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File Extension - Detail

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File Extension - Application Detail

Open files with Adobe Photoshop CS4 - photoshop.exe

Adobe Photoshop CS4
Adobe Systems, Incorporated

Open Extension With:

Name Extension
Print Shop-Projekt .pdp
Paradox String List .pxr
ALSong asl File .asl
Melco Design File .shc
シェルスクリプト .csh
PhotoStudio File .psf
File Association Manager .shh
Studio Project .sta
GIMP pattern .pat
Windows Script Component .sct
ACDSee Pro 2.5 HDR Bild .hdr
アスレチックニュース .atn
AutoCAD Menu Template .mnu
Adobe Photoshop Elements Image .pdd
File Association Manager .ahu
Humid-A-ware Document .ahs
File Association Manager .alv
ADOSViewer Document .ado
VPS Static Interference Check Result File(Encrypted) .acv
Portable Bitmap .pbm
Alphacam Mill Post .amp
File Association Manager .ffo
Chat File .cha
Finale AutoSave File .asv
ORCA AVA Datenbank .ava
Artweaver Color Set .aco
Windows Media Player .acf
AutoRoute Template .axt
SNA Trace Viewer .atf
All My Software database .ams
Artweaver Gradient .grd
APL Audio Datei .apl
Dialogic VOX file .ast
IrfanView EXR File .exr
PhotoCD Image .pcd
Cineon Image File .cin
Dialogic VOX file .act
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image .psp
ACDSee Pro 2.5 ABR Bild .abr
Paintbrush Image .pcx
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn .8ba
Dialogic VOX file .8bp
File Association Manager .8bs
8BallClub Saved Games .8bc
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn .8bx
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn .8by
File Association Manager .8li
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn .8be
Dialogic VOX file .kys
Paint.NET Image .tga
File Association Manager .fl3
Protean Protease Catalog .ase
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn .8bi
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn .8bf
UltimateUnwrap3D .u3d
Subtitle File .psb
SelecSys Import Data .p3r
File Association Manager .p3m
File Association Manager .p3l
Геологическая матрица ГИС Панорама .mtl
MMF2 Document .mfw
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 .psd
Google Earth KMZ .kmz
ACD 3D Settings .3ds
IrfanView DCM File .dcm
Apple Audio Interchange File .iff
ExitReality Scene .dae
JPEG Stereo .jps
Dialogic VOX file .psdt
ACDSee Pro 2.5 RAW Bild .mos
Able RAWer (TIFF) .x3f
Server Response File .srf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dcr
Dialogic VOX file .api
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dng
Wireshark capture file .erf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .mrw
Able RAWer (TIFF) .raf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .orf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .pef
ACDSee Pro 2.5 NEF Bild .nef
Able RAWer (TIFF) .crw
Able RAWer (TIFF) .cr2
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tiff
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tif
Bitmap Image .bmp
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild .fff
Dialogic VOX file .iiq
Hasselblad Raw Image .3fr
ACDSee Pro 3 MEF Bild .mef
Dialogic VOX file .obj
ACDSee Pro 3 RWL Bild .rwl
PICT Image .pict
Samsung Raw Image .srw
Encapsulated PostScript .eps
CD-ROM (WMA) 編集 .nrw
PICT Image .pic
PICT Image .pct
MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image .icb
MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image .vda
CSF file .csf
Adobe Photoshop PSJSFileType.170 .psjs
Serif DrawPlus Drawing .dpx
Headerless RAW Waveform .raw
Microsoft Visio Template .vst
RLE File .rle
Wireless Bitmap Image .wbmp
JPEG Image .jpg
Wireless Bitmap Image .wbm
GIF Image .gif
JPEG Image .jpe
Bitmap Image .dib
JPEG Image .jpeg
PNG Image .png
Adobe PS Touch File .psdx
STiNG File .stn
Adobe Acrobat Document .pdf
Adobe Photoshop Image 13 .psd-backupbyphotoshopcs6portable
Adobe Illustrator Artwork 14.0 .ai
Active Server Page .asp
HTML Document .htm
DirectDraw Surface Image .dds
XMind Markers Package .xmp
Text Document .txt
Adobe Photoshop Image 13 .psdbackupbyphotoshopportable
WebP Image .webp
dat .dat
Able RAWer (TIFF) .arw
JPEG Image .jfif
MASM Listing .lst
SVG Document .svg
PDS File .pds
CorelDraw Image .cdr
IrfanView JP2 File .jpf
IrfanView HEIC File .heic
Flexible Image Transport System .fit
Greeting Card Factory T-Shirt .fts
Flexible Image Transport System Image .fits
SWF Movie .swf
Microsoft Office Word Document .docx
Dialogic VOX file .cr3
InDesign Document .indd
IconDeveloper File .dll
VLC media file (.bin) .bin
PostScript File .ps
DWG TrueView Drawing .dwg
Rich Text Format .rtf
VLC media file (.vob) .vob
Compressed (zipped) Folder .zip
Icon .ico
PixelLive protected Image .pfz
.vfz (.vfz) .vfz
PHP file .tpl
Dialogic VOX file .mogrt
Icon Collection .icc
Outlook Data File .pst
Thunderbird Document .eml
Avery DesignPro Document .zdp
JPEG 2000 Image .jp2
TrueType Font file .ttf
Setup Information .inf
Adobe Photoshop Image 21 .psd-backup
Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File .csv
Windows Media Player .lrtemplate
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document .doc
iTunes Music Player .plist
Обменный текстовый формат векторной карты .txf
HTML Document .html
XPS Document .xps
WinRAR archive .rar
WMF File .wmf
ASP.NET Server Page .aspx
ACDSee Pro 3 RW2 Bild .rw2
Max JSON .json
Windows PowerShell Data .psd1
Microsoft Office Publisher Document .pub
File Association Manager .jsx
WinZip File .r30
WinZip File .r31
WinZip File .r32
WinZip File .r33
WinZip File .r34
WinZip File .r35
WinZip File .r36
WinZip File .r37
WinZip File .r38
WinZip File .r39
WinZip File .r40
WinZip File .r41
WinZip File .r42
WinZip File .r43
WinZip File .r44
WinZip File .r45
WinZip File .r46
WinZip File .r47
WinZip File .r48
WinZip File .r49
WinZip File .r50
WinZip File .r51
WinZip File .r52
WinZip File .r53
WinZip File .r54
WinZip File .r55
WinZip File .r56
WinZip File .r57
WinZip File .r58
WinZip File .r59
WinZip File .r60
WinZip File .r61
WinZip File .r62
WinZip File .r63
WinZip File .r64
WinZip File .r65
WinZip File .r66
WinZip File .r67
WinZip File .r68
WinZip File .r69
WinZip File .r70
WinZip File .r71
WinZip File .r72
WinZip File .r73
WinZip File .r74
WinZip File .r75
WinZip File .r76
WinZip File .r77
WinZip File .r78
WinZip File .r79
WinZip File .r80
WinZip File .r81
WinZip File .r82
WinZip File .r83
WinZip File .r84
WinZip File .r85
WinZip File .r86
WinZip File .r87
WinZip File .r88
WinZip File .r89
WinZip File .r90
WinZip File .r91
WinZip File .r92
WinZip File .r93
WinZip File .r94
WinZip File .r95
WinZip File .r96
WinZip File .r97
WinZip File .r98
WinZip File .r99
Paradox Table .db
File Association Manager .irs
Portrait Professional Project .pp
SnagIt Editor Image .snag
IZArc A Archive .a
SnagIt Capture Profile .snagprof
WinRAR archive .7z
Font file .fon
MAGIX Partition Backup-Datei .mxp
XPS Document .oxps
Theme Park Inc Coaster File .cos
LaTeX Macros .dtx
Express Scribe Dictation File .dct
WinRAR archive .r01
Sit StuffIt Archive .sit
Write Document .wri
MP4 Video .mp4
XML Schema File .xsd
File Association Manager .crtx
ACOBO File .acb
GIMP image .xcf
Paint.NET Image .pdn
GOM Media file(.psb) .psbbackupbyphotoshopportable
JNLP File .jnlp
Blocking Passcard File .rfx
VMware virtual machine configuration .vmt
WinRAR archive .r02
WinRAR archive .r03
WinRAR archive .r04
WinRAR archive .r05
WinRAR archive .r06
WinRAR archive .r07
WinRAR archive .r08
WinRAR archive .r09
WinRAR archive .r10
WinRAR archive .r11
WinRAR archive .r12
WinRAR archive .r13
WinRAR archive .r14
WinRAR archive .r15
WinRAR archive .r16
WinRAR archive .r17
WinRAR archive .r18
WinRAR archive .r19
WinRAR archive .r20
WinRAR archive .r21
WinRAR archive .r22
WinRAR archive .r23
WinRAR archive .r24
WinRAR archive .r25
WinRAR archive .r26
WinRAR archive .r27
WinRAR archive .r28
WinRAR archive .r29
WinRAR archive .r00
MHTML Document .mht
SVG Document .svgz
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Image .cpt
SiSoftware Sandra Lite Leistungstest .sbx
Text Document .log
PowerISO File .dmg
VisiTrax Library .ldb
ACDSee 8.0 PSD Bild .psd-backupbyphotoshopcs5portable
PageMaker Template .pmt
XnView Slide .sld
QuarkXPress Project .qxp
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet .xls
Outlook Item .msg
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Catalog .lrcat
AutoCAD DXF Image .dxf
SWF Movie .spl
InCopy Markup Document .icml
JPEG Network Graphics Image .jng
Windows Live Mail Mail Message .rss
EMF File .emf
Installer Package .air
WinRAR archive .gz
XML Document .xml
File Association Manager .acbl
WinZip File .img
ACDSee Pro 3 JPEG Bild .thm
ACDSee Pro 2.5 SRF Bild .sr2
Fixlet Pool .fxg
MHTML Document .mhtml
File Association Manager .iros
iGrafx Share Media Packed File .pkf
IrfanView KDC File .kdc
Truevision TGA Image .targa
FreeFileViewer TMP File .tmp
PageMaker Publication .p65
QuickTime Movie .mov
OpenDocument Drawing .odg
MacPaint Image .pnt
MacPaint Image .pntg
WinRAR archive .tgz
OpenType Font file .otf
Adobe After Effects Project .aep
VTPlus Filter .vtf
IrfanView HDP File .hdp
MediaCenter.15.Playlist .mpl
Virtual CloneDrive .dvd
Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet .xlsx
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .ppt
BarTender Label Format .btw
Windows Media Audio file .wma
C/C++ Header .h
Cursor File .cur
PHP Script .php
SGI Image .rgb
Google Earth KML .kml
GOM Media file(.skm) .skm
ACDSee Pro 3 PSP Bild .pspimage
HD Photo (JPEG XR) .jxr
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .mdi
Windows Media Photo .wdp
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation .pptx
VLC media file (.flv) .flv
VLC media file (.ifo) .ifo
Moneydance Data .md
PSSDOS Protocol(s) file. .pts
Toad MSSQL Data Compare Project .dcp
File Association Manager .crdownload
Touch Project .clip
アルバムビューアー 配布用アルバムファイル .aae
Dialogic VOX file .manifest
RAR StuffIt Archive .cbr
JPEG File Interchange Format .jif
WinZip File .hqx
Dialogic VOX file .pmg
WhereIsIt? Catalog Group File .ctg
Dialogic VOX file .avif
LSM Bild .emz
REFNViewer Document .xzfx
MediaCenter.15.Registration .mjr
Nero BackItUp圧縮ファイル .nco
Paint Shop Pro 7 Browser Cache File .jbf
Compiled Visual dBASE Menu Bar .mno
InDesign XML Interchange Document .inx
Flash Document .fla
Movie Clip .mpg
OpenDocument Presentation .odp
Windows Live Movie Maker Project .wlmp
VC++ 5 Workspace .mdp
PagePlus Dokument .ppp
WordPerfect X3-Dokument .wpd
IrfanView JP2 File .jpc
EditPad Project .epp
SimpleSend Transfer Configuration .ssf
.XLSM file .pages
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 .psd-backupbyphotoshopportable
LuxRender Scene File .lxs
Windows Desktop Theme Pack .deskthemepack
ArcGIS Toolbox Package .tpk
File Association Manager .fbw
Video Clip .jpgs
File Association Manager .zxp
DocuSign Envelope .dsx
Partial Download .partial
Directory Opus Button File .dop
iClone File .vns
Computer Graphics Metafile .cgm
Adobe.DigitalEditions File .epub
Lossless JPEG .ljp
ALAC Audio file .alac
Safari Download .download
ZOO ファイル .zoo
Windows Media Audio/Video file .wmv
Compiled Resource Script .res
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table .dbf
Adobe PDF Settings .joboptions
Wireshark capture file .cap
Video Clip .avi 1.1 Drawing Template .std
IrfanView PGM File .pgm
Norstedts Skatt 2008 Deklarationsfil .t08
T09 File .t09
IZArc LIB Archive .lib
Portable Pixelmap Graphics .ppm
Painter Document .rif
DLS-3 Account Information .dsc
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .26
RootPro CAD 図面 .rpcd
T01 File .t01
T03 File .t03
T04 File .t04
T05 File .t05
Output Document .t80
C2N Tape Image .t64
File Association Manager .sdsk
DT Max T3 client tax file for 2000 .t00
DT Max T3 client tax file for 2002 .t02
WISO Steuer 2010 Datei .t10
Hacha .0
Adobe Acrobat PDFXML Document .pdfxml
File Association Manager .ds_store
File Association Manager .easm
GAMS IDE project .gpr
SAtrust2006 .t06
PageMaker Template .t65
WISO Geld-Tipp Steuer 2007 Datei .t07
AR Pro 7 Saved Formula .cfa
Cantax FormMaster 2020 Document .t20
CON File .t33
DT Max T3 client tax file for 2021 .t22
Terse source code .t51
InetT2 Emulator .t27
ICONICS TrendWorX32 Trend Display .t32
TIF File .t23
TIF File .t24
TIF File .t25
TIF File .t26
TIF File .t28
TIF File .t29
TIF File .t30
TIF File .t34
TIF File .t36
TIF File .t37
TIF File .t38
TIF File .t39
Sepam serie 40 file .t40
TIF File .t41
Sepam serie 40 file .t42
TIF File .t43
TIF File .t44
TIF File .t45
TIF File .t47
TIF File .t48
TIF File .t49
Sepam serie 40 file .t50
Sepam serie 40 file .t52
TIF File .t53
TIF File .t54
TIF File .t55
TIF File .t56
TIF File .t57
TIF File .t58
TIF File .t59
TIF File .t60
TIF File .t61
TIF File .t62
TIF File .t63
TIF File .t66
TIF File .t67
TIF File .t68
TIF File .t69
TIF File .t70
TIF File .t71
TIF File .t72
TIF File .t73
TIF File .t74
TIF File .t75
TIF File .t76
TIF File .t77
TIF File .t78
TIF File .t79
Sepam serie 80 file .t81
Sepam serie 80 file .t82
TIF File .t83
TIF File .t84
TIF File .t85
TIF File .t86
Sepam serie 80 file .t87
TIF File .t89
TIF File .t90
TIF File .t92
TIF File .t93
TIF File .t94
TIF File .t95
TIF File .t91
iTunes Music Player .modd
DT Max T3 client tax file for 1996 .t96
DT Max T3 client tax file for 1997 .t97
DT Max T3 client tax file for 1998 .t98
DT Max T3 client tax file for 1999 .t99
AT見積 データ .t21
Fax Dokument .t46
Poisson Superfish solution .t35
TRL Document .t11
TRL Document .t12
TRL Document .t13
TRL Document .t14
TRL Document .t15
TRL Document .t16
TRL Document .t17
TRL Document .t18
TRL Document .t19
P-88 Tape File .t88
File Association Manager .abdata
MediaFile (.raw) .ari
Dialogic VOX file .man
ASF Stream Description File .asd
Dialogic VOX file .aa
Dialogic VOX file .art
Greeting Card .etg
Dialogic VOX file .axd
S/MIME File .p7m
Norman Data File .ndf
Citrix ICA Client .ica
IrfanView SFW File .sfw
SGI Image .sgi
MS-DOS Application .com
DirectX X-File .x
Serif DrawPlus Drawing .dpp
Google SketchUp Model .skp
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild .bay
Adobe Content Server Message .acsm
Java Language Source file .java
C Source .c
Executable Jar File .jar
JScript Script File .js
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show .pps
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide Show .ppsx
Microsoft Works Word Processor .wps
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .xlr
Type 1 Font file .pfm
MacPaint Image .mac
Adobe Illustrator Template .ait
Firefox Document .xht
Microsoft Visio Drawing .vsd
LSM Bild .ps1
iCalendar File .ics
Contact File .contact
PowerISO File .pdi
QuickTime Image .qti
QuickTime Image .qtif
Microsoft Office Project Template .mpt
Genetyx PlasDraw File .gpc
ACDSee Pro 3 JP2 Bild .jpx
HP Graphics Language .plt
HP Printer Control Language .prn
IrfanView RAS File .ras
IrfanView SFF File .sff
IrfanView SID File .sid
IrfanView RAS File .sun
IrfanView XPM File .xpm
Lua Program .lua
IrfanView JPM File .jpm
IrfanView DCM File .ima
IrfanView DJVU File .iw44
IrfanView JLS File .jls
IrfanView DJVU File .djvu
IrfanView ECW File .ecw
IrfanView G3 File .g3
IrfanView DCM File .acr
IrfanView ANI File .ani
IrfanView B3D File .b3d
IrfanView CAM File .cam
IrfanView CLP File .clp
OmniPage Image File .dcx
Serif PhotoPlus Picture .j2k
X11 Bitmap Image .xbm
PaperPort Document .max
Microsoft Digital Image Document .fpx
Microsoft Digital Image Document .mix
Multiple Network Graphics Image .mng
Koala Paint Image .koa
Amiga Paint Image .lbm
Dr. Halo Image .cut
JEF File .jef
WinRAR-archief .100
Sky Document .sky
File Association Manager .glox
すごい位置合わせPRO Document .tpp
Simtower File .tdt
MixVibes Document .vib
Dialogic VOX file .csa
Dialogic VOX file .exp
Windows Media Player .c2r
GameSpy Arcade Custom Service .apk
Cube Catalog .cat
カシミール3D 湖ファイル .lak
PASW Statistics UI Builder Document .spd
PageMaker 6.0 Publication .pm6
AutoTRAX Design Express Part .part
Zynewave Podium Project File .pod
Clickomania NG game .cng
Dialogic VOX file .iprop
Adobe Lightroom Preview Image .lrprev
File Association Manager .pdfs
File Association Manager .numbers
KuaiZip 06 Archive file .06
Adobe InDesign 梓暮僇 .idms
File Association Manager .hif
Windows Media Player .studio3
Adobe Photoshop Image .psd,pdd
Windows Media Player .pdf_=
iTunes Music Player .jpg_large
Media Configuration Tool MIF .am1x
File Association Manager .oam
BlueStacks Android Package File .xapk
Blurb Book Project .blurb
NOMEDIA File .nomedia
OpenSCAD_File .scad
RegexMagic Library .rml
CloudHero .cloud
YUV תמונה .ithmb
YUV תמונה .tn3
File Association Manager .lock
Encapsulated Photo Collection File .epc
Windows Media Player .prproj
File Association Manager .moi
Replay Document .rpy
Windows Media Player .__
Fichier de configuration .nar
Cyberduck Bookmark .duck
Windows Media Player ._jpg
CPC Image Document .cpi
StuffIt Compressed File .1
エレコム ゲームパッドアシスタント プロファイル .epr
Microsoft Rights Managed HTML Document .rpmsg
PowerArchiver ZIP File .z14
ONE Numerics .pxl
カシミール3D 地図データ .msh
Mathematica Package .m
Dialogic VOX file .pfc
Windows Media Player .sfcache
NewsStand Reader Text Search Support File .ndx
TimeMap Visual .tmv
Steganos Encrypted Data File .edf
KMP - SRT Subtitle File .srt
GPS Exchange Format .gpx
RootsMagic File .rmgc
Picture Collage Maker File .pwp
Icon .icns
PC5 Map File .pvm
Irodio ビデオ プロジェクト ファイル .imv
Binary .gba
VentaFax Delivery Schedule File .vfs
KeyShot Document .bip
FotoFusion Project File .scrap
AS3 File .as3
Web.Location .webloc
Simply Accounting Data File .sai
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .5
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .75
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .8
Adobe InDesign 坶恅璃 .idlk
Capture One Session .col45
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .14
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .22
backup File .bak
Windows Media Player .pnf
RS4 Setting .ws
YUV תמונה .pse
SmartDraw Drawing .sdr
Calendar Creator Document .bcc
Nero Digital(TM) Files .nd
{D71BD573-AD49-43C8-8BD6-C05186919EAA} .bfg
Print Shop Project .pdg
PUP package (Puppy Linux) .pup
AVC Blu-ray Disc Video .bsf
Blender .blend File .blend
Greeting Card Factory Greeting Card .fgc
TarFile .rpm
VLC media file (.webm) .webm
1-2-3 Worksheet .wk1
QuickBooks OFX data .qbo
IncrediMail Content .imf
Microsoft Flight Simulator Application .flt
Document OmniPage .opd
QuickTime Movie .qt
Vuze Download .torrent
Glary Utilities Splitted File .gfs
WinRAR archive .z
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Template .dot
Configuration Settings .ini
Assembler Source .s
OpenDocument Text .odt
Microsoft Office OneNote Section .one
Adobe Acrobat XML Data Package File .xdp
InDesign Markup Document .idml
Flash Color Table File .clr
Legacy Search Query File .fnd
VLC media file (.mxf) .mxf
Free Lossless Audio Codec File .flac
Windows Media Player Skin Package .wmz
vCard File .vcf
Firefox Document .shtml
MagicISO Document .iso
CyberLink Medi@Show FLM file .flm
PageMaker Publication .pmd
MAGIX Fotoalbum .alb
SureThing Office Labeler design .dsn
Broderbund Banner .ban
Broderbund Poster Type .sig
Microsoft PowerPoint Settings File .pcb
WildTangent PNG File .wpg
Sibelius Score .sib
Ulead PhotoImpact Image .ufo
Design Document .can
The Journal - Backup Archive .jbk
IBM DB2 Object .dcs
APC.PSP .pspframe
APC.PSP .pspshape
APC.PSP .psptube
MyDatabase Document .edb
KuaiZip 07 Archive file .07
UltraISO File .vdi
QUALCOMM Hex Image .hex
Windows Media Player .lnk
Print Artist Project .pra
Dialogic VOX file .tab
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image .tub
Punch! Home Design File .psh
HGP File .hgp
Sales and Marketing Pro File .smpx
Opto Network Definition File .ond
Plaxis 3D Foundation Project .pf3
inFlow Backup Files .ifi
AnyRail Layout Plan .any
Badboy Document .bx
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .rbz
InCopy Interchange Document .incx
WinRail Benchwork .bdm
YUV תמונה .gaf
File Association Manager .riff
DataViewer.MeshDocument .mesh
NW_Document .nw
JUNO-Di Librarian Document .jxl
Inspector Result File .insp
TurboTax 2015 Document .tax2015
ACDSee Ultimate 2019 AFPHOTO Image .afphoto
Affinity Designer File .afdesign
Media Center file .heif
File Association Manager .pkpass
Affinity Publisher File .afpub
Insta360 Panorama video .insv
Affinity Publisher File .afbrushes
PhotoPad Image Editor .jpg!d
Windows Media Player .pspworkspace
Windows Media Player .~tmp
Windows Media Player .database_uuid
Affinity Designer File .aftemplate
Adobe Photoshop PSJSFileType.180 .psap
acdsee .00_jpg_srz

Browse File Extensions

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