウトファイル .mlt
Tekla Structures Model .db1
File Association Manager .avery
Windows Media Player .nfd_audio
Windows Media Player .nfd_data
Express Zip File Compression .qpkg
EXACT Lock File .lck
Network Manager Backup Files .vfs4
ActiveWords Application .awa
JavaScript PopUpMenu Builder 2006.Document .jpb
Preference Settings .prefs
ReCycle REX2 File .rx2
Microsoft Graph 2000-Diagramm .gra
File Association Manager .cache
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .4
Movica Movie Clips .moviclip
JMicroVision Project File .jmv
Icarus distortion project .ipd
2010 Ohio Spousal Support Calculator .mab
Video Clip .divxmpg4v3
Windows Media Player .bt!
AVG Diagnostics file .avd
Binary .gba
Coffee Document .tag
SQLite database .db3
RegRun Run Job .chl
SimpleCoversheet Barcode Template .xcs
PowerArchiver ZIP File .z01
3D Home Architect Deluxe File .pl3
[ProductName] File .qic
PAD Dokument .pad
Me File .me
MLS Document .mls
Photo Album .albm
StuffIt Encoded File .pf
ArcSoft Album File .abm
PowerArchiver File .006
SMART Video Player Playlist .vpl
SolidWorks Assembly Document .sldasm
PhotoPrinter File .ppl
NEW File .new
ArchiCAD Solo Project Archive .pla
ツカエル経理 バックアップファイル .blb
ツカエル経理 データファイル .blf
ACDSee Photo Disc Data File .ddf
n-Track Studio Song File .sng
WinImage .dsk
WinImage .wlz
DigiOnSound File .dgs
TurboCAD Drawing .tcw
Beamer Layout File .bel
Actify SpinFire .3D WorkSpace .3d
PassManager Password Database .spm
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .107
Preclick PhotoMovieMaker .pmm
TuneUp Anmeldebildschirm .tls
SPSS Data Document .sav
Broderbund Envelope Type .env
GOM Media file(.dmb) .dmb
Wireless Bitmap Image .wbmp
Microsoft Money file .mny
Quicken Import File .qif
RIFF 64 .rf64
Media Center file .mp+
MediaCenter.15.Pack .mjp
Vuze File .vuze
Persona Session .psa
Photostage Project .spj
MYOB JustInvoices Database Backup .dbk
QuickBooks Company File .qbw
Garmin GPS Database .gdb
Nokia Multimedia Player file .mms
CD-ROM (SecurDisc) Compilation .nbs
Broderbund Half Fold Card .hcr
UltimateZip file .ear
Ashampoo Backup Archive .ashbak
FreeMind File .mm
Print Shop Project .pdc
System Monitor File .pma
CorelDRAW 12.0 Graphic .cdt
HTML File .action
Native Instruments Maschine Project File .mprj
TI Connect Data File .tid
SnagIt Editor Image .snag
Inventory File Type .idb
Intel Integrator Toolkit Framework Edition Workspa .itw
Adobe Audition FFT .fft
Caliper Standard Geographic Database .dbd
Cakewalk Bundle File .bun
Moneydance Data .md
Zynewave Podium Project File .pod
Dialogic VOX file .vbx
Market Profile File Type .emp
MAGIX Playlist .plr
Scrapbook Factory Embellishments .seb
Dialogic VOX file .local
DeepBurner file .dbr
CD-ROM (ブータブル) 編集 .nrb
Neroジョブテンプレートファイル .njt
Nero BackItUp 情報ファイル .nbi
Digital sheet music .mtd
Windows Media Encoder Session .wme
Nullsoft Streaming Audio File .nsa
AIM Buddy List File .blt
eFax Messenger Document .efx
RealVideo Protected .rvx
VMware virtual machine configuration .vmx
WinRAR archive .ace
Legacy Search Query File .fnd
Compressed Fasttracker 2 Module .xmz
Intel PROSet/Wireless AutoImport File .p10
AutoCAD Menu Template .mnu
MacPaint Image .mac
WinZip File .mim
Outlook Bar Shortcuts .fav
Microsoft Office Word Template .dotx
VC++ 6 Project .dsp
VC++ 6 Workspace .dsw
Diagnostic Cabinet .diagcab
.ComfyCakesSave-ms .comfycakessave-ms
Microsoft Office Access Table Shortcut .mat
Microsoft Office Access Database Wizard Template .mdz
Windows Live Mail News Message .nws
Microsoft Visio Drawing .vsd
.SolitaireSave-ms .solitairesave-ms
Microsoft SQL Server Query File .sql
XEVGENXML File .xevgenxml
Microsoft Office Excel Template .xlt
Microsoft Office Excel Template .xltx
Amiga Oktalyzer Module .okt
PolyTracker Module .ptm
Paris Audio File .paf
IRCAM Sound File .sf
Compressed Screamtracker 3 Module .s3z
Compressed Screamtracker 2 Module .stz
Fasttracker 2 Waveform .xi
Dolby Very Low Bitrate AAC File .vlb
Ultratracker Module .ult
DSMI AMF Module .amf
Microsoft Office Access Template .accdt
Farandole Composer Module .far
Hidden Markov Model Toolkit Speech Recognition Fil .htk
Apple Audio Interchange File .iff
Compressed Impulsetracker Module .itz
Firefox Document .xhtml
Microsoft Office Access ACCDE Database .accde
XSL Stylesheet .xsl
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide .sldx
.SpiderSolitaireSave-ms .spidersolitairesave-ms
Microsoft Common Console Document .msc
Resource Script .rc2
Digital ID File .p7c
.MinesweeperSave-ms .minesweepersave-ms
Microsoft Office Access Add-in .mda
Microsoft Office Access MDE Database .mde
JScript Encoded File .jse
.ChessTitansSave-ms .chesstitanssave-ms
Class Diagram file .cd
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Document .docm
Contact Group File .group
.HeartsSave-ms .heartssave-ms
MacPaint Image .pnt
Microsoft Analysis Server MDX File .mdx
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Menu .mnx
Visual Basic Form File .frm
iPod Game File .ipg
Active Server Document .jsp
OpenType Font file .otf
Adobe After Effects Project .aep
Dialogic VOX file .ast
Visual Basic Class Module .cls
Microsoft Access Web Application .accdw 1.1 Text Document .sxw
Windows Grep parameter file .par
DesignPro54.ZDL .zdl
スーパービデオCD編集 .nsd
CD-ROM (ハイブリッド) 編集 .nrh
ミックスモードCD編集 .nrm
CD-ROM (EFIブータブル) 編集 .nrs
CD-ROM (UDF) 編集 .nru
Nero分割ファイル .nc_
Nero BackItUpドライブアーカイブファイル .nda
HD-BURN ビデオ編集 .nhv
Neroジョブ情報ファイル .nji
miniDVD編集 .nmd
Nero CDカバーテンプレート .nct
CD-ROM (UDF/ISO) 編集 .nrc
Spyware supplemental file .sbs
DAMN NFO Viewer file .diz
HTML Document .shtm
StarOffice 5.0 テンプレート .vor
GrabIt NZB file .nzb
Dialogic VOX file .in_
Dialogic VOX file .fif
DiamondWare Digitized file .dwd
PowerArchiver RAR File .01
Dialogic VOX file .dir
Army Builder Import File .ab
Unhandled Extension Handler Finder .ixb
VQF Audio File .vqf
Symbol Search File Type .ess
WIBU Control File .rtm
8 bit signed file .sam
CD&DVD LabelMaker File .alp
CDLS Document .stp
Easyquizz (Question) .qml
TomTom Binary .ov2
Music .mt2
Mixcraft 4 Project .mx4
Cakewalk MIDI Sequence .mff
Windows Media Player .cwm
OmniForm Form .ofm
Microsoft Reader .fls
Access Connections location profile database .loc
Starcraft Scenario .scm
Scratch Project .sb
TotalMedia ShowBiz File .tms
Napster Label Creator File .jwl
FTW Family File .ftw
AutoCAD Sheet Set .dst
Greeting Card Factory Pop-up Card Craft .fcp
Compiled Visual dBASE Menu Bar .mno
Scrap object .shs
Blender .blend File .blend
PhotoCD-Playlist .m3x
Harpoon Game - HDS8 .hpd
1-2-3 Worksheet .wrk
Fotos auf CD & DVD 9 deluxe-Projekt .mph
PUP package (Puppy Linux) .pup
DYMO Label File .label
MD5 Checksum File .md5
WinUtilities Document Protector .pfd
ACID Pro 7.0 .acd-bak
UltimateZip Pk3 File .pk3
Panorama .xxx
Broderbund Calendar .cal
IrfanView DJVU File .djvu
IrfanView FSH File .fsh
IrfanView LDF File .ldf
BDMV Compilation .nbv
AVCHD(TM) BD Compilation .nhb
AVCHD(TM) DVD Compilation .nhd
Nero SoundTrax File .npf
Coffee Document .snp
Digital Video movie .dvsd
VT Transaction+ Template .vtt
OmniPage Image File .xif
File Association Manager .nth
Virtual CloneDrive .ccd
Google SketchUp Model .skp
PMF File .pmf
CSF file .csf
SVG Document .svgz
Studio Project .stu
Streets & Trips Template .stt
Roxio PhotoShow .photoshow
String Table .str
Lossless JPEG .ljp
Kindle Content .tpz
Gomplayer Skin File .gps
Video Effect Package Installer .lvf
Art Explosion Publisher Pro Database .sdb
ACD 3D Settings .3ds
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe .wb1
Mein Geld Datenbank .tdb
IrfanView SFW File .sfw
GOM Media file(.skm) .skm
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .12
Windows Media Player .wsb
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .10
MediaMan Collection File .mmc
Netscape Conference Call File .nsc
ExifPro Image Catalog .catalog
The Journal - Export File .jnx
MET'S MediaLook Ver1.5 .mld
Filzip file .fea
MyDatabase Document .edb
CadStd Drawing .cad
W02Tax File .id2
RFFlow Chart .flo
Hallmark Card Studio Project .hmk
MX950Document .mxa
MemoryMixer Album .sb2
Map Service Definition .msd
DVDStyler Project .dvds
SecurID .sdtid
Windows Media Player .787
TARGET 3001! Project (Backup) .bk2
Effect File .fx
Desktoppaints Animation Files .asw
File Association Manager .nk2
File Verification Database .crc
Outlook Express Mail Box .dbx
PHB File .phb
LabelCreator Pro .c04
ECF File .ecf
SolidWorks Part Document .sldprt
内緒情報 .sec
This is a document file for Paraben's Resume Wizard .wrf
Fichier perso .pm2
PowerArchiver File .007
PowerArchiver File .008
迅雷专有下载文件 .td
筆まめ文面ファイルタイプ .fwb
DM Video Project File .dmv
Punch! Home Design File .pro
Unfinished Download .getright
OrCAD Capture Lite Edition 9.20 .olb
Business-in-a-Box Document .btd
Roxio PhotoSuite Show Document .pssd
CoPilot Document .cpd
ACT! E-mail Message .det
フォルダ同期 .fsd
GIZMO Gadget Installer .gir
Corel Calculate Document .aws
MasterCook MealPlan .pln
VLC media file (.xa) .xa
Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .
C:\Program Files\VideoViewer\videoPlayer\VideoPlay .dv4
Filme auf DVD 8-Projekt .mfi
PowerArchiver File .033
PowerArchiver File .051
PowerArchiver File .015
PowerArchiver File .017
PowerArchiver File .021
Humorous Greeting Card Factory Announcement .han
File Association Manager .mpq
Windows Media Player .nng
VentaFax Delivery Schedule File .vfs
File Association Manager .rmbak
Text Document .m04
DIMIN Viewer n5 Image .mjp2
Skin Builder Style Project .cjstyles
Economatica Preformatted Screen .glv
YUV תמונה .mgr
YUV תמונה .pi2
YUV תמונה .spu
YUV תמונה .thb
QuickTake Question Bank .qtb
File Association Manager .properties
File Association Manager ._eml
Konfigurationsdatei .i3e
Dialogic VOX file .popvideo
Windows Media Player .feverfrenzysavedgame
すごピタ! テンプレート .mj2
Windows Media Player .ieb
Cadwork 2DR listing .bdr
.AEX .aex
地図行政区 .adm
Indexdatei für A-Z Finder .tix
MIDI-OX SysEx .syx
System Architect device file .device
vNote .vnt
NÜRNBERGER FINplus-Angebot .fin
Polar .pol
Windows Media Player .megamanager
AppleWorks 5 Document .cwk
Windows Media Player .jpg_
File Association Manager .rfo
File Association Manager .aba
CCS Fix File .fix
Windows Media Player .xmml
Windows Media Web Audio/Video File .wmwebasf
Windows Media Web Shortcut .wmwebasx
Windows Media Web NSC Redirector .wmwebnsc
SampleTank Instrument .sth
Reflection for ReGIS Graphics Command File .rc4
wi-spy recording .wsx
Windows Media Player .swu
Windows Media Player .wmv-
Timeline Maker Student Document .tlm
iαppliTool で開く (&O) .jam
LabEditor Def File .led
Hammer Reminders Data .rm2
Apple Macintosh Icon .rsrc
2003 CANTAX T2 Return .c03
Visual Staff Scheduler Document .vsc
Data .data
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .45
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .312
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .24
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .88
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .53
Artweaver Events .awe
URL:Eye Protocol .eye
Artisan ACS cache .shm
3D Designer Wohnung .bvh
Deployment Diagram file .dd
PCStitch Stitched Font .stf
VxViewer .vvf
Dialogic VOX file .axd
Alphacam Laser Macro .alm
Alphacam Router VBA Project .arb
InVideo Project File .vam
Battery Cell .cl3
ReCycle REX File .rex
Dialogic VOX file .nmh-stream
KiSS Document .cnf
Windows Media Player .kgb
MySync Address File .msa
Mystica Image .mys
NeuroScan Avg .avg
EP .ep
FlashDevelop Snippet File .fds
XPV File .xpv
TheRecord Session document .trs
ProfiCADPPD Document .ppd
Windows Media Player .acs
DarkAdapted Presets File .dap
MediaFACE Document .ntp
SmartLink Single PSX Save File .mcb
Crash Dump File .kdmp
Windows Media Player .reapindex
5DQDCreator.Document .4qb
2000 CANTAX T2 Return .c01
Kelk2K Document .klk
BIF Image .afl
SQLite3 database .sqlite3
3GPP Audio/Video .3gp_backup
Windows Media Audio/Video file .asf_backup
Video Clip .avi_backup
Movie Clip .m1v_backup
AVCHD Video .m2ts_backup
Movie Clip .m2v_backup
QuickTime Movie .mov_backup
MP4 Video .mp4_backup
Movie Clip .mpeg_backup
Movie Clip .mpe_backup
Movie Clip .mpg_backup
MPEG-2 TS Video .ts_backup
Windows Media Audio/Video file .wmv_backup
Windows Media Audio/Video file .wm_backup
Video Clip .ty
Drum Map File .drm
Phone pictures .tn
Neo Geo Pocket Rom File .ngp
xas .xas
Model Project .mproj
LaTeX Auxiliaries .aux
Windows Media Player .gif_labels=clearlake
Windows Media Player .pm$
GameFinder Video file .tlv
Windows Media Player .xvid-taste
Windows Media Player .3g0
VMP video file (.clpi) .clpi
FretlightVideoPlayer extension .fvp
File Association Manager .cfge
Akelius Dokument 2007 fil .ldw
DT Max T2 client tax file for 2002 .c02
realdownload file .realdownload
File Association Manager .dat_old
Windows Media Player .dmsk
File Association Manager .itc2
TurboTax 2010 Document .tax2010
Video file .avm
Windows Media Player .imoviemobile
SL2100 PC Pro document .sl2
Microsoft Visio Document .vsdx
Windows Media Player .ds0
gnuplot コマンドスクリプト .gp
Windows Media Player .eml[1]
File Association Manager .ldif
Windows Media Player .x64
File Association Manager .azw3
Windows Media Player .event
iTunes Music Player .thumbdata3-1763508120
File Association Manager .apalbum
Windows Media Player .undefined
File Association Manager .zzz
LogOnce Information File .lo
Vectric Aspire Clipart File .3dclip
File Association Manager .!ut
Windows Media Player .__m4v
Windows Media Player .xit
Windows Media Player .i01
Exodus II .exo
PCLink .pclx
Windows Media Player .00006
Windows Media Player .refs
Windows Media Player .pdf_=
Windows Media Player .p4
Windows Media Player .audinfo
Windows Media Player .ol_
Windows Media Player .vng_meta
Windows Media Player .log-2018922
Windows Media Player .afg
Windows Media Player .jpg%3ffit%3d1200%252c630%26ssl%3d1&cfs=1&sx=0&sy=
Windows Media Player .xlx
Windows Media Player .hpdata
Windows Media Player .jepg
CDラベルプロダクションSimple7文書 .sp7
Windows Media Player .log-2018830
Windows Media Player .jpg5d4d8f45
Windows Media Player .groups
Windows Media Player .strapping
Windows Media Player .parts
Windows Media Player .tf_prepare_cnt
Windows Media Player .2004100949housecam1
Windows Media Player .png&sns=z100&snp=3
Windows Media Player .jrg
Windows Media Player .log-20181027
Windows Media Player .mp2t
Windows Media Player .gstudio
Windows Media Player .v1498065035
Windows Media Player .v1616252515
Windows Media Player .mylock_01c7f27d6e16e6a0abf3b0671e9bad5516f047997f
Windows Media Player .48%20pm
Windows Media Player .mbpv2
pc matic .0-setup[1]
PROMAN Max Data Rate UL File .mdu
VBOX Test Suite .vbo
Windows Media Player .g64x
Windows Media Player .ilj7
Windows Media Player .log-2018124
Windows Media Player .2f81
Windows Media Player .timestamp
Windows Media Player .log-2018101
iTunes Music Player .xmpses
Windows Media Player .767114078183756_0
Windows Media Player .lris
Windows Media Player .log-201892
Windows Media Player .log-201893
File Association Manager .ibooks
File Association Manager .ibro
File Association Manager .imj
File Association Manager .mani
File Association Manager .ny
League of Legends replay file .rofl
TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7 Project file .tvmw7
G-code toolpath .gcode
TechSmith Recording .trec
Panstoria Artisan 5 Page .artpage
TurboTax 2017 Document .tax2017
Blackmagic Raw Clip .braw
Windows Media Player .480p
Windows Media Player .720p
Windows Media Player .cathy
Windows Media Player ._wow!!
Windows Media Player .docx=
Windows Media Player .snx
Windows Media Player .enc_backup
Windows Media Player .log-20181220
Windows Media Player .v1514720040
Windows Media Player .ntbs
Windows Media Player .co_
Windows Media Player .hvc1
Windows Media Player .thumbdata4--1967290299
Windows Media Player .??
Windows Media Player .gif_noredirect
Windows Media Player .device_info_0c353a78-2374-401f-80d4-c915dea78400
Windows Media Player .v1498044127
Windows Media Player .wn3w__ca7ecspov3p7r7di
Windows Media Player .brianna1
Windows Media Player .brianna2
Windows Media Player .mts1
Windows Media Player .snuuid
TurboTax 2022 Document .tax2022
DL.Document .co2
Windows Media Player .pro6
Windows Media Player .vdjsample
Windows Media Player .~tmp
Windows Media Player .ba2
EngView Design Frame .evf
Windows Media Player .dymo
TTML - File .ttml
V2 File .v2
Finale Notation File .musx
ACDSee Ultimate 2019 AFPHOTO Image .afphoto
Dialogic VOX file .avcs
Movavi Video Editor 14 .mepb
File Association Manager .zz
Windows Media Player .archive
Zoom Recording File .zoom
Windows Media Player .bookexport
File Association Manager .geojson
PhotoPad Image Editor .log-2018826
PExprt 2020.1 Buck Document .cia
Dialogic VOX file .appinstaller
Dialogic VOX file .msixbundle
File Association Manager .unknown
Windows Media Player .ilj9
Wondershare FilmoraPro Project .wfpproj
IdeaPlusEng .ipe
萌年表ドキュメント .npo
BESTCOMSPlus Setting Files .bst4
Windows Media Player .0-options
Windows Media Player .studio3
Windows Media Player .voucher
Windows Media Player .jp0
Windows Media Player .corelshow
Windows Media Player .medialib
Windows Media Player .jwt
Windows Media Player .mcmemoriesinfo
Windows Media Player ._music
Windows Media Player .edmp
Windows Media Player .cmmcd
Windows Media Player .5332646667
Windows Media Player .insprj
Windows Media Player .v1548683341
Windows Media Player .i-1
Windows Media Player .2021)
Windows Media Player .hue
Windows Media Player .crswap
Windows Media Player .hyde
Windows Media Player .roger
Windows Media Player .png&sns=z125&snp=3
Windows Media Player ._wma
Windows Media Player .ewc
Windows Media Player .slhi-
Windows Media Player .v1538479320
Windows Media Player .tmrecordhdr
Windows Media Player .pssdata
Windows Media Player .v1510739648
Windows Media Player .vma
Windows Media Player .mid5a16a8ae
Windows Media Player .fuzetv
Windows Media Player .sz2
Windows Media Player .device_info_af1206a3-0def-4857-ba45-26890efae5db
Windows Media Player .mp3mstemp
Windows Media Player .vdjstems
Windows Media Player .phd-journal
Windows Media Player .com_items_55b05849fa723eea21112173acustomthumbnai
Windows Media Player .mp3demo
Windows Media Player .com/165641356/de97340dc5
Windows Media Player .calbum
Windows Media Player .vom
Windows Media Player .pvbav
Windows Media Player .qm92xyaiyv8k
Windows Media Player ._karoake
Windows Media Player .securevaulttempfilesro
Windows Media Player .crc32
Windows Media Player .tmcpr
Windows Media Player .q7fcifg3681fmks_
Windows Media Player .ipak
Windows Media Player ._cg
Windows Media Player .uptmp
Snagit Editor Image .snagx
Vrew edit file for video. .vrew
Windows Media Player .pspworkspace
Windows Media Player .mxdl
Note Radio Data .note
Windows Media Player .log-2018129
Windows Media Player .livp
Windows Media Player .da_
Windows Media Player .upn
File Association Manager .if
File Association Manager .ibt
Windows Media Player .jdr
File Association Manager .at5
iTunes Music Player .smfmf
Acrobat User Interface .aaui
FormsCentral Design Template .fcdt
tabview2 .bjo
Pathloss 5.1 Network .gr5
Windows Media Player .ppn
POWERDVD File .powerdvd
FileWedge Configuration File .fw
Neat Data File .nwdb
Windows Media Player .ch_
File Association Manager .browser
Windows Media Player .__
DirectMusic Band (Design) .bnp
Windows Media Player .rsz
Inspector Result File .insp
File Association Manager .unl
iTunes Live Stream File .itls
CodeWarrior GTD File .file
FOSI Stylesheet .fos
Windows Media Player ._p
Gerbv Project File .gvp
Chipamp VGM Stream .brstm
Windows Media Player .cmj
TRL Document .t18
Atari 2600 Rom File .a26
File Association Manager .sequ
JP概念特徴タームファイル .sse
DDS Source - Logical File .lf
Capture Document .cef
Windows Media Player .tly
Guide Letter or Document .gdoc
QuickPlay media file .eac3
ACDualClient Temp Copy File .acdc
Page File Type .pg
CyberGestion .cm
QUALCOMM Hex Image .hex
Livedrive online file .ld
M3P_File .m3p
SciEd Primer .pd4
Shuriken動作定義ファイル .aaf
.BIG File .big
Encrypted jpg file .jpgx
Adobe Acrobat PDFXML Document .pdfxml
Report Builder Shared Dataset .rsd
Map Maker drawing .dra
Saved Previous Version of Document .bk
Timed Backup for the Screenwriter Document .tmb
Easy CD Creator Document .cl4
Sonicfire Pro Project File .seq
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .6
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .22
SystemUp 2009 Profil .sup
FTM Story File 2019 .ftms
NetXpression .nxp
UWCC Document .pen
WD3 file .wd3
Zen Dog Software data file .zen
Life32.LifeFile.2 .l
Delta Processing List .list
Edit with SkinStudio .usf
AtEase3D album file .cva
Application Manifest .application
Does Time Heal? .uccapilog
Pensione Fondo Resp.Familiari .mp
Influence Diagram .ind
Macromedia Director Protected Cast .cxt
Adobe Xtra 32 .x32
Dialogic VOX file .xss
Aspire file .crv3d
TopoGun Scene File .tgs
File Association Manager .ex4
Windows Media Player .$#!
PowerArchiver File .016
Rune Map .run
PowerArchiver File .031
MasterCook Cookbook .mc2
Mathematica Package .m
thp ファイル .thp
3D Home Architect Deluxe File .pl2
RIS Formatted File .ris
ALShow BMK File .bmk
Starcraft Campaign .cpg
LaTeX Style .sty
Handy Address Book .abk
PSpice Simulation Settings .sim
Text Document .upd
Text Document .v
Wad Archive .wad
IGES Files .igs
File Association Manager .desktop
Simple Sudoku File .ss
StuffIt File List .scs
Open Extended Dictionary .dctx
DVD PixPlay Frame .dpg
SMV ÊÓƵ .smv
JEF File .jef
MTA File .mta
Tivity_Transition .xwm
PTN File .ptn
FaceShopPro File .fac
Directory Opus Button File .dop
Baseball Mogul .mog
Dialogic VOX file .pip
Pyro Data CD Project .pyd
SimSynth Document .syn
File Association Manager .accft
Daum 팟플레이어 재생 목록 파일 .dpl
SSA - File .ssa
WinRAR-archief .100
Mastercam Part File .mcx
NGS.Document .ngs
File Association Manager .vcpf
Video easy-Projekt .mvy
RealOne Metafile .rom
IBM Lotus Notes database .nsf
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .156
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .266
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .27
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .102
Capture One Session .col
GOM Media file(.lmp4) .lmp4
Microsoft Digital Image Document .fpx
Guitar Pro 3 Tablature .gp3
Guitar Pro 5 Tablature .gp5
GOM Media file(.dmskm) .dmskm
Reflection Command File .rcl
Computer Graphics Metafile .cgm
Legacy Genealogy Software .fdb
PixieTool Project .pxm
History Log .hst
QuickBooks Portable Company File .qbm
TIFF, page-per-file .svt
IrfanView JP2 File .jpf
Calendar Creator Document .bcc
Yahoo! Widget .widget
IrfanView CAM File .cam
Broderbund Card .car
Broderbund Label .lbl
Messenger Plus! Sound Pack .plp
Pivot Animation File .piv
Internet Communication Settings .ins
RealG2 with Flash Clip .rf
DEB package .deb
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild .032
GEDCOM file .ged
ACDSee Pro 3 APD Bild .apd
PGP Encrypted File .pgp
TIScreenCapture Picture .v2i
T602 document .602
FTW Backup File .fbk
Navisworks Document .nwd
Autodesk Revit Family .rfa
File Association Manager .dmsa
PageMaker Publication .p65
Any Password Document .apw
XnView Slide .sld
Password Depot File (.psw) .psw
acc Image .acc
CaseMap Send To Plug In .cmp
Right-Suite Residential PE/BE Template .rrt
BethesdaSoftworks Archive .bsa
NewsStand Reader Document .nsr
MCP File .mcp
PME File .pme
unispim wordlib file .uwl
PrintMaster Project .pmx
Dialogic VOX file .rsp
Dialogic VOX file .tab
PCmover Moving Van .pcv
TradeStation Workspace .tsw
Dialogic VOX file .ans
Dialogic VOX file .aps
Dialogic VOX file .bcp
Dialogic VOX file .dbg
Print Artist Project .pra
Dialogic VOX file .htc
AutoHotkey Script .ahk
Compressed MuseScore File .mscz
OpenDocument Text Template .ott
Adobe Acrobat Batch PDX files .bpdx
WinRAR archive .bz2
ACDSee Pro 2.5 ABR Bild .abr
iTunes Music Store URL .itms
Podcast Subscription File .itpc
Apple Device Software Update File .ipsw
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Compiled Program .fxp
ACDSee Pro 2.5 HDR Bild .hdr
PICT Image .pct
HTML Document .plg
Subtitle File .psb
iTunes Extras .ite
iTunes LP .itlp
Adobe Acrobat Rights Management Document .rmf
ASP.NET Web Service .asmx
Microsoft Office Access Workgroup Information .mdw
Interface Definition Language File .odl
Firefox Document .shtml
Typelib Generated C/C++ Inline File .tli
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .wks
VBScript Script File .vbs
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document .xfdf
Firefox Document .xht
Microsoft Office Excel Backup File .xlk
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .xlr
Adobe Acrobat XML Data Package File .xdp
Microsoft Visio Document .vdx

Browse File Extensions

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