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File Extension - Detail

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File Extension - Application Detail

Open files with VideoPad Video Editor - videopad.exe

VideoPad Video Editor
NCH Software

Open Extension With:

Name Extension
VideoPad Project .vpj
RealVideo .rv
QuickPlay media file .xmv
KMV Document .kmv
QuickTime Movie .moov
QT File .nut
GOM Media file(.k3g) .k3g
Plik programu TopSecret Next Generation .ts4
Motion JPEG Video .mjpeg
dav Document .dav
AVS DVD Player Files .div
FLC Animation .flc
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .264
QuickTime Movie .mqv
LSM Bild .apng
dat .dat
Express Scribe Dictation File .dct
Movie Clip .m2p
Raw Video .y4m
thp ファイル .thp
Bitmap image .bms
Nullsoft Streaming Video File .nsv
MTV Raytrace Image .mtv
Smacker/Bink Media file .bik
EVO - File .evo
VLC media file (.vro) .vro
VLC media file (.mxf) .mxf
VLC media file (.rmvb) .rmvb
Flash Video file .f4v
FinalMediaPlayer RM File .rm
Unhandled Extension Handler Finder .meo
mohfile .moh
MixPad Audio MixerProject .mpdp
Internet Video Recording .ivr
VLC media file (.flv) .flv
Photostage Project .spj
VLC media file (.dv) .dv
SWF Movie .swf
VLC media file (.divx) .divx
VLC media file (.vob) .vob
Ogg Vorbis File .ogg
MPEG-2 Transport Stream .tod
VLC media file (.ogm) .ogm
Miro .xvid
VLC media file (.webm) .webm
VLC media file (.mkv) .mkv
MagicISO Document .iso
KMP - SRT Subtitle File .srt
SSA - File .ssa
KMP - ASS Subtitle File .ass
E-Transcript File .ptx
IrfanView RAS File .ras
RealSystem Media .rmj
VLC media file (.ogv) .ogv
ACDSee Pro 3 MEF Bild .mef
ACDSee Pro 2.5 RAW Bild .mos
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dcr
Able RAWer (TIFF) .x3f
Wireless Bitmap Image .wbmp
RealAudio .ra
RISA-3D File .r3d
RealPlayer Presentation .ram
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 .psd
Paintbrush Image .pcx
Qualcomm PureVoice および拡張可変レート .qcp
Movie Clip .m2v
Media Center file .mpc
VLC media file (.wv) .wv
VLC media file (.spx) .spx
AVCHD Video .m2t
MP4 Video .mp4v
3GPP Audio/Video .3gpp
Able RAWer (TIFF) .pef
Able RAWer (TIFF) .orf
IrfanView KDC File .kdc
AMR Narrow-Band Content .amr
Disketch Project .deproj
Art Explosion Publisher Pro Document .npp
DD+ 音頻 .ddp
Compiled Visual dBASE Custom Data Module .cdo
Autodesk Project Information .apj
Server Response File .srf
DsgnChkRpt Document .drp
YUV תמונה .pgf
Data Foundation .dfx
JPEG 2000 Image .jp2
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dng
WebP Image .webp
WinZip File .img
Paint.NET Image .tga
Windows Media Photo .wdp
Apple Core Audio Format .caf
HD Photo (JPEG XR) .jxr
MPlayer Audio File .shn
MP4 Video .mp4
Windows Media Audio/Video file .asf
Windows Media Audio/Video file .wmv
Media Center file .ape
RealPlayer Presentation .rmm
GSM Audio .gsm
AVCHD Video .mts
QuickTime Movie .mov
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist .asx
Creative VOC Format .voc
Movie Clip .m1v
3GPP Audio/Video .3gp
AVCHD Video .m2ts
3GPP2 Audio/Video .3g2
MPEG-2 TS Video .ts
Video Clip .avi
MHTML Document .mhtml
Able RAWer (TIFF) .cr2
Able RAWer (TIFF) .crw
Movie Clip .mpg
Movie Clip .mpeg
Movie Clip .mpe
Wireshark capture file .erf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .raf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .arw
WinRAR archive .rar
Internet Shortcut .url
MP4 Video .m4v
DZT File .dzt
VLC media file (.xspf) .xspf
Windows Live Movie Maker Project .wlmp
WildTangent PNG File .wpg
VLC media file (.bin) .bin
Able RAWer (TIFF) .mrw
ACDSee Pro 2.5 NEF Bild .nef
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Project .pjt
Microsoft Office InfoPath Form Template .xsn
Adobe ColdFusion File .cfm
Movie Clip .mod
ASP.NET Server Application .asax
HTML Document .xhtm
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe .wb1
IconPackager Theme .iconpackage
Expression Encoder Job .xej
Avid Bin File .avb
Avid Project File .avp
MPEG File .tr
Paint Shop Pro 7 Workspace File .wsp
XMind Workbook .xmap
1-2-3 Worksheet .wrk
Messenger Plus! Script Pack .plsc
GIMP brush pipe .gih
IncrediMail Content .ime
PhotoStory3.Document .wp3
PhotoPrinter File .ppl
Bibble Work Queue File .work
Sealed HTML Document .stml
Windows Live Sync Placeholder .p2p
PAD Dokument .pad
Maximizer XML Format Data File .mxi
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image .pfr
Help Project File .hpj
n-Track Studio Song File .sng
内緒情報 .sec
Rainmeter skin file .rmskin
TeX DVI file .dvi
Alyuda NeuroIntelligence Network .ann
DICOM Image .dicom
AVS Image Disc .icd
Workflow Service file .xamlx
GLSiteFile .site
ASU Document .aud
Dialogic VOX file .asr
CaseMap Case Script .cms
CardScan Database File .cdb
File Association Manager .jpg2
Position and Navigation device installation file .pni
TimePassages Chart File .chw
File Association Manager .command
File Association Manager .regtrans-ms
File Association Manager .mso
AIMP3: Modern Playlist .aimppl
Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 Image .cgz
Winamp media file .mini2sf
Maltego 3 Entities .mtz
ASP.NET Web Page (CSHTML) .cshtml
OS_Upgrade .73u
RunLog Import/Export File .rli
Trimble corrected data .cor
File Association Manager .schematic
File Association Manager .2fs
File Association Manager .db-shm
File Association Manager .dhtml
File Association Manager .exe1
File Association Manager .emlx
File Association Manager .gs0
File Association Manager .isoz
File Association Manager .inms
File Association Manager .jia
File Association Manager .lockfile
File Association Manager .lp7
Icon .icns
DarkAdapted Presets File .dap
Movie File (MPEG) .mpg2
LSM Bild .p7
EO Font File .dfont
Fujitsu ATLAS 日本語抽出ファイル .jpn
SimCopter User city File .scu
Frames Animation .vbd
Treppenmeister Treplux Planung .grl
Tracking The Eye Registration File .tte
WinSQL ER Diagram .wer
LSM Bild .emz
Dialogic VOX file .ssw
Go Problems .prb
EnCase Case File .case
Font File .fot
NJStar Document .njx
Video file - COF .cof
BMX Document .bmx
Max JSON .json
DIALux Document .dlx
WEM File .wem
WidgetMe Custom Projects .wgp
AOL Instant Messenger Launch .aim
Module File .wow
Dialogic VOX file .xss
Text Document .m21
Wintermute Script .script
.XLSM file .pages
Polar .pol
YUV תמונה .tjp
GigaHoop Customizer .arg
Depiction .dpn
File Association Manager .ba_
セルペインターファイル .cpq
pomqmV3 Document .qua
Capture Document .cef
File Association Manager .vbscript
File Association Manager .u3i
File Association Manager .vlw
File Association Manager .v12
File Association Manager .vx_
File Association Manager .xbdoc
File Association Manager .wmmp
File Association Manager .xmlper
File Association Manager .xsvf
File Association Manager .zmap
File Association Manager .zoneidentifier
File Association Manager .seed
File Association Manager .rtfd
File Association Manager .tha
File Association Manager .moz
File Association Manager .mp21
File Association Manager .mode
File Association Manager .msstyle
File Association Manager .ncx
File Association Manager .omo
File Association Manager .owg
File Association Manager .partimg
File Association Manager .pbproj
File Association Manager .pekey
File Association Manager .prfpset
File Association Manager .redir
GIF Image .gif
Microsoft Visio Document .vdx
UltraISO File .isz
IZArc BZA Archive .bza
PowerDesk.Archive .ark
TuxGuitar File Format .tg
DigiGuide Channel Extension .dgc
Portrait Professional Project .pp
PowerArchiver ZIP File .z01
Meeting Template .mtt
WinImage .imz
APLICDLabel Document .lab
Test file .tst
Chameleon Clock Wallpaper .wcz
4DEmbroidery.Document.1 .vp3
C2N Tape Image .t64
LabelCreator Pro .c00
WinRAR archive .gz
Adobe PDF Settings .joboptions
Registration Entries .key
MPEG-4 File .m4e
RAR recovery volume .rev
Windows Media Player .3gpp2
Safari Download .download
XMind Workbook .xmind
UltimateZip file .ha
Serif DrawPlus Drawing .dpx
TAR StuffIt Archive .cbt
PowerBackup Archive File .pba
GOM Media file(.wmp) .wmp
EBX Transfer Data File (7.0) .etd
HP L&TT File .lzo
SSW9Std ファイル .cp9
File Association Manager .imovieproj
GoldWave Document .afc
DriverGuide Toolkit file .dgt
File Association Manager .kdi
File Association Manager .mrimg
File Association Manager .lqr
File Association Manager .key-tef
File Association Manager .gz2
File Association Manager .favoritemetadata
File Association Manager .dimax
File Association Manager .dmgpart
File Association Manager .crypted
File Association Manager .lzm
File Association Manager .7z001
File Association Manager .numbers
PIMS-SX Document .shd
HFVExp Document .hfv
MADRIX Fixture Library .mfl
TarFile .tlz
Active-HDL Verilog, SystemVerilog Source Code .vm
File Association Manager .panic
File Association Manager .rwplugin
File Association Manager .pages-tef
File Association Manager .numbers-tef
File Association Manager .yz
File Association Manager .tardist
File Association Manager .winclone
File Association Manager .twc
Microsoft Word XML Document .docxml
File Association Manager .hxs
Dialogic VOX file .ffa
File Association Manager .jsx
SVG Document .svgz
MPEG video/audio stream .m75
AutoCAD Sheet Set .dst
IrfanView JP2 File .jpf
WinRAR archive .tar
WinRAR archive .taz
WinRAR archive .tbz
WinRAR archive .tbz2
WinRAR archive .tgz
WinRAR archive .uu
WinRAR archive .uue
WinRAR archive .lha
WinRAR archive .lzh
M3U Audio Playlist (UTF-8) .m3u8
WinRAR archive .xxe
WinRAR archive .z
WAVE Audio File .wave
Sonic Global Image File .gi
WinRAR archive .bz
WinRAR archive .bz2
Audio CD Track .cdda
VLC media file (.mpeg4) .mpeg4
WinRAR archive .7z
Cabinet File .cab
MagicISO Document .daa
MIDI Sequence .mid
MagicISO Document .uif
Compressed (zipped) Folder .zip
XML Schema File .xsd
Wireshark capture file .acp
Wireshark capture file .cap
Paris Audio File .paf
Visual Basic Class Module .cls
Visual Basic User Document .dob
Integration Services Package .dtsx
Visual Basic User Control .ctl
HTML Document .lbi
Flash JavaScript Command File .jsfl
IntelliJ IDEA Project File .ipr
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Report .frx
Flash Document .fla
Pixel Bender Toolkit file .hydra
ExpressLabeler Project File .stx
Makefile .mk
Makefile .mak
C/C++ Header .h
C/C++ Header .hxx
Preprocessed C/C++ Source .i
Interface Definition Language File .idl
Include File .inc
C/C++ Inline File .inl
Visual C# Project file .csproj
C++ Source .cxx
OR Designer .dbml
Export Definition File .def
C/C++ Code Listing .cod
XML Configuration File .config
C++ Source .cpp
XML Document Type Definition .dtd
ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer .edmx
C++ Source .cc
Class Diagram file .cd
Crash Dump File .hdmp
WinZip File .hqx
WinZip File .tz
MFC Ribbon Definition XML File .mfcribbon-ms
WinZip File .mim
WinZip File .b64
WinZip File .bhx
Database Project file .dbproj
Java Language Source file .java
VC++ Project Filters File .filters
Visual F# Source file .fs
Visual F# Signature file .fsi
Visual F# Project file .fsproj
Visual F# Script file .fsscript
Visual F# Script file .fsx
OpenDocument Formula .odf
Microsoft Analysis Server MDX File .mdx
Microsoft RTC Connection File .rtc
Bookmark File .rfb
Contact File .rfc
Safenote File .rfn
PassCard File .rfp
SearchCard File .rfq
Identity File .rft
Microsoft Press Interactive Training Bookmark .cbl
PowerISO File .cdi
Adobe ColdFusion Component .cfc
PowerISO File .mdf
PowerISO File .nrg
Nullsoft Streaming Audio File .nsa
StarOffice 5.0 プレゼンテーション .sdd
Disabled startup file .disabled
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Catalog .lrcat
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Library .lrdb
BlindWrite 6 image .b6t
Virtual CloneDrive .ccd
KeePass Password Database .kdb
Fgw Document .fgl
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Image .wi
WIBU Control File .wbc
Game Definition File Editor Project .gdfmakerproject
Lua Program .lua
B5T Image .b5t
SLP package .slp
PGP Random Seed .rnd
Print Shop Project .pdg
DM Genie Class File .class
OpenRaster Image .ora
Game Maker File .gm6
Game Maker File .gmk
RealSystem Skin .rjs
MPEG video/audio stream .m1a
WinGlucofacts Professional Patient File .dex
Broderbund Post Card .pcr
Program Options File .sdz
GOM Media file(.dmb) .dmb
Open Financial Exchange File .ofx
M4 File .m4
Toad MSSQL Data Compare Project .dcp
ADONIS e-RAKUOH マスター .edm
hcffile .hcf
F90 ファイル .f90
Freecell 2006 Incomplete Game .fcl
FOR ファイル .for
wxFormBuilder Project File .fbp
RealMedia File .r1m
Christian Greeting Card Factory Program .cpb
Christian Greeting Card Factory Stationery .csn
tlt Document .vdb
Papiro - Computo metrico .elc
Daum 팟플레이어 재생 목록 파일 .dpl
ムービー クリップ .mo
Bvt LiveTv Media Dosyası .mvx
ANSYS .ad File .ad
FX AccuCharts Last Net Change Document .bln
File Association Manager .qpt
Caligari trueSpace Object .cob
Complete Control Document .ccp
Mortgage Solver 3.3.9 .mrt
Dark Basic Professional Project .dba
Mathematica Package .m
VUE Map File .vue
jGRASP project .gpj
Embarcadero Developer Studio プロジェクトグループ .groupproj
FormDocs Template .fdt
FormDocs Extension .fdx
Backgammon Saved Game .gs
FreeFileViewer TMP File .tmp
[ProductName] File .qic
Delphi パッケージ .dpk
Delphi パッケージ .dpkw
Delphi プロジェクトファイル .dpr
Delphi プロジェクトファイル .dproj
CoffeeCup Website Color Schemer Document .ccs
Disk Image .nib
Sonnet De-embedded File .d
CX-Designer Project .ipp
BackupXpress Encypted File .cry
Coach 6 Activity .cma
acc Image .acc
CX-Programmerプロジェクト .cxp
Compressed CapXML .capx
PSpice Simulation Output .out
CrazyTalk Project File .ctp
Autodesk Inventor iFeature .ide
Dev-C++ Project File .dev
RoQ Media file .roq
NSIS Header File .nsh
CS ChemDraw Drawing .cdxml
Microsoft Rights Managed HTML Document .rpmsg
Fujitsu ATLAS 英語抽出ファイル .eng
Caliper Compact Geographic Database .cdf
Moneydance Data .md
Visual Studio Directed Graph Document .dgml
MCP File .mcp
Principia Hypothetical Document .hyp
Punch! Home Design File .pro
Print Shop Ready Made .prm
SoftMaker Presentations Document .prd
GroupMail 5 Message .gmd
ホームページポスト .hpf
Cover Sheet Logo .lgo
Dialogic VOX file .ilk
Dialogic VOX file .jav
WIBU Control File .rtm
NewsManager File .ent
SiSoftware Sandra Lite Leistungstest .sbt
NewsStand Reader Index File .nsi
Composer Document .cp
Paradox Form .fsl
ESRI Copy Protected License Information File .ecp
Smacker/Bink Media file .smk
RivaTuner preset file .rtp
Microsoft Reader .lit
Inventory File Type .idb
Vegas Pro Project .veg
Dialogic VOX file .mv
Dialogic VOX file .ncb
XNA Creators Club Game Package .ccgame
Conference Recording .rmv
Bunso Data File .rfd
Gettext MO file .gmo
JustinSoft Environment Data .jed
Devart Entity model .edml
File Association Manager .myapp
File Association Manager .ori
STDUViewer WWF File .wwf
MediaFile (.raw) .mdc
RSView ME Station File .mer
CrazyTalk Animator Project Files .ctproject
SAS Enterprise Reporter Batch .erb
Petroleum Experts RESOLVE .rsa
ANDORのオブジェクトコンテナ文書 .fxc
OMNIS DataFile .df1
File Association Manager .oca
Zipped MagicDraw Project File .mdzip
FinalBuilder 7 Project .fbp7
FinalBuilder 7 Project .fbz7
File Association Manager .dep
Donut Group File .dfg
Video File .qm
Access Walker Passwortdatenbank .awdb
Crash Dump File .kdmp
Game Maker File .gm81
Open with P6 Professional .xer
File Association Manager .lxsproj
Arduino Source Code .ino
Construct 2 project .caproj
File Association Manager .fce
File Association Manager .sep
File Association Manager .gbap
File Association Manager .gbas
HpsDesk Document .hdk
File Association Manager .rw3
File Association Manager .xfo
Archive .vud
Booknizer Database File .dbo
Petroleum Experts GAP .gar
Visual Shader Graph file .dgsl
NOMEDIA File .nomedia
Module for theWord Bible Software .ont
File Association Manager .amxd
Dialogic VOX file .feature
File Association Manager .ccn
File Association Manager .ccscc
File Association Manager .bkk
NQC-file .nqc
Euphoria Windows App .exw
LiveNote Case File .lnt
File Association Manager .azw1
File Association Manager .ckbx
File Association Manager .cham
File Association Manager .chef
File Association Manager .clips
File Association Manager .depend
File Association Manager .developerprofile
File Association Manager .dfk
File Association Manager .dabriefcase
File Association Manager .daconfig
File Association Manager .dcproj
File Association Manager .dcuil
File Association Manager .cu
File Association Manager .docz
File Association Manager .dres
File Association Manager .entitlements
File Association Manager .dsym
File Association Manager .fpfv
File Association Manager .fimpp
File Association Manager .dsgm
File Association Manager .gameproj
File Association Manager .gdiagramstyle
File Association Manager .framework
File Association Manager .frj
File Association Manager .gszip
File Association Manager .has
File Association Manager .gs3
File Association Manager .gsproj
File Association Manager .grade
File Association Manager .global
File Association Manager .gorm
File Association Manager .gpe
File Association Manager .hype
File Association Manager .iva
File Association Manager .jspf
File Association Manager .jl
File Association Manager .jnilib
File Association Manager .ipch
File Association Manager .ivue
File Association Manager .hhh
File Association Manager .hs2
File Association Manager .lol
File Association Manager .growlticket
File Association Manager .lproj
File Association Manager .m4u
File Association Manager .lfp
File Association Manager .licenses
File Association Manager .licx
File Association Manager .legal
File Association Manager .kb
File Association Manager .kdevdlg
File Association Manager .kdevelop
File Association Manager .kdevprj
File Association Manager .markdn
File Association Manager .markdown
File Association Manager .merlinlicense
Plugin do Discador Digerati .plugin
Delta Processing List .list
iMirus Digital Media Reader File .imr
Quick3DCover .q3c
File Association Manager .dylib
Windows Media Player .qdat
YUV תמונה .gm
Adobe Flash Builder 4 Project Library .fxpl
IdeaTree ファイル タイプ .idt
Haskell Source File .lhs
File Association Manager .qbk
Crypted File .isc
Password Depot Portable File (.pswx) .pswx
Power Writer Just-in-Case File .jic
netdesigner Bestellung .ned
Reflection Basic Script .rbs
Account Xpress file .acx
暗号化ユーティリティ .peb
Right-Suite Residential PE/BE Demo Project .rrd
File Association Manager .fxcproj
Winamp メディアファイル .ay
Glade Project File .glade
My Notes Keeper File .mnk
Emagic EXS-24 Instrument .exs
Feature Definition Manager File .fxl
Mom Document .mom
CASIO レポートバインダファイル .rpb
Clarion for Windows Source File .clw
Encriptado .dcu
Pensione Fondo ELETTRICI .el
Bytescout Form Filler .bff
EO Design File .dis
HotDocs Answer Library .hal
Reference Manager Data File .rmd
Madori Data File .mwd
Simply Accounting Data File .csi
Videoraptor Plugin .aplg
O File .o
F-TOOLファイル .ftl
インストールファイル .ci
MyLifeOrganized Data File .ml
MXML ファイル .mxml
Vokabel file .gls
ニ、ニ、モホマキーイラーー・ .pgi
Auer Lizenzaustausch .alf
LoiLoScope Project File .lsproj
DVX Project File .dvx
JSH Image .jsh
EdiLus - ACCA software S.p.A. - All Rights Reserved .edl
Graph Modeling Language .gml
QRコード・マスターFile .qrm
Business Stationery Pro Document .lbs
LSM Bild .j
Relax NG Full Syntax Schema .rng
Video file - XQT .xqt
Java project Document .jpr
Winamp media file .mss
Newton Experiment File .ex
ImageWalker Class .iws
ReCycle REX2 File .rx2
CoReports RSX Document File .rsx
Flypaper Model .fpm
Delphi Form .nfm
Erlang source file .erl
Erlang header file .hrl
MMF2 Document .mfw
Quantium SuDoQ Template .sdq
MTG Online Deck .dec
File Association Manager .dox
GreekFlashPro Document .gfp
Heidenhain File .hh
Dark Basic Professional Project .dbpro
iSeries Connection Configuration File .ndc
Allegro Common Lisp source file .lisp
MGCSoft File .mgcb
Navigator Illustration Case .csx
Express File .iwz
Text Document .gitignore
Macromedia Director Protected Cast .cxt
File Association Manager .webdoc
File Association Manager .workflow
File Association Manager .rwlibrary
File Association Manager .qmg
File Association Manager .rnq
File Association Manager .rov
File Association Manager .mako
File Association Manager .nbc
File Association Manager .nxc
File Association Manager .octest
File Association Manager .msha
File Association Manager .mshc
File Association Manager .mshi
File Association Manager .magik
File Association Manager .mdown
File Association Manager .nuspec
File Association Manager .otc
File Association Manager .qbmb
File Association Manager .qtch
File Association Manager .__a
File Association Manager .^^^
File Association Manager .wku
GameSpy Arcade Custom Service .apk
Serif PhotoPlus Picture .j2k
JPEG File Interchange Format .jif
WinRAR archive .r00
WinRAR archive .r01
WinRAR archive .r02
WinRAR archive .r03
WinRAR archive .r04
WinRAR archive .r05
WinRAR archive .r06
WinRAR archive .r07
WinRAR archive .r08
WinRAR archive .r09
WinRAR archive .r10
WinRAR archive .r11
WinRAR archive .r12
WinRAR archive .r13
WinRAR archive .r14
WinRAR archive .r15
WinRAR archive .r16
WinRAR archive .r17
WinRAR archive .r18
WinRAR archive .r19
WinRAR archive .r20
WinRAR archive .r21
WinRAR archive .r22
WinRAR archive .r23
WinRAR archive .r24
WinRAR archive .r25
WinRAR archive .r26
WinRAR archive .r27
WinRAR archive .r28
WinRAR archive .r29
CD Audio Track .cda
JPEG Image .jpe
IrfanView EXR File .exr
ACDSee Pro 2.5 HDR Bild .hdr
WinRAR archive .ace
Adobe After Effects XML Project .aepx
WinRAR archive .arj
Microsoft Office Word Document .docx
Office Search .oss
PDS File .pds
Dialogic VOX file .aax
Windows Media Player .h1s
VMDK File .vmdk
Windows Media Player .meta
Windows Media Player .xlsmhtml
Windows Media Player .bup
WinZip File .arc
Microsoft Excel HTML Document .xlshtml
Microsoft Excel HTML Template .xlthtml
Wave Corrector .ses
ACDSee Pro 3 JPEG Bild .thm
Roxio Image File .c2d
Microsoft Office Theme .thmx
vCalendar File .vcs
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show .pps
Windows Media Player .mswmm
Microsoft Office Excel 4.0 Macro .xlm
SciEd Primer .pd4
File Association Manager .crdownload
File Association Manager .moi
File Association Manager .sqfs
File Association Manager .sp2
TurboTax 2010 Document .tax2010
File Association Manager .unl
squashfs Archive .squashfs
File Association Manager .fzip
CST Document .s2e
File Association Manager .boot
Mwave Document .mwf
ARCHITREND ビフォーアフター .rfm
Replay Document .rpy
TeX Font Metric .tfm
TEDDS Document .ted
DT Max T2 client tax file for 2002 .c02
File Association Manager .fpos
Macromedia FreeHand 7 Template .ft7
File Association Manager .dat_old
File Association Manager .fbw
ASP.NET Web Page (VBHTML) .vbhtml
File Association Manager .mxc2
File Association Manager .readme
Windows Media Player .prproj
CodeWarrior Disassembled File .dump
CodeWarrior GTD File .file
File Association Manager .aawdef
CX3 Videofile .cx3
File Association Manager .boc
Racelogic Upgrade File .ruf
FileMaker Pro 7 Runtime Database .dxs
Application .73k
Program .83p
String .8xs
OS_Upgrade .8xu
Teleplace Place Specification .qwq
Vectorworks Document .vwx
LLBLGen Pro v2.6 Project Files .lgp
GEONExT .gxt
Audiokinetic Wwise Project .wproj
File Association Manager .exv
Empty .oex
File Association Manager .oeaccount
Internal synchronous drive file .is1
Volume Graphics Info File .vgi
File Association Manager .paw
File Association Manager .itc2
IN-HEH Workspace .ihw
IN-HEH Database (xml) .ihx
File Association Manager .temp
File Association Manager .dtapart
XLIFF Translation File .xliff
Finale Performance Assessment .fpa
PhotoViewer Document .pvr
Scrivener Project File .scrivx
ViewletBuilder6 Professionalプロジェクト .qvp
Financial Tools Document .vft
File Association Manager .pna
Alcyone Astronomical Tables Document .atx
CorelDRAW X4 Graphic .fh7
CorelDRAW X4 Graphic .fh8
Fasta alignment file .fa
File Association Manager .avery
2000 CANTAX T2 Return .c01
ハローキティのはがきプリント 住所録ファイル .khd
AES Crypt Encrypted Data File by Silicon Power .spe
File Association Manager .mine
Guide Letter or Document .gdoc
File Association Manager .ddat
File Association Manager .dinfo
Windows Media Player .dmsk
modo LXO Object .lxo
File Association Manager .propdesc
File Association Manager .knt
Packet F .fgd
File Association Manager .fh10
CraftArtist Project .craft
File Association Manager .cfge
Akelius Dokument 2007 fil .ldw
Teseq Power Magnetic Field Test .mfo
Dialogic VOX file .gthr
QuickPractice Backup .qpb
FileWarden.Document .fwdn
Windows Media Player .unk
File Association Manager .p3t
File Association Manager .dso
File Association Manager .itc
Creator Document .crtr
DVR Remote Player file .nwv
File Association Manager .mars
Citavi Project .ctv3
File Association Manager .cag
FOSI Stylesheet .fos
PixWizard Image .ham
File Association Manager .asec
PHP project file .eep
TurboTax 2010 File .tt10
File Association Manager .sr0
Intel AppUp(SM) center .appup
File Association Manager .ftpquota
Roxio MyDVD Project .dmsd3d
Roxio Media Production .dmsm3d
CorVu Graph .cvg
Cimex Design .fbl
File Association Manager .mv_
File Association Manager .c4d
game crasked .crash
AranPaintPlus Project .ara
弥生会計3.0 データバックアップファイル .yab
File Association Manager .pbxproj
LA Playlist .la
VirtualBox Machine Definition .vbox
VirtualBox Extension Pack .vbox-extpack
File Association Manager .hi
File Association Manager .fcgi
FileMaker Pro 7 Runtime Database .ati
Kintraks Database File .cav
Dialogic VOX file .gpi
DIMIN Viewer n5 Image .y
Ashampoo Gadge It Project .gadgeprj
Visual Web Ripper project file .rip
Hanko3 Document .hbx
Winamp media file .miniusf
Chipamp VGM Chiptune .vgm
Chipamp YM Chiptune .ym
ConceptDraw Library .cdlx
QFDcapture Professional .md3
Decision Tree .dtr
Gerbv Project File .gvp
Cyberduck Connection Profile .cyberduckprofile
Winamp media file .jhtml
ITN Converter .upoi
MediaFile (.raw) .ari
MediaFile (.raw) .cine
DT Max T1 client tax file for 1996 .p96
Hackety Hack Shoes Program .shy
Cyberduck Donation Key .cyberducklicense
Cyberduck Bookmark .duck
File Association Manager .agi
DHTML News Ticker Project File .dtw
File Association Manager .mdinfo
File Association Manager .update
Biblioscape Tag File .btf
MMDC Audio File .mmdc
SNEdit .tec
Fly Software iFORM Document .ifd
File Association Manager .njb
Chipamp VGZ Chiptune .vgz
デジカメde!!フォト工房 イメージ .psi
File Association Manager .lrs
Information File .ion
Astra R-Nesting Order .aod
File Association Manager .mpu
Video Capture 2.0b Project .sfvidcap
Windows CE CeLog file .clg
Tekla Structures Model .db1
File Association Manager .jws
Library Studio Workspace .lsw
Lisp Image file .dxl
File Association Manager .ms1
Vectorian Giotto Document .vgd
XUI.Document .xur
TomeRaider3 Document .tr3
JavaView Geometry .byu
Basic Control Language Document .bcl
CIMPLICITY Language Mapper UI .clm
File Association Manager .dstudio
File Association Manager .hxk
File Association Manager .hxt
File Association Manager .idv
File Association Manager .mnc
Rugrats Print Shop Project .rda
Rugrats Print Shop Project .rso
广联达项目文件 .gxm
IncUpdate Builder Project .iup
UltimateUnwrap3D .u3d
PX Developer Project .fpj
AnyRail Layout Plan .any
iTunes Music Player .modd
GCstar Collection .gcs
File Association Manager .pom
File Association Manager .mt9
Untis Document .gpn
WinTer Document .wtr
AutoPlay Media Studio 7.0 Project File .am4
AutoPlay Media Studio 7.0 Project File .am6
TwinCAT Scope View .svw
TwinCAT System Manager .wsm
HG2F Download File .z2f
Spanned ABE-made backup .s00
Artcut Document .ac6
Kellogg's MapFile .klg
Apabi Document .ceb
UltraLite Schema File .usm
JC ファイル .jc
File Association Manager .acbl
File Association Manager .aia
File Association Manager .iros
¿ì½Ý·½Ê½ .qc
Hardlockey Encryption By USB-Key .hlx
HotDocs Auto-Assemble File .hda
NBG Name file .nam
RailDesigner5 Document .rds
Jazz2 Level .j2l
File Association Manager .inds
exe4j project files .exe4j
Fritzing Application .fz
Fritzing Application .fzb
Fritzing Application .fzp
Fritzing Application .fzz
Alias Document .ali
SQLite3 database .sqlite3
bblFile .bbl
BD Cebolinha Script .hsh
Hilscher GmbH InterBus Configuration .ib
JScript Encoded File .ane
Amp Census .cns
Dialogic VOX file .kwreplay
Crystal Charts .3df
DriveLock-verschlüsseltes Laufwerk .dlv
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .arch00
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .arh
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .bnd
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .dlu
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .fbz
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .hrf
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .rod
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .uax
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .ums
DataMaker-Datenbankdatei .gv
DataMaker-Datenbankdatei .ud
LaTeX Auxiliaries .aux
LaTeX List of Figures .lof
Cuadro de Puntotek Gold .ptk
HiJaak Image .fp3
HiJaak Image .lsr
Rhino Plug-in .rhp
VrmlViewer Object .xof
YodlDesktop channel content descriptor file .ydc
File Association Manager .bashrc
媒体文件(.xlmv) .xlmv
Phoenix Integration ModelCenter Model .pxc
BIF Image .acorn
File ridotti Scommesse Calcio Totoproject .btr
.vfz (.vfz) .vfz
Wintree chart .wtb
RCodeGenerator.Document .rcg
Icon Project .icpr
CaseView Internet File .cvi
CaseView File .cvw
File Association Manager .u3p
Dialogic VOX file .xaf
Dialogic VOX file .xmm
Vamp Archive .var
Vamp SlideShow .vpa
BlindWrite subcode part of CD image .bws
File Association Manager .help
Sound Club Song .sn2
Fichier comptable .mae
Ashampoo Slideshowstudio HD 2 .sedprj
HarmoTab score .htb
Fractal Region from MX2.5 .frr
Mandelbrot Explorer All Data File .mxad
Fractal Colour Scheme .mxcs
Fractal Region .mxfr
Source Insight Configuration File .cf
Notepad++ Document .bsh
Notepad++ Document .mx
eSignal Page File .page
LP File .lp
AVRWirelessServices.Document .ars
Btoa Encoded File .btoa
Yahoo! Player Skin .yfs
View Set File .mvs
Stock.Document .gdr
PHP Script .phtm
Pump Selection .ufs
PID Document .pid
Drum Map File .drm
Alarms Document .alr
Life32.LifeFile.2 .life
RBX File .rbx
File Association Manager .esg
File Association Manager .ldif
SolveIT! Data File .aty
AcDcEx2000 Drive File .dcb
System File .syb
Nevron Drawing Custom XML .cndx
File Association Manager .doc#
File Association Manager .sparc
Clickomania NG game .cng
Jazz2 Internet Link .j2i
FileWedge Configuration File .fw
Storybook Creator 4.0 .sbproj
HLSL Source .hlsl
Desktop Poet Wordlist .wordlist
File Association Manager .xp3
SignCubes Container .sz
iTunes Music Player .koz
File Association Manager .ing
Bridge Document .brg
Schoolhouse Bingo document. .bng
ProPresenter for Windows .pro4
File Association Manager .pro4pl
File Association Manager .pro4plx
Muse Site .muse
M.Wave Professional file .dna
Cimex Design .r1
Cimex Design .rl
Target Document .mte
Maxthon Addon File .mxaddon
Maxthon Dictionary File .mxdic
JCAD3 GLB データファイル .gld
APLI Hobby&Papers Document .ts1
File Association Manager .mmip
Kindle Content .azw4
MedicinesComplete Publication .mcxe
EasyFLV Data File .efv
AM2001 Database .bvd
VCam SWP Graphics .vc
Songworks file .sw2
Autodesk 123D Document .123c
Autodesk 123D Document .123d
rptviewer3File .fr3
File Association Manager .sbn
File Association Manager .ichat
MindGenius XML Map File .mgmx
MindGenius XML Template File .mgtx
SU Walk file .bwa
Opto Network Definition File .ond
NPR 5129 Document .epw
VMP video file (.clpi) .clpi
File Association Manager .dfc
EMelody melody file .emy
IMelody melody file .imy
ContractEdge Document .ced
File Association Manager .cos2
WeBuilder Document .rhtml
Photo Changer画像ファイル .pcg
BeDraw 図面 .bed
Chipamp VGM Stream .brstm
Windows Desktop Theme Pack .deskthemepack
Task Package .gpk
File Association Manager .0xe
CityEngine CGA File .cga
Xliff File Set file .xfs
Packet N .ngd
File Association Manager .xnb
Library File .ssl2
Character Set file (Quick Key) .charset
KXTEA308 System Data .keb
ArtStudio File .artwork
BSC Form Viewer Document .afd
Professional Cross Stitch Page Layout .ppu
TurboTax 2011 File .tt11
File Association Manager .tk3
AGIF file .agif
File Association Manager .reference
mapx .mapx
Saved Data SA1 .sa1
File Association Manager .fro
Virtual Business Personal Finance File .vbpf1
Icon .cul
Crystal Reports .rptr
RemObjects' Data Abstract Schema File .daschema
RemObjects RODL File .rodl
RemObjects SDK Test File .rotest
RemObjects SDK Test Result File .rotestresult
Dialogic VOX file .pie
JoyCut Document .joy
Centric Project InfoBundler .fzf
Igor Reader Sheet Music .igp
Update bingo templates and word lists .bnz
ComStudy2 File .rs2
File Association Manager .htmlz
File Association Manager .dbv
File Association Manager .ctbodyfitting
File Association Manager .fl3
ISMA 音楽ファイル .isma
ELAC 3D Diagram .3dv
Smart Pix Bookmark .bkmk
Applix TM1 Excel Worksheet .xdi
File Association Manager .vbf
File Association Manager .{pb
Dialogic VOX file .snk
Logic Project .lgi
ShowRkp Document .rkp
File Association Manager .vpx
VMware virtual machine snapshot .vmsn
IPOD Video Format - Free Player .ipod
File Association Manager .ko
File Association Manager .tb0
StarrView Document .xry
File Association Manager .adml
Sawtooth Software CCEA Project .cca
Vip7 Package .pack
File Association Manager .gf
Harvard ChartXL 3.0 Chart .hcx
File Association Manager .bcmx
File Association Manager .afe
OpenSCAD_File .scad
DirectMusic Band (Design) .bnp
Adobe InDesign 辦豎瑩啎离 .indk
File Association Manager .a5w
Mediaraptor Plugin Package .aplp
Radiotracker Stations .rtstn
Radiotracker Wishlist .rtwsh
Efficient Diary File .edfx
BallSwapper File .bss
File Association Manager .sc2bank
Torrent file .btapp
Torrent file .btinstall
Roland TD-20 Backup .td0
Maxthon Skin File .mxskin
Tinn-R .rhistory
Visual Studio SQL Server Project .sqlproj
flaME Save File .fme
File Association Manager .edge
Password Depot File (.psw6) .psw6
Dialogic VOX file .props
Dialogic VOX file .vspf
Dialogic VOX file .vsps
OpenTeacher word list .ot
File Association Manager .fsif
File Association Manager .mbg
XML Process Definition Language .xpdl
kth Document .kth
UMF .umf
Winamp media file .2sf
TCD Document .tcd
Module for theWord Bible Software .ontx
Module for theWord Bible Software .otx
Module for theWord Bible Software .twzip
Comic Life 2 Archive .cl2arc
Comic Life 2 Document .cl2doc
Comic Life 2 Layout .cl2lyt
Comic Life 2 Template .cl2tpl
File Association Manager .i00
NoteKeeper Document .nkp
File Association Manager .tja
File Association Manager .ix2
File Association Manager .arpack
File Association Manager .arscript
SIView File .siv
WeBuilder Document .less
File Association Manager .rsv
File Association Manager .ibt
File Association Manager .anme
File Association Manager .djr
File Association Manager .nv2
Motif XS Voice File .voi
File Association Manager .ttarch
File Association Manager .iobit
File Association Manager .zzz
FVG Project File .fg
File Association Manager .w02
File Association Manager .nupkg
LogOnce Information File .lo
File Association Manager .!bt
File Association Manager .!qb
File Association Manager .$01
File Association Manager .$db
File Association Manager .$er
File Association Manager .1pe
File Association Manager .1ph
File Association Manager .ucm
SelecSys Import Data .p3r
File Association Manager .menc
File Association Manager .gcx
File Association Manager .disc
File Association Manager .vdr
ECHIP7 Import Export Document .ece
File Association Manager .steamstart
Windows Media Player .i01
EduGame Document .epk
FormReturn Form File .frf
File Association Manager .xvmconf
File Association Manager .twz
File Association Manager .555
File Association Manager .if
Notion Score .ntn
File Association Manager .zl
Everything File List .efu
File Association Manager .sqlitedb
ThumbsPlus Picture .cex
File Association Manager .localstorage
File Association Manager .wx
File Association Manager .apalbum
Circuit Diagram Document .cddx
File Association Manager .blend1
File Association Manager .blend2
Resources File .resjson
File Association Manager .df2
Articulate Storyline Story .story
Windows Media Player .thumb
File Association Manager .b1
IBCD (InstantBingoCardDocument) .ibcd
File Association Manager .browser
File Association Manager .ezlog
MusiCAD backup file .mc5
File Association Manager .wmo
File Association Manager .sww
Windows Media Player .x64
File Association Manager .zw
ENC Online Exchange Set Update .ecx
File Association Manager .jgw
File Association Manager .dist
File Association Manager .vac
File Association Manager .cgfx
File Association Manager .lrplugin
File Association Manager .apnx
File Association Manager .azw3
CityDesk Site .cty
SQ Document .sq
File Association Manager .tx_
File Association Manager .xib
QuickPlay media file .alaw
File Association Manager .pjpg
Google Drive link .glink
Setup Factory 9 Project File .suf
File Association Manager .sc2save
File Association Manager .beam
File Association Manager .73b
Windows Media Player .wotreplay
Quake Menu Script .menu
PasswordWallet for Windows document .passwordwallet4
File Association Manager .psu
File Association Manager .mfu
Декларация 2011 .dc1
Pika File .pika
ContractsXpert Document .cxd
Psm TransWfm .twm
File Association Manager .dvo
File Association Manager .dhs
File Association Manager .calibre
File Association Manager .c32
File Association Manager .jspa
File Association Manager .zi
SAM 2007 Package File .sam07
File Association Manager .textclipping
GEXF Graph File .gexf
File Association Manager .at5
TexturePacker License Key .tpkey
File Association Manager .udk
File Association Manager .sc4desc
File Association Manager .fb!
EQL Data Config File .eql
GreenMan Document .grn
sView Video .mk3d
123D Make File .3dmk
Cytoscape Session File .cys
SCS Cue File .scs11
File Association Manager .pit
File Association Manager .fcstd
XYW File .xyw
Panorama File Set .pnz
MakeIndex Glossary Entries .glo
File Association Manager .god
File Association Manager .bs7
Ignite Web Image .iwi
Data File .4dd
File Association Manager .dmmx
Corel CONNECT 3 Tray .tray
Esenthel Script Project .esproj
File Association Manager .oti
CaseMap 10 Case File .cm10
File Association Manager .devicesalt
Google drawing .gdraw
Google form .gform
Google spreadsheet .gsheet
Google presentation .gslides
Google table .gtable
LogoMedia System Dictionary .sdef
File Association Manager .am1
Adobe Idea File .idea
Adobe SpeedGrade Project File .ircp
File Association Manager .auz
Adobe PS Touch File .psdx
ArasHD Scene File .ahd
RES MAXPRO Input File .inm
Archive .gzi
File Association Manager .metadata_never_i
File Association Manager .mfil
File Association Manager .mgdatabase
File Association Manager .mgtheme
File Association Manager .mii
File Association Manager .milk
File Association Manager .mindnode
File Association Manager .minesweepersave-
File Association Manager .mint
File Association Manager .mir
File Association Manager .mission
File Association Manager .mjdoc
File Association Manager .mm7
File Association Manager .mm8
File Association Manager .mmcollection
File Association Manager .mmu
File Association Manager .mnv
File Association Manager .marshal
File Association Manager .masseffectprofil
File Association Manager .material
File Association Manager .mato
File Association Manager .maxc
File Association Manager .maz
File Association Manager .mcfi
File Association Manager .mcfp
File Association Manager .mcgame
File Association Manager .mclevel
File Association Manager .mcrp
File Association Manager .mcsp
File Association Manager .mcsx
File Association Manager .mcworld
File Association Manager .md5anim
File Association Manager .md5camera
File Association Manager .md5mesh
File Association Manager .mdbackup
File Association Manager .mddata
File Association Manager .kds
File Association Manager .kdz
File Association Manager .kext
File Association Manager .lemon
File Association Manager .jiff
File Association Manager .jigsaw
File Association Manager .lily
File Association Manager .loaders
File Association Manager .lgh
File Association Manager .logic
File Association Manager .ma1
File Association Manager .loov
File Association Manager .lpb
File Association Manager .lpdb
File Association Manager .lrdata
File Association Manager .lrsmcol
File Association Manager .lrwebengine
File Association Manager .ls3
File Association Manager .lso
File Association Manager .lsu
File Association Manager .lvivt
File Association Manager .lvl
File Association Manager .lwfn
File Association Manager .lxa
File Association Manager .lxcp
File Association Manager .lxsopt
File Association Manager .lz
File Association Manager .m1pg
File Association Manager .htg
File Association Manager .htxt
File Association Manager .htz4
File Association Manager .htz5
File Association Manager .hvpl
File Association Manager .hwd
File Association Manager .hwmap
File Association Manager .hxm
File Association Manager .hhsl
File Association Manager .hif
File Association Manager .hiv
File Association Manager .hkdb
File Association Manager .hki1
File Association Manager .hki2
File Association Manager .hki3
File Association Manager .hkm
File Association Manager .hm3
File Association Manager .hma
File Association Manager .hms
File Association Manager .hmx
File Association Manager .iwdgt
File Association Manager .izz
File Association Manager .izzy
File Association Manager .j3o
File Association Manager .ja
File Association Manager .jarpack
File Association Manager .jarvis
File Association Manager .jas
File Association Manager .jasper
File Association Manager .jbi
File Association Manager .jbmp
File Association Manager .jc!
File Association Manager .jgz
File Association Manager .ipmeta
File Association Manager .irock
File Association Manager .irx
File Association Manager .ismc
File Association Manager .ispc
File Association Manager .itemdata-ms
File Association Manager .itk
File Association Manager .itmsp
File Association Manager .ius
File Association Manager .jo
File Association Manager .jo-7z
File Association Manager .jp1
File Association Manager .jpd
File Association Manager .jpgw
File Association Manager .jpw
File Association Manager .jrc
File Association Manager .jrprint
File Association Manager .jrtf
File Association Manager .jrz
File Association Manager .jspx
File Association Manager .jvs
File Association Manager .kag
File Association Manager .ive
File Association Manager .inprogress
File Association Manager .ioplist
File Association Manager .keychain
File Association Manager .khi
File Association Manager .kic
File Association Manager .kismac
File Association Manager .kmcobj
File Association Manager .kmm
File Association Manager .kmr
File Association Manager .kmy
File Association Manager .kodak
File Association Manager .kodu
File Association Manager .koob
File Association Manager .kor
File Association Manager .kv6
File Association Manager .kvtml
File Association Manager .kwm
File Association Manager .l3d
File Association Manager .l4d
File Association Manager .laby
File Association Manager .hyv
File Association Manager .hz
File Association Manager .i02
File Association Manager .i3pack
File Association Manager .i5z
File Association Manager .iba
File Association Manager .ibatemplate
File Association Manager .ibooks
File Association Manager .ibplugin
File Association Manager .ibro
File Association Manager .ic1
File Association Manager .ic2
File Association Manager .ic3
File Association Manager .ical
File Association Manager .icalendar
File Association Manager .icalevent
File Association Manager .icaltodo
File Association Manager .icbu
File Association Manager .icursorfx
File Association Manager .idpp
File Association Manager .idx0
File Association Manager .idx255
File Association Manager .ifaith
File Association Manager .igg
File Association Manager .ign
File Association Manager .ii
File Association Manager .iil
File Association Manager .iix
File Association Manager .ik
File Association Manager .ildoc
File Association Manager .imapmbox
File Association Manager .img3
File Association Manager .imga
File Association Manager .imj
File Association Manager .immodules
File Association Manager .imovieproject
File Association Manager .indesignplugin
File Association Manager .inetloc
File Association Manager .inlk
File Association Manager .gprx
File Association Manager .gpu
File Association Manager .gmbck
File Association Manager .gmmod
File Association Manager .gmres
File Association Manager .gmspr
File Association Manager .gne
File Association Manager .gnp
File Association Manager .graffle
File Association Manager .grasp
File Association Manager .grib
File Association Manager .grob
File Association Manager .growlregdict
File Association Manager .gsr
File Association Manager .gsr2
File Association Manager .gstencil
File Association Manager .hbc2
File Association Manager .hbe
File Association Manager .hdm
File Association Manager .hdml
File Association Manager .hdpmx
File Association Manager .hdumx
File Association Manager .hgt
File Association Manager .gtemplate
File Association Manager .gtkrc
File Association Manager .gxc
File Association Manager .gxh
File Association Manager .gxk
File Association Manager .h0
File Association Manager .h2o
File Association Manager .h4r
File Association Manager .frk
File Association Manager .fsq
File Association Manager .ft10
File Association Manager .ft11
File Association Manager .ft8
File Association Manager .ftg
File Association Manager .ftil
File Association Manager .ftploc
File Association Manager .fxa
File Association Manager .fza
File Association Manager .fzv
File Association Manager .g3x
File Association Manager .g41
File Association Manager .gallerycollectio
File Association Manager .gdrive
File Association Manager .gedcom
File Association Manager .geojson
File Association Manager .gfw
File Association Manager .gin
File Association Manager .ginspect_prj
File Association Manager .gio
File Association Manager .gis
File Association Manager .gks
File Association Manager .gbproj
File Association Manager .gci
File Association Manager .dskin
File Association Manager .emlxpart
File Association Manager .enex
File Association Manager .enml
File Association Manager .flam3
File Association Manager .flka
File Association Manager .flkb
File Association Manager .flow
File Association Manager .flst
File Association Manager .flwa
File Association Manager .fm3
File Association Manager .fm5
File Association Manager .fmelic
File Association Manager .fmi
File Association Manager .fmod
File Association Manager .fmp12
File Association Manager .fmplugin
File Association Manager .fmpsl
File Association Manager .fnbk
File Association Manager .fnrecipes
File Association Manager .fnta
File Association Manager .folx
File Association Manager .forge
File Association Manager .fota
File Association Manager .fp4
File Association Manager .fpbf
File Association Manager .fpenc
File Association Manager .fpi
File Association Manager .fpid
File Association Manager .fpmb
File Association Manager .fpmo
File Association Manager .fpop
File Association Manager .fpsl
File Association Manager .fqc
File Association Manager .fbrb
File Association Manager .fbu
File Association Manager .fcproject
File Association Manager .fdxt
File Association Manager .feedback
File Association Manager .fes
File Association Manager .ffil
File Association Manager .fh11
File Association Manager .fila
File Association Manager .dtshd
File Association Manager .dt_
File Association Manager .dun
File Association Manager .dv-avi
File Association Manager .dv2
File Association Manager .dvdmedia
File Association Manager .dvdproj
File Association Manager .dvdr
File Association Manager .dvg
File Association Manager .dvl
File Association Manager .dwdoc
File Association Manager .dwlibrary
File Association Manager .dxls
File Association Manager .dyc
File Association Manager .dzip
File Association Manager .e2gm
File Association Manager .e57
File Association Manager .ebuild
File Association Manager .ec0
File Association Manager .edj
File Association Manager .edk
File Association Manager .edq
File Association Manager .eek
File Association Manager .eepf
File Association Manager .ef2
File Association Manager .efires
File Association Manager .efk
File Association Manager .efq
File Association Manager .eftx
File Association Manager .egm
File Association Manager .eham
File Association Manager .eix
File Association Manager .emerald
File Association Manager .epibrw
File Association Manager .esh
File Association Manager .esps
File Association Manager .esq
File Association Manager .etff
File Association Manager .eum
File Association Manager .ev
File Association Manager .ev3
File Association Manager .exl
File Association Manager .exm
File Association Manager .exopc
File Association Manager .exportedfavorite
File Association Manager .expressionmap
File Association Manager .extra
File Association Manager .exx
File Association Manager .e_e
File Association Manager .f3f
File Association Manager .f3r
File Association Manager .f64
File Association Manager .facefx
File Association Manager .facefx_ingame
File Association Manager .familyfile
File Association Manager .drpm
File Association Manager .drscan
File Association Manager .dolphinview
File Association Manager .drawit
File Association Manager .dmpr
File Association Manager .dmtemplate
File Association Manager .dn1
File Association Manager .dn2
File Association Manager .dn3
File Association Manager .dne
File Association Manager .dime
File Association Manager .directory
File Association Manager .discomap
File Association Manager .disk
File Association Manager .diva
File Association Manager .dke
File Association Manager .dlo
File Association Manager .cvn
File Association Manager .cvt
File Association Manager .cwz
File Association Manager .cyi
File Association Manager .cyo
File Association Manager .czi
File Association Manager .czp
File Association Manager .d3dbsp
File Association Manager .d3v
File Association Manager .da0
File Association Manager .db-wal
File Association Manager .db2
File Association Manager .dbgsym
File Association Manager .dcmd
File Association Manager .dcmf
File Association Manager .dcover
File Association Manager .dcpr
File Association Manager .ddcx
File Association Manager .ddrw
File Association Manager .dcst
File Association Manager .daconnections
File Association Manager .dacpac
File Association Manager .dadiagrams
File Association Manager .db-
File Association Manager .dgk
File Association Manager .dhcd
File Association Manager .desc
File Association Manager .dicproof
File Association Manager .dii
File Association Manager .clix
File Association Manager .clkk
File Association Manager .clkt
File Association Manager .clkw
File Association Manager .clkx
File Association Manager .cmmtheme
File Association Manager .cmod
File Association Manager .cmrec
File Association Manager .cn1
File Association Manager .codaplugin
File Association Manager .codasite
File Association Manager .colorpicker
File Association Manager .colz
File Association Manager .comfycakessave-m
File Association Manager .comicdoc
File Association Manager .compressed
File Association Manager .contour
File Association Manager .copreset
File Association Manager .copy
File Association Manager .costyle
File Association Manager .cpmz
File Association Manager .crashed
File Association Manager .crev
File Association Manager .chesstitanssave-
File Association Manager .chg
File Association Manager .chml
File Association Manager .chord
File Association Manager .chrparams
File Association Manager .cidb
File Association Manager .cimg
File Association Manager .circuit
File Association Manager .ckb
File Association Manager .ckf
File Association Manager .ckp
File Association Manager .cl2
File Association Manager .cleo
File Association Manager .cryptra
File Association Manager .csaplan
File Association Manager .csplan
File Association Manager .csy
File Association Manager .b2a
File Association Manager .ba
File Association Manager .backupdb
File Association Manager .bafl
File Association Manager .bak~
File Association Manager .band
File Association Manager .bash_history
File Association Manager .bash_profile
File Association Manager .bav
File Association Manager .bblm
File Association Manager .bbproject
File Association Manager .bbprojectd
File Association Manager .bckp
File Association Manager .bdae
File Association Manager .bdd
File Association Manager .bdic
File Association Manager .bdt2
File Association Manager .bdt3
File Association Manager .bean
File Association Manager .bfs
File Association Manager .bgz
File Association Manager .bho
File Association Manager .bidule
File Association Manager .bifx
tabview2 .bjo
File Association Manager .gfie
File Association Manager .xadd
File Association Manager .ccip
2012 Lacerte Tax Client .tc2
File Association Manager .lop
File Association Manager .ifcxml
File Association Manager .ifczip
Document Aria .aria
Z-Plot file .zpf
File Association Manager .!ut
File Association Manager .qtz
MindMap file for NovaMind .nmind
File Association Manager .ful
File Association Manager .bkup
File Association Manager .blkrt
File Association Manager .bm3
File Association Manager .bme
File Association Manager .bna
File Association Manager .booktemplate
File Association Manager .bp2
File Association Manager .bp3
File Association Manager .bpb
File Association Manager .bpnueb
File Association Manager .bsdl
File Association Manager .btif
File Association Manager .buildpath
File Association Manager .bur
File Association Manager .bzip
File Association Manager .c3z
File Association Manager .c4k
File Association Manager .c4p
File Association Manager .caff
File Association Manager .calb
File Association Manager .carc
File Association Manager .cbds
File Association Manager .celx
File Association Manager .cfxr
File Association Manager .lue
File Association Manager .ies
File Association Manager .2mg
File Association Manager .2sflib
File Association Manager .3d4
File Association Manager .3don
File Association Manager .3dw
File Association Manager .3me
File Association Manager .3p2
File Association Manager .3pe
File Association Manager .477
File Association Manager .4dl
File Association Manager .4dv
File Association Manager .4mp
File Association Manager .6cm
File Association Manager .amxx
File Association Manager .an1
File Association Manager .an2
File Association Manager .animset
File Association Manager .animset_ingame
File Association Manager .anjuta
File Association Manager .annot
File Association Manager .ansym
File Association Manager .antispam5
File Association Manager .aois
File Association Manager .aol
File Association Manager .ap
File Association Manager .appdownload
File Association Manager .applescript
File Association Manager .ap_
File Association Manager .arcut
File Association Manager .arena
File Association Manager .ariax
File Association Manager .arsc
File Association Manager .artproj
File Association Manager .ascii
File Association Manager .asnd
File Association Manager .asset
File Association Manager .ate
File Association Manager .atrac
File Association Manager .automaticdestina
File Association Manager .avatar
File Association Manager .avenirproj
File Association Manager .avhd
File Association Manager .avj
File Association Manager .avv
File Association Manager .awcav
File Association Manager .awkw
File Association Manager .axm
File Association Manager .az!
File Association Manager .7z002
File Association Manager .8bi8
File Association Manager .8bl
File Association Manager .8cm
File Association Manager .8ld
File Association Manager .8med
File Association Manager .8pbs
File Association Manager .8st
File Association Manager .a2c
File Association Manager .a2l
File Association Manager .a2m
File Association Manager .a3l
File Association Manager .a4l
File Association Manager .a4m
File Association Manager .a4p
File Association Manager .a5l
File Association Manager .a65
File Association Manager .a6p
File Association Manager .abbu
File Association Manager .abcd
File Association Manager .aby
File Association Manager .acfm
File Association Manager .acrodata
File Association Manager .acroplugin
File Association Manager .actx
File Association Manager .addon
File Association Manager .admx
File Association Manager .adox
File Association Manager .aea
File Association Manager .aetx
File Association Manager .afploc
File Association Manager .age3scn
File Association Manager .agm
File Association Manager .ahi
File Association Manager .ahl
File Association Manager .aifb
File Association Manager .ain
File Association Manager .al
File Association Manager .amfm
SeqBuilder Sequence .sbd
SeqMan Assembly Project .sqd
Dialogic VOX file .gpbank
RISAFloor File .rfl
Taccel .tac
Media Center file .jts
DocuSign Envelope .dsx
WISO Steuer 2010 Datei .t10
BIF Image .sdg
DITA Document .dita
DITA Map Document .ditamap
DITAVAL Document .ditaval
NRL Schema .nrl
NVDL Schema .nvdl
XQuery Document .xqm
XQuery Document .xqy
Activstudio Recorder Flipchart .flr
Macromedia Project File .apf
Macromedia HomeSite+ File .cfml
Macromedia Tag Definition .vtm
Macromedia Validator Definition .vtv
RGS-CardMaster Database File .drg
Front Panel .fpd
Enterprise Architectプロジェクト .eap
602XML Form .zfo
W32 file .w32
AIMP2: Compressed Tracker Module .mo3
LSM Bild .mrc
FlashDevelop AS2 Project .as2proj
FlashDevelop AS3 Project .as3proj
FlashDevelop Macros File .fdm
FlashDevelop Snippet File .fds
·çÀ×Ó°Òô²¥·ÅÁбí .fl
PepakuraDesigner .pdo
TheRecord Session document .trs
FASTA File .fasta
MegAlign Project .meg
私暦時間割表ファイル .wgs
Project (Oasis montaj) .gpf
Disc Works Audio Burn File .dwa
KiSS Document .cnf
Shuriken動作定義ファイル .aaf
Windows Media Player .kgb
File Association Manager .mu3
File Association Manager .mux
MyNovel revision .myr
Mystica Image .mys
サイボウズ リマインダー スキンファイル .crs
yBook .brn
Disk Explorer Pro Database .ded
File Association Manager .irs
PRO100 library element .meb
PRO100 project .sto
ディズニーはがきワールド2007 名刺 .hbc
ディズニーはがきワールド2007 カレンダー .hcl
ディズニーはがきワールド2007 アイロンプリント .hip
OASYS2文書 .fmt
WK2 File .wk2
Bentley MicroStation Design .sht
E-Studio Experiment File .es
Segments .seg
602XML Form .fo
Laszlo XML .lzx
Relax NG Compact Syntax Schema .rnc
AVS Video Editor Project .vep
HiJaak Image .pdw
NoLimits Track File .nltrack
File Association Manager .hit
Synchro project plan .sp
Aircrew Diary .ald
Aircrew Engineer's Logbook .ale
TransMagicDocument .session
Vokator Document .sva
File Association Manager .cmap
メモリダイアル・マスターFile .mdd
LSM Bild .epi
LSM Bild .fxs
LSM Bild .gry
LSM Bild .ipl
PROFFIX Listen Export (alt) .ple
Tableau Extract .tde
Tableau Workbook .twb
Derive Worksheet .mth
Karaoke CD+G Creator Document .pk2
Battery Kit .kt2
ReCycle 1.x Document File .rcy
ReCycle REX File .rex
Password Commander Template File .tmpl
CFPASFF Document .pdr
CFPASFF Document .per
TatukGIS File .dt0
TatukGIS File .dt1
TatukGIS File .dt2
TatukGIS File .e00
TatukGIS File .toc
File Association Manager .blz
Rebro 図面 .reb
VIZ Render Scene .drf
.BIG File .big
Dungeon Keeper 2 Level .kwd
ImageWalker Class .iw
ALGOR Legacy FEA Model .esx
eCopy Document .cpy
Powersoft.Report .psr
Blue Iris Video .bvr
Winamp media file .hmi
SharpFiling Cabinet Link .sfl
Digital Audio File .bpm
Mac Disk Image File .sparseimage
Fichier Fax .sfx
Quicknote .rem
FreshBrew Model .fbm
JPEG Image .jfi
File Association Manager .bxl
EmailCampaign EMC Message .ecm
AutoTRAX Design Express Project .project
Documento Tisystem .tis
ScanScope Virtual Slide .mrxs
Knowledge Module (Knodule) for the KnowledgeWorkshop application .xpk
Newton Problem File .pb
Dialogic VOX file .axd
Sketch Template File .skx
ITT Rom File .itt
idpkFile .idpk
Alphacam Turning Macro .atm
CVCatE Document .cvc
Corel PHOTO-PAINT X3 Image .cpx
Corel PHOTO-PAINT X3 Image .fmv
Corel PHOTO-PAINT X3 Image .jtf
Project file for LabelMaker by Stoney Creek .wlp
PPC Keyword Generator .ppc
CorelFLOW 3.0 Diagram .cfl
Paint Shop Pro 9 Image .afx
OfficePrinter Document .bct
Paint Shop Pro 9 Image .ncr
LETS-FontACE-Lite.Document .ffd
岩盤柱状ファイル .gan
HiJaak Image .cg3
Windows Media Player .prel
Winamp media file .rsn
Winamp media file .zst
SBS 3D Garagendesigner .g3d
SBS Bausoftware ASDRAW .lbu
Web Manga Document .wmga
iLEAP Document .lp2
Winamp media file .xmi
SPX Studio .xs
File Association Manager .pset
File Association Manager .cpgz
3ds max image file list .ifl
3ds max keyboard file .kbd
Windows Media Player .lrtemplate
Preference Settings .prefs
sqlite database .sqlite
Dialogic VOX file .crwl
DVgate Motion Record List File .rlf
Forecaster3 Plan File .frc
NIF File .nif
Nestopia iNES File .nes
BiZZdesigner Model .xmb
File Association Manager .cox
Value Line Document .alt
vShop .vsh
Macromedia Director Resources .skl
Adobe Director Shockwave 3D .w3d
Adobe Xtra 32 .x32
HGTV Project .rwp
Bryce4 Scene .br4
eBook for YanCEyWare Readers .ybk
ProFile 1999 T3 Autosave .at3
File Association Manager .nb0
Interwise Participant .vcm
OEB Container File .oeb
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Document .pvd
Utimaco SafeGuard® PrivateDisk Volume .vol
UME Phone Book .pbb
DeepAnalysis ebay research report .da2
File Association Manager .ax
TurboIRC Skin .ski
TurboIRC Macro .tmc
使手帳 .nbf
Project 64 .usa
Project 64 .v64
FotoShow-Project .fsb
地図スタジオ .jcz
Union Office Format .uof
帳票定義体 .pxd
File Association Manager .xsx
Record Song File .record
TBBackup Parameterdatei .tbp
Deed File .mbl
Lotus Organizer File .or2
Projekt Program Projektant 3D - Dom i Ogród .vag
ERwin File .er1
IGC flight document .igc
Web.Location .webloc
PowerList台帳ファイル .dwl
Axure RP Pro 5.6 .rplib
Axure RP Pro 5.6 .rpprj
FX Graph 3 Graph .fg3
EFILive Tune .tun
STDUViewer TCR File .tcr
CodeWarrior Workspace .cww
Day Document .day
Corel Ventura 7.0 Publication .vp
Bryce 7 Scene .br7
APC.ARW .ocr
Conference Information File .rdx
Muzip macro .mum
File Association Manager .sbv
Dialogic VOX file .pek
Resource Files .tlk
Chinese GB File .gb
QlikView Document .qvw
Civ3QE Document .biq
TorqueScript File .gui
Houdini hipnc file .hipnc
LightWave 3D .ls
Houdini otl file .otl
Houdini picnc file .picnc
Print Artist .bc
openCanvasイメージ .oci
openCanvas1 イメージ .wpb
WinWAP for Windows .wml
Internet Location Service .uls
Atari 8-bit Disk Image .atz
File Association Manager .tfa
ZET Black Box .bbz
Card Vault Deck File .dck
Voxler Network .voxb
.AEX .aex
WidgetMe Templates .wgf
Cadwork 2DR listing .bdr
Windows Media Player .joined
Badboy Document .bb
Allegro Common Lisp source file .bml
OpenCL Source .cl
File Association Manager .yml
InPage Document .inp
StarCraft II Script File .galaxy
StarCraft II Map File .sc2map
StarCraft II Mod File .sc2mod
StarCraft II Scene File .sc2scene
Cimex Design .bf
xml bookmark file .xbel
Compucon EOS Document .ref
File Association Manager .save
TeX Package File .tpm
UnrealScript File .uc
HlKickO Document .rdo
Information Card .hds
BBeB Book .lrf
Help & Manual Project .hmxp
Help & Manual Project .hmxz
Tronan Macro Launcher Application .mma
Phun Scene File .phn
Phun Scene Package .phz
Module File .dbm
HoN Modification .honmod
unInstallShield Log File .isu
Catia V5 Part Document .catpart
Catia V5 Product Document .catproduct
File Association Manager .fol
Dialogic VOX file .off
Crestron SIMPL+ Source .oem
File Association Manager .fmz
IAPI2M32 .ft
Butler Advantage XE .adv
MyBook BkImage File .mbb
UVX File .uvx
地図行政区 .adm
MAX's Snippet .bcs
Indexdatei für A-Z Finder .tix
Ch Safe File .chs
Marimba Castanet Channel .chn
Binary .gba
Screeny 3 Projekt .sp3
File Association Manager .pnach
FreeStyler Backup File .fbf
File Association Manager .wtd
File Association Manager .s4m
Artlantis Object File .aof
BirthdayRemember - Datei .brf
MTG Online III Deck .dek
Neo Dif-File .neo
CHVAC Project .chv
CATALYST Translation Toolkit .ttk
Coffee Document .tag
BioPlot's molecule template file .tn1
TeXnicCenter Project .tcp
C:\Program Files\MDPT\MDPT.EXE,0 .esp
SimPark File .prk
PHP script file .php5
Lenel Digital Video file .info
KeyShot Document .bip
PhotoVCarve.Document .pvc
Cut3D file .v3d
Raybook file .ray
Amaya Files .xtl
Gooddy Words .gws
Virtual Score File .vs
File Association Manager ._eml
Xilinx ISE Project .xise
MuPAD Program .mu
Arles Image Web Page Creator .arl
Selteco Photo Lab Image .phl
Intuit Statement Writer Appearance .qss
DrawiT File .dit
Slick-C Header File .sh
AVG Diagnostics file .avd
Graph Markup Language .graphml
Graph Markup Language (Zip-Compressed) .graphmlz
File Association Manager .mart
Tableau Packaged Workbook .twbx
Graph Modeling Language (XML) .xgml
Y Graph Format .ygf
File Association Manager .yka
File Association Manager .vbw
Project 64 .n64
Hacha .0
Fichier découpé avec Xtremsplit .xtm
File Association Manager .mp_
HNMasterEJ Ver.3.0 Document .hme
Dames1 Document .dam
File Association Manager .nb7
Light Project .lgt
Compucon EOS Document .fdr
Ots File List .ofl
Flypaper Effect .fpe
POV-Ray scene file .pov
text/tm .tm
ProfiCADPPD Document .ppd
Index .hhk
Lipikar Document .luf
MM3D Model File .ms3d
Adobe Encore DVD Project .ncor
MCS ファイル .mcs
Ewisoft Project File .ewp
ROUTE 66 Routedocument .rou
GoLinkUp Player Document .xds
Game Maker 8 Backup .gb1
Interwise Participant .vcr
StatView Dataset File .svd
BASIC Stamp Source Code .bs1
BASIC Stamp Source Code .bs2
Family Historian Chart .fhc
Family Historian Fact Set .fhf
ChessBase old format .cbf
ChessBase Database .cbh
ChessBase Compressed Database .cbv
ChessBase Theme classification .cp3
ChessBase Theme classification .cpn
AudioSoft Parameter File .aip
Extended Renoise Song .xrns
LabVIEW LLB .llb
3D Movie .3mm
TfD Document .tfd
FlexiSIGN-PRO .scv
.wsi .wsi
SDX 楽譜ファイル .sdx
Serif 3DPlus 2.0 .3d2
KeyText data .kt3
PROMT Archive Dictionary .adc
LSM Bild .apx
LSM Bild .blp
LSM Bild .pm
LSM Bild .ps2
LSM Bild .pwc
LSM Bild .pxb
LSM Bild .sr
LSM Bild .tm2
LSM Bild .vga
LSM Bild .wic
InfoViewer .ifs
NetImmerse/Gamebryo Animation Manager File .kfm
Windows Media Player .acs
Money Manager File .mm6
Aulux Barcode Label Deluxe File .bar
CyberGestion .cm
Xbase++ project .xpj
ForeUI Plot .4ui
Business Card .lbc
QUALCOMM Hex Image .hex
File Association Manager .setup
WinISD Document .wid
Media Center file .jtv
GeoDraft Document .gdf
Geo WellPlotInfo .xwp
Nemetschek Allplan File .fil
Nemetschek Allplan File .ifc
VxViewer .vvf
Simtower File .tdt
ScriptMaker Document .sm
HotDocs Form Template File .hft
OptionScope Workbook .osc
LW4 Document .lw4
File Association Manager .s02
StarUML Project .uml
Hyplay Skin .hsk
eBahn Content File .ebn
Toad Query Builder File .tsm
Report Builder Shared Dataset .rsd
360desktop Panorama .360
RTS Document .ral
Deployment Diagram file .dd
Quartus II Archive File .qar
Quartus II Project File .qpf
System Diagram file .sd
XLIFF Translation File .xlf
REFNViewer Document .xzfx
EXACT Lock File .lck
FileType_en_US_default .pbg
Pure Data .pd
E-Run 2.0 Script File .ebs2
E-DataAid 1.x File .edat
E-DataAid 2.0 File .edat2
E-Merge 1. x File .emrg
E-Merge 2.0 File .emrg2
E-Prime 2.0 PackageFile .epk2
E-Studio 2.0 Experiment File .es2
E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info File .startupinfo
AudialsOne Wunschliste .a1wish
XML Query Language .xq
XML Query Language .xql
XML Query Language .xquery
DSPlayer associated file .ave
RationalPlan XRP File .xrp
UltraISO File .vdi
UltraISO File .xmd
Articulate Quizmaker Quiz .aqm
Articulate Quizmaker Quiz .quiz
File Association Manager .jg4
LTspice Symbol .asy
DesignCAD 2D Ascii Drawing .dc2
DataLoad File .dld
File Association Manager .pkh
PokerStat (pokerstars) Document .pks
Kinetic File .kin
Kinetic Template .ktp
MMF2 Document .mfa
AllMyNotes.document .ddb
Sonicfire Pro Project File .seq
Sealed Word Document .sdoc
SCENE Package .cip
WorldsPlayer WORLD File .world
Blog Post File .post
PowerX ActiveImage ベースイメージファイル .aiv
w06tax File .td6
Peggy Project .peg
File Association Manager .laccdb
Hero Lab Import File .hl
EasyBCD recovery & stage files .efi
EasyBCD recovery & stage files .mbr
Easy CD Creator Document .cl4
Startup/shutdown logo set (Multimedia Xplorer) .mxl
Synfig Composition File .sif
PenOffice Document .ink
Nuendo2 Document .npr
Banner Maker Pro .bap
nMacro Project .nmp
Gravis Preference File .grb
File Association Manager .hxa
TSTREAM File .tstream
Family Historian TreeFile .fh
Family Historian Diagram .fhd
Eclipse Document .rpj
BrioQuery Document .bqy
BrioQuery Connection File .oce
NRG Raw Data File .a00
NRG Raw Data File .a01
NRG Raw Data File .a02
SDR iPack Parameters .ipk
NRG Raw Data File .rwd
Samsung Raw Image .srw
Data .data
Genetyx Parallel Editor Index File .gid
Alphacam Stone VBA Project .asb
MicroStation DGN File .dgn
LogoMaker Doc File .lmk
MagicScore Files .sfb
Speech Recognition Grammar Compiler Document .srg
BobCAD20.7 Drawing .cct
BobCAD20.7 NC .cnc
InfoStore node file .isn
Terrapin FTP Server File .svr
Parasolid Binary Transmit Document .x_b
LandOfTheDead Level .dz
PressRelease Document .prp
SystemUp 2009 Profil .sup
StructRSR .rsr
eComic .cb7
Drawgraphic ドキュメント .fda
Windows Media Player .xst
万能ワードレジスタ ファイル .dpd
Compressed Update List .ulz
Citysurf Data Markup Language File .dml
LexmarkPhotoCenter.Document .wki
CorelCHART! 5.0 Chart .cch
Msia File .dlg
Msia File .lif
The Logo Creator Document .tlc
Brain File .brain
Diagram .ddd
Diagram template palette .ddt
Greeting Card Studio Document .gcdp
MPEG File .vc1
Tree5 File .uds
Employee Planner File .epf
Media Center file .tivo
File Association Manager .hki
書庫ファイル .ish
WinMount image file .wmt
C-GEO View .cgp
MemoryLifter Learning Module .odx
Acronis True Image Backup Archive .tib
Saved Previous Version of Document .bk
Screenwriter Script .scw
Timed Backup for the Screenwriter Document .tmb
Navin' You Basic Package .nvi
MobileLink Package .poi
Heroes 3 Map .h3m
3Dマイホームデザイナー図面 .n3d
Thème adsl TV .ats
Sothink SWF Easy File .gla
MatchWare Mediator Document .md8
3D Designer Wohnung .bvh
Radlight Skin .rls
ADX Audio File .adx
AFS File System .afs
Album File .aph
Draw Document .awg
Advanced Grapher document .agr
Dariush3D .d3d
Map Maker drawing .dra
Sigel Professional Label Document .sls
gpsPhotoTagger.Document .itx
Otrkey File .otrkey
Furcadia Objects Extended File .fox
Furcadia Extended Shape File .fs2
Sierra LandDesigner 3D Design .3dl
Dialogic VOX file .bau
Dialogic VOX file .xcu
Report Document .rpd
File Association Manager .cache
YUV תמונה .ph
Navicat for MySQL Structure Synchronize Profile .nps
Chess Game .pgn
Dialogic VOX file .vsprops
Dialogic VOX file .iip
Dialogic VOX file .iiq
EccoPro .ecc
EccoPro .eco
Sothink SWF Quicker File .sqf
dad File .dad
AlphaZip tar.gz archive .targz
ArcGIS Map Package .mpk
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .113
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .256
Quartus II Block/Schematic File .bdf
Maxwell Material File .mxm
Movienizer Database File .dmo
Wave Audio Album .wvl
APC.BMP .2bp
APC.FLT .msk
APC.RLA .rpf
PC5 Map File .pvm
Report Designer File .letter
Corel Photo House Image .ccx
R+I Schema .rpa
Picaboo Archived Album .boo
MPEG Video Wizard DVD Project .wbd
Viewer G-cluster .gcg
TMX Translation Memory .tmx
HotDocs Library File .hdl
HotDocs Form Document .hfd
URL:Eye Protocol .eye
Adobe InDesign 坶恅璃 .idlk
すごい位置合わせ Document .tpd
AutoPlay Media Studio 7.0 Project File .am5
CSLU Rapid Application Developer Canvas .rad
SoundFont .sf2
CSLU Sound Object .sob
Atom Feed .atom
Intelligent Audio File .iaf
3D Rad Project .3dr
Omnic Spectral Files .spg
GrabIt BNS file .bns
Reference Manager Output Style .os
Dialogic VOX file .mui
Print Artist Project .pa
Paychex Report Manager .pym
Paychex Report Files .pyx
The Journal - Backup Archive .jbk
Ots Playlist Template .otm
Cubasis VST 4 Arrangement File .arr
LexisNexis NoteMap Outline .cnm
Filter Graph .grf
Design Document .od
FS Document .pdz
おまかせ君データファイル .amx
fat Archive .fat
ntfs Archive .ntfs
CadStd Drawing .cad
RealOne Metafile .rom
CD Art Display Skin .cskin
Business Expense Tracker file .bet
MediaMan Collection File .mmc
Embroidery File .cem
File Association Manager .lnst
Freestyler location .flf
Genbox Chart .gct
File Association Manager .vrf
File Association Manager .lwtp
BlueZone VT Display .zvt
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .fpk
PowerShell XML .ps1xml
REQ File .req
Fichier multimédia .flh
File Association Manager .abdata
CyberTV v5.0.1 by Oleg Digore .ctv
Adobe Captivate Project [Compatible Mode] .cptx
mentalray Bit File .bit
Jrxml source file .jrxml
mentalray Depth File .zt
Kontiki Package .kpg
NOAA .kap
File Association Manager .890
MasterClips Browser .paq
Animal Database .gpd
Subtitle file .zeg
Quake 2/Soldier of Fortune (v1.07f) Demo .dm2
Quake 3 Arena (v1.17)/Star Trek Elite Force 2/ Medal of Honor: Allied Assault demo .dm3
Quake 3 Arena (v1.32c) Demo .dm_68
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (v1.00) demo .dm_82
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (v1.02) demo .dm_83
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (v2.60b) demo .dm_84
Hitbase Wiedergabeliste .hvc
GedStar Pro.Document .gdw
UWCC Document .pen
Playlist do getTube .tb
Bio-Rad iQ5 Protocol File .tmo
CLF Distribution file .cf2
File Association Manager .mzz
DT Max T1 client tax file for 1997 .p97
File Association Manager .tpi
SMART Response Class List .classlist
SMART Response Teacher File .teacher
Digital audio file .dewf
Digital audio file .efe
Digital audio file .eui
Digital audio file .f2r
Digital audio file .gkh
Digital audio file .s3i
Digital audio file .syw
Digital audio file .txw
Digital audio file .uwf
Digital audio file .wfb
Digital audio file .wfp
Геологическая матрица ГИС Панорама .mtl
Tektronix AFG3000/ArbExpress File .tfw
CASIO Karaoke File .ck9
FEMAP Model .neu
UVScreenCamera Films .uvf
INCODE Previewer .irp
MSR Group Shot Document .mgs
Ganna File .gxl
Iconfactory® Icontainer .icontainer
Apple Macintosh Icon .rsrc
ウェディングフォームテンプレート文書 .wft
FRYRENDER Scene .fry
File Association Manager .ymp
Color Tuner Spot Color Correction .scg
Ciclo Tour .tur
YAMAHA Plug-in Board Editor for PLG150-PC File .pck
Bitser password file .bpw
Application .89k
Pensione Fondo FERROVIE STATO .ff
Pensione Fondo Resp.Familiari .mp
ees Document .xpt
Channel Master Project .cmproj
WinRail Benchwork .bdm
ITN Converter .lmx
Grapher Template Document .grt
Dialogic VOX file .xba
Cosmic Blobs Document .blob
Greenworks XFrog File .xfr
Motorola S-Records .s19
Copernic Engine Package .cpk
ファイルメーカー Pro ランタイム データベース .uqm
Dialogic VOX file .ch3
Dialogic VOX file .sy3
Dialogic VOX file .wpw
旅の記録ファイル .tvl
File Association Manager .md0
Image Dowloader Document .imd
iαppliTool で開く (&O) .jam
Reflection X Client File .rxc
図脳RAPIDPRO Civil図面 .ztd
OMAX Extended Path File .omx
HiJaak Image .tri
SEONote.Document .seo
StillMotion Document .flk
Qt Phrase Book .qph
Pages3D Document .qsd
ArCADia-TERMO Projekt .th
File Association Manager .asi
ラブマ ファイル .lvm
File Association Manager .lock
Aegisub MPEG-4 timed text .ttxt
8SVX .8svx
次世代印刷ヘルパー (Webオンライン) .xyp
File Association Manager .liveupdate
Street Atlas USA 9.0 Document .sa9
Powerview Launcher File .pvl
MailList King Message .mlk
File Association Manager .link
水彩イメージファイル .sui
GeoJet Document .gjd
(De)Coder 4 Datei .dc4
LedStudio Document .lsd
Encapsulated Photo Collection File .epc
LiveMedia File .llm
File Association Manager .s2m
HydroCAD Hydrograph .hce
HydroCAD IDF .hci
HydroCAD Unit Hydrograph .huh
AmortizeIT! Data File .dr
MegaCrammer Test .kmc
MindGenius Map File .mgmf
MindGenius Template File .mgmt
Kidspiration 1.0 Document .kid
FictionBook .fb2
Weather File .wea
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .mob
Application .8xk
Teach2000 Exam Result .t2ks
Teach2000 Exam .t2kt
FetionProtocol .ftn
Text Document .bbs
YourKit Snapshot File .snapshot
File Association Manager .look
FreshWebSuction Project File .fob
ADG Panorama File .adg
DBPro ビューファイル .dpv
CD's en DVD's-document .ckd
Analyzer Projects .storyboard
ねっと手帳 ブックマークインデックス .bmi
NÜRNBERGER Versorgungs-Kompaß ab 50 .sen
Обменный текстовый формат векторной карты .txf
Warcraft III Map .w3m
Warcraft III Campaign .w3n
Warcraft III Expansion Map .w3x
myBase Database File .nyf
Atari 8-bit State File .a8s
Atari 8-bit Executable .xex
PixWizard News Download .pwn
Dialogic VOX file .sfk
InfoZoom geschützte Datei .fop
Line 6 Spider Valve MkII Edit Patch .sve
BurnSt Document .udb
Kornshell Script File .ksh
anim .anim
ita .ita
ru .ru
sk .sk
sk1 .sk1
xas .xas
tcxFile .tcx
MPE Player .bundle
RuMSX memory image .rum
View&Edit CAD and raster formats .gl
빵집 위젯 .bzw
gINT Script .gsc
TRL Document .t11
TRL Document .tl5
PowerSong Play List .playlist
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bradford\ClickFORMS\Tools\Orders\OrderProcessor.exe%1 .xap
4nt Batch File .btm
DexDrive Memory Card Image .gme
QuarkXPress XTension .xnt
XPress Tags .xtg
KE5 Document .kes
Sega Genesis 32x Rom File .32x
Atari 2600 Rom File .a26
Sega Dreamcast Rom File .chd
P-88 Disk File .d88
Atari Jaguar Rom File .jag
Atari Lynx Rom File .lnx
Neo Geo Rom File .ngc
Neo Geo Pocket Rom File .ngp
XBox Executable File .xbe
Kaspersky KryptoStorage Container .kde
Corel Family Tree 1.0 .cgf
Файл растровой карты ГИС Панорама .rsw
Kaiser II Spielstand .k2s
NBG Name Checker file .dnc
TRUMPF-Flg .flg
TRUMPF-Rmt .rmt
DataViewer.MeshDocument .mesh
WinArchiver File .mzp
VMware suspended virtual machine state .vmss
MBS Clip .mbs
File Association Manager .bto
UnrealScript Include File .uci
Video File .video
File Association Manager .hxe
QVM Project .qvm
Houdini Image File .kdk
File Association Manager .sc2replay
VYM (View Your Mind) mindmap .vym
Nintendo 3d Model File .bdl
Nintendo 3d Model File .bmd
File Association Manager .cfr
WebWorks ePublisher Express Project File .wrp
File Association Manager .duc
CCDOPS Document .b
Civ3Ed Document .bic
TransMagicDocument .asat
TransMagicDocument .tmr
DIMIN Viewer n5 Image .u
Encrypt4all Archive .e4a
프로북 만화 화일 .pbi
KOMPAS-Macro .a3m
Text Document .agd
Windows Media Player .moff
JClic project file .jclic
iNTERFACEWARE Chameleon Message Definition File .vmd
SmartSketch Document .igr
File Association Manager .zvr
Adobe InDesign 梓暮僇 .idms
DirectModel Document (.jt) .jt
World of Goo Addin .goomod
EASE IR Radiator Data File .irr
File Association Manager .muf
Columbia University Kermit 95 Script .ksc
Strange Eons Plug-in .seplugin
DissoMaster Classic Document .dmr
File Association Manager .now
File Association Manager .vpcbackup
PreSharedKeyFile .psk
iGrafx Share Media Packed File .pkf
2010 Ohio Spousal Support Calculator .mab
Burner file .upg
ArtCAM Assembly .3da
メタセコイアファイル .mqo
Torrent File .tor
PIPE-FLO Professional System .pipe
DFU File .dfu
Life32.LifeFile.2 .l
Slicer supported file .mrml
20-sim model .em
File Association Manager .ly
Nokia BTS Manager Event Log .mai
DesignWave Drawing .cvd
A flame library for Apophysis .flame
SAS Output .bls
File Association Manager .slddrt
SCS Data Manager File .scz
Trimble TIN Model Viewer File .ttm
Icarus distortion project .ipd
WD3 file .wd3
File Association Manager .hlb
Kurzweil K2600 File .k26
Roland S-7x File .rol
Ensoniq ASR-X File .sou
SampleTank Instrument .sth
Spryka Desktop Budget File .mnm
HDPsyChart Document .hdd
Downloaddatei .dl
pomqmV3 Document .rel
ESB File .esb
File Association Manager .hxc
File Association Manager .qel
DNS Document .dns
Vedit Macro .vdm
HP Printer Control Language .gmv
年賀状無料作成ツール用データ .nnp
Textease Document .tet
Phone pictures .tn
RoadEd Document .gsi
PowerDesigner 15 Logical Data Model File .ldm
RepliGo Document .rgo
LOVE Game File .love
Visual LogParser query files .vlp
FormsForWeb® Filler Package .ffwp
File Association Manager .dov
BIX-Programm-Datei .bix
CorelDRAW 8.0 Graphic .3dmf
CorelDRAW 8.0 Graphic .wsd
CorelDRAW 8.0 Graphic .xy
Configurazione apparecchiature .ca
File Association Manager .riff
JVSG Video Surveillance Project .jvsg
File Association Manager .aiu
iTunes Music Player .gr2
EasyReach Update File .euf
E-Z Legal Form .ezw
ModelBrowser Document Database .mbd
Micrografx FlowCharter 7 Dokument .sgt
File Association Manager .lid
File Association Manager .ndif
File Association Manager .pigm
File Association Manager .pigs
W05TAX File .nd5
W05TAX File .pd5
VS.NET Web Service Dynamic Discovery File .vsdisco
Visual Studio Macro Project (Binary) .vsmacros
Visual Studio Macro Project (Text) .vsmproj
vnaファイル .vna
SmartVersion .svf
iGrafx Designer Drawing .fll
File Association Manager .hmt
DACCS KC ドキュメント .kcl
MSN Content File .mco
Sorenson Squeeze Project .spfx
AccountView Executable Script .avx
WinPIM License .wp7
vplaces Document .vpc
すごピタ! テンプレート .mj2
ab1 Files .ab1
Coder File .abi
BioEdit Project File .bio
GenBank File .gen
Wintrontech Document .vet
vqscls info data .vml
JSはっぴょう名人Teen'sドキュメント .jdb
Topaze Document .ktz
VDF View Source .vw
VersaCheck 2002 .vdf
Sound Designer 1 Audio .dig
ev101 Document .ver
DDS-CAD Vector File .vec
D-Note Document .dnf
DVD Collector File .dvc
VentaFax Cover Page File .vfc
VentaFax Delivery Schedule File .vfs
File Association Manager .rmbak
Raster Image Catalog File .ric
Gartrip data file .t
WeavePoint Pattern .wpo
Ludwig Style Script .style
CART Navigator .nav
File Association Manager .ish1
File Association Manager .ish2
File Association Manager .ish3
WAVpedal Data .wvp
RegRun Run Job .chl
Day-Timer Organizer Database .efl
Pulse Embroidery Files .pxf
Sailwave Series .blw
ACD/XNMR Database .xdb
Bagpipe Player Document .bww
Extend Library .lix
Extend Model .mox
Power Writer Document .pwf
File Association Manager .dctmp
Insight Web Document .iwd
File Association Manager .unity3d
MSN Content Plus File .msn
temp .log2
Windows Media Player .lwv
.gly .gly
.qry .qry
File Association Manager .mpq
DeadLine Math Equation .ddl
SWiSH Video Project file .swv
C++Builder Package .bpk
柱状 ファイル .sbf
Fichier de données HyperFileSQL .fic