Composite Font File |
.compositefont |
Windows Script Component |
.wsc |
Windows Script Component |
.sct |
Text Document |
.wtx |
Setup Information |
.inf |
Configuration Settings |
.ini |
Text Document |
.log |
LSM Bild |
.ps1 |
Windows PowerShell Data |
.psd1 |
Windows PowerShell Module |
.psm1 |
Text Document |
.txt |
Text Document |
.scp |
Text Document |
.exc |
Text Document |
.dic |
ACD/CNMR Calculated Spectrum |
.csp |
Corel Print Style |
.prs |
OpenVPN Config File |
.ovpn |
Text Document |
.gitattributes |
Text Document |
.gitmodules |
Text Document |
.gitignore |
dat |
.dat |
Text Document |
.rtx |
DWG TrueView Script |
.scr |
Text Document |
.kmp |
テキスト ドキュメント |
.pmp |
MacPaint Image |
.mac |
ArcSoft Slide Show File |
.mmp |
Windows Script Host Settings File |
.wsh |
Windows Script File |
.wsf |
Wireshark capture file |
.trc |
JScript Encoded File |
.jse |
HTML Application |
.hta |
VBScript Script File |
.vbs |
Security Certificate |
.crt |
Security Certificate |
.der |
Security Certificate |
.cer |
JScript Script File |
.js |
VBScript Encoded File |
.vbe |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fa-fax |
COBOL Trace Information File |
.tro |
Registration Entries |
.reg |
Include File |
.inc |
Trellix Document |
.tlx |
PostScript File |
.ps |
AviSynth Autoload Script |
.avsi |
AutoCAD Menu Template |
.mnu |
Microsoft Office Excel Web Query File |
.iqy |
GIMP pattern |
.pat |
AviSynth Script |
.avs |
Bridge Movie |
.lin |
Bricscad Dialog Control Language file |
.dcl |
PGP Encrypted File |
.pgp |
Bricscad Unit file |
.unt |
Microsoft Office Access MDE Database |
.mde |
Microsoft Office Access Project |
.adp |
Microsoft Office Access Project Extension |
.ade |
Text Document |
.conf |
Customer Details |
.customer |
VinylMaster User Settings |
.vmconfig |
IBM DB2 Object |
.dcs |
AVS Slideshow Maker Project |
.shp |
TextPipe Test Run |
.dcv |
IBM DB2 Object |
.fragment |
Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File |
.csv |
settingseditor Document |
.settings |
PhotoStudio File |
.psf |
Error log |
.err |
AutoCAD XREF Log |
.xlg |
AutoCAD DXFIX Support |
.dxt |
AutoCAD Menu Source |
.mns |
AutoCAD Dialog Error Log |
.dce |
AutoCAD FilterList |
.nfl |
AutoCAD Font Map |
.fmp |
Ghostscript Font Catalog |
.bd |
SLG File |
.slg |
pcAnywhere Host Session Log |
.hl7 |
pcAnywhere Host History Log |
.hh7 |
pcAnywhere Remote History Log |
.rh7 |
pcAnywhere Remote Session Log |
.rl7 |
pcAnywhere Log File |
.pl9 |
AutoCAD Custom Dictionary |
.cus |
HttpSvr Daily Log File |
.hsl |
Bricscad LISP file |
.lsp |
PFS:WindowWorks |
.wdf |
Requęte WinDev/WebDev |
.wdr |
HostExplorer Auto Migrate Wizard File |
.wda |
WordDominoes Activity File |
.wdd |
Interface de composant WinDev/WebDev |
.wdi |
WDL Script |
.wdl |
WORLDOX Email (No Attachments) |
.wdn |
.inst |
WinDates Calendar File |
.wdt |
Fenętre WinDev |
.wdw |
Total Commander Content Plugin |
.wdx |
Access Connections location profile database |
.loc |
AutoCAD-Layerstatus |
.las |
Bricscad Menu LISP file |
.mnl |
AutoCAD Multiline Definition |
.mln |
Remote Control Data File |
.hcu |
HydroCAD Hydrograph |
.hce |
Windows Media Photo |
.wdp |
ADTS Audio |
.adt |
E4W Forward Directory |
.3fd |
E4W Offline Manifest File |
.3mn |
E4W Scanner Log |
.3sl |
Eagle Patch Command |
.3ec |
Eagle Keystroke Log |
.3kl |
eMusic Download Manager |
.emx |
Adobe After Effects XML Project |
.aepx |
Campground Master Log |
.prklog |
ASP.NET Server Page |
.aspx |
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document |
.doc |
MSInfo Configuration File |
.nfo |
Text Document |
.lic |
Max JSON |
.json |
IsoBuster IBP Image |
.ibp |
MASM Listing |
.lst |
Dialogic VOX file |
.text |
Registration Entries |
.key |
Scrapbook Factory Mousepad |
.sms |
Codeplug Session Log |
.cpglog |
Microsoft Office Access Application |
.mdb |
Text Document |
.cfg |
Microsoft Office Publisher Document |
.pub |
TerraTec Language Support |
.lng |
Microsoft Office Access Template |
.accdt |
Microsoft Access Web Application |
.accdw |
Microsoft Office Access 2007 Database |
.accdb |
Microsoft Office Access ACCDE Database |
.accde |
Microsoft Office Access Signed Package |
.accdc |
Microsoft Office Access Add-in |
.accda |
HP Printer Control Language |
.prn |
Microsoft Press Interactive Training Bookmark |
.cbl |
Microsoft Streets and Trips Map |
.est |
Software Installation Settings |
.zap |
Outlook Item |
.msg |
Microsoft Office OneNote Section |
.one |
Microsoft Office OneNote Single File Package |
.onepkg |
Microsoft Office OneNote Table Of Contents |
.onetoc2 |
Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 Table Of Contents |
.onetoc |
IconDeveloper File |
.dll |
PhotoCD Image |
.pcd |
VLC media file (.bin) |
.bin |
Microsoft Office Access Workgroup Information |
.mdw |
Microsoft Office Access Add-in |
.mda |
テキスト ドキュメント |
.srl |
Watchtower CAD Keyboard Shortcut file |
.ick |
Citrix ICA Client |
.ica |
テキスト ドキュメント |
.adu |
XML Document |
.xml |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation |
.pptx |
DAMN NFO Viewer file |
.diz |
Interface Definition Language File |
.idl |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide Show |
.ppsx |
HTML Document |
.htm |
Microsoft Office Outlook Holidays |
.hol |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Sh |
.ppsm |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design T |
.potm |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Template |
.potx |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presenta |
.pptm |
Crystal Reports |
.rpt |
Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet |
.xlsx |
Microsoft SQL Server Query File |
.sql |
Microsoft Office Excel XLL Add-In |
.xll |
Windows Batch File |
.bat |
Microsoft Word Addin |
.wll |
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet |
.xls |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation |
.ppt |
ANSYS .blk File |
.blk |
Text Document |
.xrf |
SWiSH Project |
.swp |
FL Studio project file |
.flp |
Text Document |
.upd |
Exported Preferences Pack |
.pld |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show |
.pps |
Linker Address Map |
.map |
Microsoft Office Excel Add-In |
.xlam |
CDLS Document |
.stp |
Adobe DRM Activation File |
.edn |
Microsoft Office Excel Add-In |
.xla |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Template |
.pot |
Windows Command Script |
.cmd |
ZipGenius SFX Options File |
.sof |
Text Document |
.v |
Flash ActionScript File |
.as |
Paradox Table |
.db |
PSpice Netlist File |
.net |
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Document |
.docm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exp |
Microsoft Office Word Template |
.dotx |
Microsoft Office Excel Template |
.xltx |
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Template |
.dotm |
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet |
.xlsm |
Microsoft Office Excel Binary Worksheet |
.xlsb |
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Template |
.xltm |
Virtual Disk |
.vhd |
Microsoft Office Word Document |
.docx |
Subtitle File |
.idx |
XML Configuration File |
.config |
Lua Program |
.lua |
Subtitle File |
.sub |
KMP - SRT Subtitle File |
.srt |
ICOBOL Log File |
.lg |
Subtitle File |
.psb |
Dirac Video |
.drc |
C Source |
.c |
MS-DOS Application |
.com |
SMIL Multimedia Presentation |
.smi |
Java Language Source file |
.java |
Adobe Acrobat Document |
.pdf |
Shortcut to MS-DOS Program |
.pif |
Visual Basic Module |
.bas |
Encapsulated PostScript |
.eps |
Flash AS Communication File |
.asc |
YourKit Snapshot File |
.snapshot |
Scrap object |
.shs |
Wireshark capture file |
.enc |
NSIS Header File |
.nsh |
NewsStand Reader Index File |
.nsi |
ATEasy System |
.sys |
AutoCAD Help Index |
.hdx |
InstallShield project file |
.pcp |
Microsoft Digital Image Document |
.fpx |
AutoCAD Help File |
.ahp |
AutoCAD Utility Defaults |
.dfs |
MusicNet Download File |
.mnd |
AutoCAD ADS Autoload |
.ads |
C/C++ Header |
.h |
Paintbrush Image |
.pcx |
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 |
.psd |
CardScan Database File |
.cdb |
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Template |
.dot |
Microsoft Office Excel Backup File |
.xlk |
EarMaster Language File |
.lan |
Sound Designer 1 Audio |
.dig |
MultiView 2000 Defaults |
.zzd |
MultiView 2000 Terminal Emulator Script |
.zzs |
Mastercam NC Files |
.nc |
Cascading Style Sheet Document |
.css |
Application Manager File |
.prj |
Text Document |
.abb |
Paint.NET Image |
.tga |
BobCAD20.7 NC |
.cnc |
Text Document |
.lis |
PHP Script |
.php |
Rich Text Format |
.rtf |
Media Center file |
.bpl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tsv |
File Association Manager |
.crypted |
C++ Source |
.cpp |
Viceversa File |
.fsf |
HTML Document |
.html |
DV Movie |
.dif |
Download Accelerator file list |
.dal |
Serif DrawPlus Drawing |
.dpa |
ToolBook II Book |
.dga |
iEPGファイル(PL) |
.pl |
Shortcut into a document |
.shb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wtf |
.mf |
Cyberquery Enquiry |
.eq |
AutoREALM XML-map |
.aur |
Trimble base audit file |
.aub |
Dialogic VOX file |
.manifest |
Internet Communication Settings |
.ins |
vCard File |
.vcf |
Internet Communication Settings |
.isp |
Microsoft Digital Image Document |
.mix |
PNG Image |
.png |
Write Document |
.wri | 1.1 Presentation Template |
.sti |
RS4 Setting |
.ws |
Export Definition File |
.def |
Microsoft Digital Image Document |
.cta |
Communication File |
.cfi |
WinRAR archive |
.gz |
Microsoft Works Word Processor |
.wps |
easrec data file |
.easrecdata |
iCalendar File |
.ics |
Visual Basic Source file |
.vb |
Thunderbird Document |
.eml |
Windows Media Player |
.pnf |
Compressed (zipped) Folder |
.zip |
InstallShield project file |
.mst |
Adobe.DigitalEditions File |
.epub |
AVS Image Disc |
.icd |
Polar |
.pol |
Reporte Aspel |
.fto |
Nota Aspel |
.nta |
Visual C# Source file |
.cs |
JPEG Image |
.jpg |
Drumroll Trace file |
.drumrolltrace |
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File |
.tif |
GIF Image |
.gif |
Outlook Data File |
.pst |
Windows Installer Patch |
.msp |
Backgammon Saved Game |
.gs |
KVPN Config File |
.kvpn |
Autodesk Revit Template |
.rte |
MapSend File |
.upt |
Windows Media Player |
.chk |
WinRAR archive |
.rar |
Adobe Illustrator Artwork 14.0 |
.ai |
.sos |
Assembler Source |
.asm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bsc |
File Association Manager |
.readme |
Greeting Card Factory Specialty Paper |
.fsp |
EagleEyeOS One Device Startup Alert Export File |
.eol |
AutoCAD DXF Image |
.dxf |
CorelDraw Image |
.cdr |
Topocad Traverse Data |
.trv |
SegCalc Document |
.spr |
CubaseLE Project |
.cpr |
Icon |
.ico |
Micrografx Designer/Draw Image |
.drw |
Dialogic VOX file |
.man |
Bitmap Image |
.bmp |
Active Server Page |
.asp |
XML Schema File |
.xsd |
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet |
.xlr |
iTunes Music Player |
.plist |
Visual Basic Form File |
.frm |
IZArc LIB Archive |
.lib |
Headerless RAW Waveform |
.raw |
OpenRaster Image |
.ora |
ACIS SAT Files |
.sat |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Menu |
.mpr |
Adr_Book File |
.adr |
jZip archive file |
.001 |
QuickBooks Import/Export File |
.iif |
Assembler Source |
.s |
MagicISO Document |
.iso |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.psp |
WMF File |
.wmf |
IrfanView RAS File |
.ras |
WinZip File |
.img |
IrfanView PGM File |
.pgm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tab |
JPEG 2000 Image |
.jp2 |
EasyBuilder8000evt |
.evt |
OmniPage Image File |
.dcx |
Palm Database File |
.pdb |
RUMBA Batch File Transfer |
.ftb |
Broderbund Fax Cover |
.fax |
Cyberquery Text Report |
.cq |
HTML File |
.action |
IrfanView CLP File |
.clp |
Cursor File |
.cur |
Portable Pixelmap Graphics |
.ppm |
Go Problems |
.prb |
Resource Script |
.rc |
.filter |
Apple Audio Interchange File |
.iff |
Portable Bitmap |
.pbm |
XSL Stylesheet |
.xsl |
DirectX X-File |
.x |
Paradox String List |
.pxr |
.sci |
OmniPage Image Document |
.shg |
FreeFileViewer TMP File |
.tmp |
ToolBook II Book |
.tbk |
SWF Movie |
.swf |
Windows Installer Package |
.msi |
Microsoft Excel 5.0 DialogSheet |
.xld |
Visual Basic Class Module |
.cls |
PHP3 Script |
.php3 |
IrfanView JP2 File |
.jpc |
File Association Manager |
.adi |
.examplesavegame |
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File |
.tiff |
Ulead PhotoImpact Image |
.ufo |
WordPerfect X3-Dokument |
.wpd |
VTPlus Filter |
.vtf |
XML Document |
.nxdash |
XML Document |
.nxlog |
VisiTrax Library |
.ldb |
SureThing Office Labeler design |
.dsn |
Windows Media Player |
.sfcache |
Notepad++ Document |
.bsh |
OpenDocument Text |
.odt |
WinZip File |
.r30 |
WinZip File |
.r31 |
WinZip File |
.r32 |
WinZip File |
.r33 |
WinZip File |
.r34 |
WinZip File |
.r35 |
WinZip File |
.r36 |
WinZip File |
.r37 |
WinZip File |
.r38 |
WinZip File |
.r39 |
WinZip File |
.r40 |
WinZip File |
.r41 |
WinZip File |
.r42 |
WinZip File |
.r43 |
WinZip File |
.r44 |
WinZip File |
.r46 |
WinZip File |
.r47 |
WinZip File |
.r48 |
WinZip File |
.r49 |
WinZip File |
.r50 |
WinZip File |
.r51 |
WinZip File |
.r52 |
WinZip File |
.r53 |
WinZip File |
.r54 |
WinZip File |
.r55 |
WinZip File |
.r56 |
WinZip File |
.r57 |
WinZip File |
.r58 |
WinZip File |
.r59 |
WinZip File |
.r60 |
WinZip File |
.r61 |
WinZip File |
.r62 |
WinZip File |
.r63 |
WinZip File |
.r64 |
WinZip File |
.r65 |
WinZip File |
.r66 |
WinZip File |
.r67 |
WinZip File |
.r68 |
WinZip File |
.r69 |
WinZip File |
.r70 |
WinZip File |
.r71 |
WinZip File |
.r72 |
WinZip File |
.r73 |
WinZip File |
.r74 |
WinZip File |
.r75 |
WinZip File |
.r76 |
WinZip File |
.r77 |
WinZip File |
.r78 |
WinZip File |
.r79 |
WinZip File |
.r80 |
WinZip File |
.r81 |
WinZip File |
.r82 |
WinZip File |
.r83 |
WinZip File |
.r84 |
WinZip File |
.r85 |
WinZip File |
.r86 |
WinZip File |
.r87 |
WinZip File |
.r88 |
WinZip File |
.r89 |
WinZip File |
.r90 |
WinZip File |
.r91 |
WinZip File |
.r92 |
WinZip File |
.r93 |
WinZip File |
.r94 |
WinZip File |
.r95 |
WinZip File |
.r96 |
WinZip File |
.r97 |
WinZip File |
.r98 |
WinZip File |
.r99 |
WinZip File |
.r45 |
Crash Dump File |
.hdmp |
Executable Jar File |
.jar |
OST Package File |
.ost |
JPEG Image |
.jpeg |
WinRAR archive |
.r00 |
WinRAR archive |
.r10 |
WinRAR archive |
.r11 |
WinRAR archive |
.r12 |
WinRAR archive |
.r13 |
WinRAR archive |
.r14 |
WinRAR archive |
.r15 |
WinRAR archive |
.r16 |
WinRAR archive |
.r17 |
WinRAR archive |
.r18 |
WinRAR archive |
.r19 |
WinRAR archive |
.r20 |
WinRAR archive |
.r21 |
WinRAR archive |
.r22 |
WinRAR archive |
.r23 |
WinRAR archive |
.r24 |
WinRAR archive |
.r25 |
WinRAR archive |
.r26 |
WinRAR archive |
.r27 |
WinRAR archive |
.r28 |
WinRAR archive |
.r29 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.usr |
WinRAR archive |
.r01 |
WinRAR archive |
.r02 |
WinRAR archive |
.r03 |
WinRAR archive |
.r04 |
WinRAR archive |
.r06 |
WinRAR archive |
.r07 |
WinRAR archive |
.r08 |
WinRAR archive |
.r09 |
WinRAR archive |
.r05 |
M3U file |
.m3u |
Dialogic VOX file |
.user |
Windows Media Player |
.dvdfab6 |
Nero Digital(TM) Files |
.nd |
Moneydance Data |
.md |
Microsoft Graph 2000-Diagramm |
.gra |
.movbas |
Text Document |
.m01 |
Text Document |
.m02 |
Text Document |
.m00 |
Text Document |
.m41 |
Text Document |
.m03 |
Text Document |
.m04 |
Text Document |
.m05 |
Text Document |
.m06 |
Text Document |
.m11 |
Text Document |
.m13 |
Text Document |
.m43 |
Text Document |
.m12 |
WISO Sparbuch 2006/2007 Datei |
.m07 |
WISO Sparbuch 2008/2009 Datei |
.m09 |
WISO Sparbuch 2007/2008 Datei |
.m08 |
WISO Sparbuch 2009/2010 Datei |
.m10 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.m14 |
Deepnet http server daily log file |
.dhl |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.m15 |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.m75 |
WildTangent PNG File |
.wpg |
Text Document |
.m44 |
Text Document |
.m45 |
Text Document |
.m46 |
Text Document |
.m47 |
Text Document |
.m48 |
Text Document |
.m49 |
Text Document |
.m50 |
Text Document |
.m51 |
Text Document |
.m52 |
Text Document |
.m53 |
Text Document |
.m54 |
Text Document |
.m55 |
Text Document |
.m56 |
Text Document |
.m57 |
Text Document |
.m58 |
Text Document |
.m59 |
Text Document |
.m60 |
Text Document |
.m61 |
Text Document |
.m62 |
Text Document |
.m63 |
Text Document |
.m64 |
Text Document |
.m65 |
Text Document |
.m66 |
Text Document |
.m67 |
Text Document |
.m68 |
Text Document |
.m69 |
Text Document |
.m70 |
Text Document |
.m71 |
Text Document |
.m72 |
Text Document |
.m73 |
Text Document |
.m74 |
Text Document |
.m76 |
Text Document |
.m77 |
Text Document |
.m78 |
Text Document |
.m79 |
Text Document |
.m80 |
Text Document |
.m81 |
Text Document |
.m82 |
Text Document |
.m83 |
Text Document |
.m84 |
Text Document |
.m85 |
Text Document |
.m86 |
Text Document |
.m87 |
Text Document |
.m88 |
Text Document |
.m89 |
Text Document |
.m90 |
Text Document |
.m91 |
Text Document |
.m92 |
Text Document |
.m93 |
Text Document |
.m94 |
Text Document |
.m95 |
Text Document |
.m96 |
Text Document |
.m97 |
Text Document |
.m98 |
Text Document |
.m99 |
Text Document |
.m16 |
Text Document |
.m17 |
Text Document |
.m18 |
Text Document |
.m19 |
Text Document |
.m20 |
Text Document |
.m21 |
Text Document |
.m22 |
Text Document |
.m23 |
Text Document |
.m24 |
Text Document |
.m25 |
Text Document |
.m26 |
Text Document |
.m27 |
Text Document |
.m28 |
Text Document |
.m29 |
Text Document |
.m30 |
Text Document |
.m31 |
Text Document |
.m32 |
Text Document |
.m33 |
Text Document |
.m34 |
Text Document |
.m35 |
Text Document |
.m36 |
Text Document |
.m37 |
Text Document |
.m38 |
Text Document |
.m39 |
Text Document |
.m40 |
Text Document |
.m42 |
DirectDraw Surface Image |
.dds |
Compiled Resource Script |
.res |
.latest |
Internet Shortcut |
.url |
There Login Data |
.tlg |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.crw |
RLE File |
.rle |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.cr2 |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 NEF Bild |
.nef |
Adobe ®Table 3.0 |
.tbl |
Klip File |
.kli |
Text Document |
.agd |
Text Document |
.try |
Text Document |
.wet |
OmniPeek AutoCapture File |
.wac |
WinRAR archive |
.tgz |
PICT Image |
.pct |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xcu |
Contact File |
.contact |
PMF File |
.pmf |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.dng |
.flg |
XRX Files |
.rx |
CADWorx Frame Configuration File |
.frame |
CADWorx Ladder Configuration File |
.ladder |
CADWorx Hand Rail Configuration File |
.rail |
CADWorx Stair Configuration File |
.stair |
MET'S MediaLook Ver1.5 |
.mld |
Dialogic VOX file |
.resx |
ACDSee Photo Disc Data File |
.ddf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fif |
Value Line Document |
.alt |
CADWorx Insulation Data File |
.inu |
Microsoft Reader |
.fls |
onlineTV 5 Playlist |
.opl |
Poster File |
.pos |
New AspEmail message |
.eam-new |
Deferred AspEmail message |
.eam-next |
Received AspEmail message |
.eam-rcv |
Processing AspEmail message |
.eam-busy |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rul |
WinRAR archive |
.7z |
ASF Stream Description File |
.asd |
InDesign XML Interchange Document |
.inx |
Alphacam NC Program |
.anc |
.XLSM file |
.pages |
RSLogix 5000 Import/Export File |
.l5k |
PoserContent |
.arp |
backup File |
.bak |
PVCNC_Control70 Control |
.job |
DeltaCad Symbol File |
.sym |
ライト ドキュメント |
.bom |
PSpice Simulation Output |
.out |
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document |
.fdf |
BT Common Client Profile |
.btp |
WinRAR archive |
.tar |
Quicken QDF backup data file |
.qdf-backup |
Serial Server Firmware Information |
.sfi |
Windows Media Player |
.mapimail |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ex_ |
Startup/shutdown logo set (Multimedia Xplorer) |
.mxl |
HTML Document |
.plg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sol |
CrSSL Config File |
.crssl |
File Association Manager |
.properties |
XPS Document |
.oxps |
Maximizer XML Format Data File |
.mxi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.scc |
Interface Definition Language File |
.odl |
8 bit signed file |
.sam | 1.1 Drawing Template |
.std |
YUV תמונה |
.vic |
Netlist |
.sdf |
Windows Media Player |
.lex |
Dialogic VOX file |
.htc |
Examine32 Search Parameters |
.exa |
SPX Studio |
.xs |
FormFlow Form |
.frp |
S-COP Encrypted File |
.cop |
採点王バックアップファイル |
.s12 |
TrySim-Machine |
.san |
CADWorx User Data File |
.use |
CADWorx Extra-Extra Strong Data File |
.xxs |
CADWorx Schedule 160 Data File |
.s16 |
CADWorx Schedule 40 Data File |
.s40 |
CADWorx Schedule 5 Data File |
.s5 |
CADWorx Schedule 80 Data File |
.s80 |
CADWorx PVC Schedule 40 Data File |
.p40 |
CADWorx PVC Schedule 80 Data File |
.p80 |
CADWorx 1500 LBS Data File |
.15c |
CADWorx 2000 LBS Data File |
.20c |
CADWorx 2500 LBS Data File |
.25c |
CADWorx 3000 LBS Data File |
.30c |
CADWorx 400 LBS Data File |
.400 |
CADWorx 600 LBS Data File |
.600 |
CADWorx 6000 LBS Data File |
.60c |
CADWorx 800 LBS Data File |
.800 |
CADWorx 900 LBS Data File |
.900 |
CADWorx 9000 LBS Data File |
.90c |
CADWorx DIN (Metric/Metric) Data File |
.din |
SpbWallet.Document |
.swl |
WISO Sparbuch 2009/2010 Datei |
.s10 |
PhatPad Document |
.pmi |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.150 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.300 |
Effect File |
.fx |
Active Server Document |
.jsp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.suo |
Microsoft Works Database |
.wdb |
Persona Session |
.psa |
Windows Media Player |
.email |
SystemUp 2009 Profil |
.sup |
Python File |
.py |
Microsoft Office Outlook Profile Settings |
.prf |
ALSong sab File |
.sab |
CADWorx EN_DIN Components Data File English |
.ene |
ACECAD Handwriting e-Book |
.dnd |
Viess Document |
.end |
Japanese Text File |
.jis |
PhotoVCarve.Document |
.pvc |
BallSwapper File |
.bss |
File Association Manager |
.dne |
CADWorx Ductile Iron 150 LBS Data File |
.dip150 |
CADWorx Ductile Iron 175 LBS Data File |
.dip175 |
CADWorx Ductile Iron 200 LBS Data File |
.dip200 |
CADWorx Ductile Iron 250 LBS Data File |
.dip250 |
CADWorx Ductile Iron 300 LBS Data File |
.dip300 |
CADWorx Ductile Iron 350 LBS Data File |
.dip350 |
DigitalNotes Document |
.top |
CSF file |
.csf |
IZArc A Archive |
.a |
Vuze Download |
.torrent |
Windows Media playlist |
.wpl |
XSL Transform |
.xslt |
Position and Navigation device installation file |
.pni |
Google Earth KML |
.kml |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Program |
.prg |
JPEG File Interchange Format |
.jif |
カシミール3D 地図データ |
.bil |
Links 2003 Tourney File |
.ltf |
Allegro Common Lisp source file |
.bml |
Allegro Common Lisp source file |
.lisp |
Virtual CloneDrive |
.dvd |
Microsoft Money backup file |
.mbf |
Steganos Encrypted Data File |
.edf |
OpenCL Source |
.cl |
WebP Image |
.webp |
Windows Media Player |
.zfsendtotarget |
Movie Clip |
.mod |
VLC media file (.cue) |
.cue |
CLF Distribution file |
.cf2 |
Crash Dump File |
.dmp |
Cabinet File |
.cab |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nvr |
Server Response File |
.srf |
VLC media file (.vob) |
.vob |
PSpice Circuit File |
.cir |
3ds max custom user interface layout file |
.cui |
Cakewalk Play List |
.set |
Visual C# Project file |
.csproj |
Xftp session |
.xfp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ext |
Firefox Document |
.shtml |
MHTML Document |
.mht |
ACDSee Pro 3 MEF Bild |
.mef |
Dialogic VOX file |
.log1 |
TCOYF Cycle Database |
.tcf |
ZET Black Box |
.bbz |
PowerShell XML |
.ps1xml |
wc3270 emulator keymap |
.wc3270km |
avast! license file |
.avastlic |
VLC media file (.flv) |
.flv |
PHP file |
.tpl |
C/C++ Header |
.hpp |
3ds max image file list |
.ifl |
MS4 Map |
.ms |
ATEasy Driver |
.drv |
Bricscad Macro file |
.mcr |
Microsoft Picture It! Document |
.psg |
3ds max keyboard file |
.kbd |
3ds max quad menu settings file |
.qop |
Quicken Import File |
.qif |
Flash Color Table File |
.clr |
Video Clip |
.avi |
IrfanView HEIC File |
.heic |
.ax9 |
.cx9 |
.fx9 |
.px9 |
G-code toolpath |
.gcode |
GCstar Collection |
.gcs |
.mds |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sed |
Graph Modeling Language |
.gml |
.dvdfabpasskey |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.arw |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tlb |
C++ Source |
.cxx |
CGIファイル |
.cgi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mmf |
S/MIME File |
.p7m |
PaperPort Document |
.max |
XML Document Type Definition |
.dtd |
LabVIEW Control Template |
.ctt |
Active Server Page |
.cdx |
Screamtracker 2 Module |
.stm |
System Monitor File |
.pma |
Kindle Content |
.prc |
Wireless Bitmap Image |
.wbm |
OpenDocument Drawing |
.odg |
Compiled HTML Help file |
.chm |
LSM Bild |
.pm |
Wireshark capture file |
.erf |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.x3f |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 SRF Bild |
.sr2 |
HTML Document |
.shtm |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Dynamic Web Template |
.dwt |
HTML Document |
.ssi |
IrfanView EXR File |
.exr |
Adobe ColdFusion File |
.cfm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pip |
Dialogic VOX file |
.htt |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.pef |
Help File |
.hlp |
PHP file |
.phtml |
Serif PhotoPlus Picture |
.rgbe |
Macromedia HomeSite+ File |
.cfml |
.divl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jav |
HTML Document |
.ihtml |
PHP4 Script |
.php4 |
VirtualBox Extension Pack |
.vbox-extpack |
Text Document |
.spkr |
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet |
.xlb |
IrfanView HDP File |
.hdp |
Serif PhotoPlus Picture |
.j2k |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.mrw |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.orf |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.raf |
PSSPEC Customer |
.pssc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vssettings |
Macromedia Flash Paper |
.mfp |
DiscCopy3 Document |
.idc |
File Association Manager |
.laccdb |
Windows Media Player |
.pfx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dbg |
Bitmap Image |
.dib |
PLS Audio Playlist |
.pls |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 HDR Bild |
.hdr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.local |
Dialogic VOX file |
.inv |
Installer Package |
.air |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
.ods |
NEW File |
.new |
Dialogic VOX file |
.htx |
C/C++ Code Listing |
.cod |
Cube Catalog |
.cat |
Address Book File |
.wab |
FC Presenter データファイル |
.pzc |
.saved |
.r |
.chump |
MPEG-2 TS Video |
.ts |
Makefile |
.mk |
Ogg Vorbis File |
.ogg |
IrfanView SFW File |
.sfw |
Arduino Source Code |
.ino |
Free Lossless Audio Codec File |
.flac |
Dialogic VOX file |
.desklink |
PhotoSuite Image |
.kqp |
Journal Document |
.jnt |
.xdt |
ASP.NET Web Service |
.asmx |
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution |
.sln |
Music |
.ofs |
mio |
.mex |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vsprops |
SPSS Data Document |
.sav |
EMF File |
.emf |
Visual Basic Project file |
.vbproj |
Active X |
.ocx |
Windows Media Player |
.downloadhost |
XPS Document |
.xps |
GIF Image |
.gfa |
Embird Registration Password |
.klc |
GSM Audio |
.gsm |
PhotoSuite Image |
.jpa |
Synfig Composition File |
.sif |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.18 |
Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation |
. |
File Association Manager |
.cag |
Netscape Theme or Extension Package |
.xpi |
SMIL マルチメディア プレゼンテーション |
.smil |
VMware virtual machine configuration |
.vmx |
StuffIt Encoded File |
.pf |
Splitter.exe |
.s2p |
Primtext-Bibliothek |
.pab |
Dialogic VOX file |
.api |
VLC media file (.mkv) |
.mkv |
PDS File |
.pds |
AutoCorrect List File |
.acl |
CloneBD Registration Key |
.clonebd |
PICT Image |
.pic |
Microsoft Money file |
.mny |
Quicken OFX data |
.qfx |
一太郎 文書 |
.jtd |
MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image |
.icb |
MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image |
.vda |
Computer Graphics Metafile |
.cgm |
DEB package |
.deb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sy_ |
Print Shop Ready Made |
.prm |
DeltaCad Drawing |
.dc |
RasMol Script File |
.spt |
Scrapbook Factory Sticker |
.slb |
SoftPlot Measurement |
.s4p |
Akai/MESA Program |
.s3p |
Dialogic VOX file |
.obj |
.cshtml |
Google Earth KMZ |
.kmz |
アスレチックニュース |
.atn |
GameSpy Arcade Custom Service |
.apk |
M1 Register File |
.m1r |
Microsoft Schedule+ Application |
.scd |
Punch! Home Design File |
.pro |
Microsoft Program Group |
.grp |
AMC Movie |
.amc |
MHTML Document |
.mhtml |
Microsoft Visio Template |
.vst |
Windows Live Sync Placeholder |
.p2p |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nls |
Sit StuffIt Archive |
.sit |
JPEG Image |
.jfi |
Partial Download |
.partial |
Electrical Rules Check |
.erc |
Broderbund Banner |
.ban |
Christian Greeting Card Factory Labels |
.clb |
Rose Model |
.mdl |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Database Container |
.dbc |
ACDSee Pro 3 JPEG Bild |
.thm |
FLC Animation |
.flc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rsp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.in_ |
Open Financial Exchange File |
.ofx |
.cfgglobal |
.cfgproduct |
Ablazesoft Private InfoKeeper 2 Storage |
.pik |
HydroCAD IDF |
.hci |
HydroCAD Unit Hydrograph |
.huh |
Broderbund Half Fold Card |
.hcr |
VC++ Project |
.vcproj |
hotComm Compressed Data |
.hcc |
File Association Manager |
.vbw |
Windows Media Player |
.aw |
ISAPI_Rewrite configuration file |
.htaccess |
IrfanView ANI File |
.ani |
File Association Manager |
.cwz |
Type 3 OpenType feature |
.feax |
C/C++ Header |
.hxx |
Windows Media Player |
.bup |
Journal Template |
.jtp |
Intel PROSet/Wireless AutoImport File |
.p10 |
TrueType Font file |
.ttf |
JNLP File |
.jnlp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dir |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vbx |
unispim wordlib file |
.uwl |
Makefile |
.mak |
Session Description Protocol |
.sdp |
Microsoft Schedule+ Application |
.sch |
Documento Tisystem |
.tis |
Dialogic VOX file |
.art |
XMol XYZ File |
.xyz |
AutoHotkey Script |
.ahk |
WinRAR archive |
.z |
Okwin Document |
.ok |
File Association Manager |
.fol |
FTM Backup File 2009 |
.ftmb |
WinZip File |
.arc |
temp |
.log2 |
Serif PhotoPlus Picture |
.spp |
GEDCOM file |
.ged |
Windows Markup File |
.xaml |
Windows Media Player |
.qtx |
Pyro Data CD Project |
.pyd |
XMind Markers Package |
.xmp |
RealOne Recording |
.rec |
Slick-C Header File |
.sh |
QuickBooks OFX data |
.qbo |
Programmable Stitch Creator PAS |
.pas |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dl_ |
PAD Dokument |
.pad |
CorelDRAW 12.0 Exchange Graphic |
.cmx |
HP Graphics Language |
.hgl |
VLC media file (.ifo) |
.ifo |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.gem |
QuickTitler Document |
.etl |
Level File List |
.lfl |
WinRAR archive |
.lzh |
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet |
.wks |
Windows Live Mail Mail Message |
.rss |
PageMaker Publication |
.pmd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dbs |
CONFIG File Type |
.jcf |
AutoTRAX Design Express Project |
.project |
Microsoft Backup File |
.bkf |
Safari Download |
.download |
Broderbund Poster Type |
.sig |
Amiga Paint Image |
.lbm |
VMware Virtual Image File |
.sv2i |
Dr. Halo Image |
.cut |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
.123 |
Dial-Up Phonebook |
.pbk |
mystrategy Model |
.msf |
File Association Manager |
.nk2 |
.ody |
Windows Media Player |
.lnk |
Eén flipchart-pagina van Activprimary |
.ap2 |
Apexwin Document |
.ax2 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.odc |
Microsoft Visio Drawing |
.vsd |
GPS Exchange Format |
.gpx |
Legacy Search Query File |
.fnd |
UltraISO File |
.vdi |
ALSong asl File |
.asl |
WinZip File |
.hqx |
OpenDocument Master Document |
.odm |
Microsoft Flight Simulator Application |
.flt |
CS ChemDraw Drawing |
.cdxml |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.rep |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dos |
VC++ Project |
.vcxproj |
JPEG Image |
.jpe |
Quicken QDF data file |
.qdf |
Me File |
.me |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.tub |
.dvdidlepro |
Cimco License File |
.cimcolicense |
DT Max T3 client tax file for 2002 |
.t02 |
RapidocsClassic Document |
.rap |
CD Audio Track |
.cda |
VC++ 6 Project |
.dsp |
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File |
.mdi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fnt |
File Association Manager |
.crdownload |
Room Arranger Project |
.rao |
ACDSee Pro 3 SGI Bild |
.bw |
HP Graphics Language |
.hpg |
Eudora Mailbox |
.mbx |
SVG Document |
.svg |
F ファイル |
.f |
.rll |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Form |
.scx |
PolyTracker Module |
.ptm |
Wireshark capture file |
.cap |
Python File (no console) |
.pyw |
C++ Source |
.cc |
IrfanView CAM File |
.cam |
IrfanView LDF File |
.ldf |
System Monitor File |
.pmc |
Neat Cabinet |
.nwcab |
TurboTax 2018 Document |
.tax2018 |
TurboTax 2017 Document |
.tax2017 |
Laser App Import Configuration |
.lcf |
ACDSee Pro 3 SGI Bild |
.rgba |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.pgl |
Capture One Session |
.col |
SCT-Bilder |
.ct |
Reflection Session |
.rwz |
MPEG Video |
.mpv |
SGI Image |
.rgb |
Adobe Content Server Message |
.acsm |
Internet Video Recording |
.ivr |
VLC media file (.divx) |
.divx |
M3U Audio Playlist (UTF-8) |
.m3u8 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xba |
IntelliTrack License File |
.license |
SGI Image |
.sgi |
Windows Media Player |
.386 |
E-Transcript File |
.ptx |
AVG Diagnostics file |
.avgdx |
Safari Extension |
.webarchive |
Microsoft Office Access Report Shortcut |
.mar |
Dialogic VOX file |
.csa |
.dl3 |
.example |
VMDK File |
.vmdk |
Print Artist Project |
.pa |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table |
.dbf |
DWG TrueView Drawing |
.dwg |
QuickBooks Company Backup File |
.qbb |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Report |
.frx |
Active Server Application |
.asa |
Remotedesktop Document |
.rdp |
Kid Pix Studio Digital Puppets |
.kkf |
Sealed Word Document |
.sdoc |
.xevgenxml |
AMR Narrow-Band Content |
.amr |
Broderbund Calendar |
.cal |
Lenel Digital Video file |
.info |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Browser Cache File |
.jbf |
Windows Live Movie Maker Project |
.wlmp |
vCalendar File |
.vcs |
PowerISO File |
.mdf |
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Image |
.wi |
MetaQuotes Language 4 file |
.mq4 |
Windows Media Player |
.h1s |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.pfr |
IrfanView SFF File |
.sff |
Broderbund Label |
.lbl |
GOM Media file(.wmp) |
.wmp |
Express Scribe Dictation File |
.dct |
Visual J# Source file |
.jsl |
JPEG Image |
.jfif |
Corel Photo House Image |
.ccx |
AirNav Map |
.ml3 |
Quake 2/Soldier of Fortune (v1.07f) Demo |
.dm2 |
Quake 3 Arena (v1.17)/Star Trek Elite Force 2/ Medal of Honor: Allied Assault demo |
.dm3 |
ER/Studio Bi-Level Database Model |
.dm1 |
Environdata DM0 Memory File |
.dm0 |
Environdata DM4 Memory File |
.dm4 |
WebBannerMaker設定ファイル |
.wmc |
TaxCycle CGI Link File |
.cgilink |
TaxCycle Typing File |
.typing |
Text Document |
.ukb |
File Association Manager |
.hxa |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mui |
RIS Formatted File |
.ris |
TraceArt Project file |
.tap |
T01 File |
.t01 |
PowerISO File |
.nrg |
eWallet Document |
.wlt |
Freestyler location |
.flf |
Winamp media file |
.spc |
Gooddy Words |
.gws |
Information Card |
.crd |
Business-in-a-Box Document |
.btd |
Recording |
.lrc |
StuffIt Compressed File |
.1 |
Global Labeling Management Print File |
.lpf |
Mathematica Package |
.m |
ArchiCAD Window Library Part |
.win |
Japanese Text File |
.old |
Nemetschek Allplan File |
.fil |
Windows Media Player |
.prx |
DM Genie Class File |
.class |
Nokia BTS Manager Event Log |
.mai |
File Association Manager |
.ldif |
TurboTax 2019 Document |
.tax2019 |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OPT3DMapping File |
.opt3dmapping |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OPTDistortion File |
.optdistortion |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OPTEyeBox File |
.opteyebox |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OptHash File |
.opthash |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OPTProjectedGrid File |
.optprojectedgrid |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OptSequence File |
.optsequence |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OPTTemperatureField File |
.opttemperaturefield |
Ansys 2022 R1 .OPTWarping File |
.optwarping |
Pinned Site Shortcut |
.website |
Nokia HW Information |
.hwi |
Autodesk Learning Assistance Volume |
.ala |
ムービー クリップ |
.mo |
4DEmbroidery.Document.1 |
.vp3 |
ACOBO File |
.acb |
FamilyTreeHeritage Document |
.ac |
Softex OmniPass Encrypted File |
.opf |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.109 |
XrML Digital License |
.xrm-ms |
Microsoft Office Excel Template |
.xlt |
Nokia BTS Manager Test Log |
.tes |
sqlite database |
.sqlite |
Embroidery File |
.sst |
Delphi フォーム |
.dfm |
Quicken Medical Expense Manager file |
.mem |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rpc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.skb |
ASP.NET User Control |
.ascx |
Inno Setup Script |
.iss |
PICT Image |
.pict |
Broderbund Envelope Type |
.env |
IrfanView KDC File |
.kdc |
Text Document |
.zcc |
.h1v |
Text Document |
.zfc |
VersaCheck 2002 |
.vdf |
File Association Manager |
.crtx |
Text Document |
.zam |
HP Graphics Language |
.plt |
Business Card Factory 2.0 |
.bcf |
Disk Image |
.do |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zmc |
WinWay Contact Document |
.con |
HyperTerminal File |
.ht |
File Association Manager |
.a5w |
.a5wcmp |
.cnr |
Codelobster Document |
.module |
PHP script file |
.php5 |
LoxoneConfig.Document |
.backup |
MastercamX5 Control File |
.control-5 |
MastercamX5 Defaults File |
.defaults-5 |
SFV Checksum File |
.sfv |
Nero BackItUp 情報ファイル |
.nbi |
iEPGファイル(EPG) |
.epg |
ASP.NET Generic Handler |
.ashx |
ASP.NET Master Page |
.master |
ExpressLabeler Project File |
.stx |
XSI Scene file |
.scn |
Fortran Source |
.fd |
FOR ファイル |
.for |
Windows Media Player |
.vxd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dxr |
Secure RealAudio / RealVideo File |
.rms |
Color Palette File |
.psppalette |
Codelobster Document |
.clpprj |
.pcpquar |
Crash Dump File |
.mdmp |
PAR Recovery Volume |
.p12 |
Flexible Image Transport System |
.fit |
Neat Data File |
.nwdb |
.ssdr_cfg |
Google spreadsheet |
.gsheet |
ACID Layout |
.dwshtml |
.hoi3 |
.kuassa |
使手帳 |
.nbf |
Web.Location |
.webloc |
VIZ Render Scene |
.drf |
GCom Broadcaster |
.gcb |
Blu-ray playlist file |
.bdmv |
T-Shirt Creator 32 Document |
.tsc |
Navicat for MySQL Data Synchronize Profile |
.npd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ans |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tsp |
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Image |
.cpt |
Preprocessed C/C++ Source |
.i |
Intel PROSet/Wireless AutoImport File |
.profile |
VLC media file (.xspf) |
.xspf |
eFax Messenger Document |
.efx |
Presentations X3-Vorlage |
.prt |
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe |
.qpw |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ncb |
Microsoft Rights Managed HTML Document |
.rpmsg |
eBook Starter Project File |
.ebp |
Discus Art Database |
.opc |
File Association Manager |
.avery |
Application Manifest |
.application |
Media File |
.success |
MultiSet File |
.amltkey |
バリューチェスドクメント |
.vch |
Outlook Express Mail Box |
.dbx |
Roxio VideoCD Layout |
.vcl |
Principia Hypothetical Document |
.hyp |
Ashampoo UnInstaller 4 Datei |
.ecl |
.ivf |
DesignPro54.ZDL |
.zdl |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.dcr |
Windows Vista Event Log File |
.evtx |
3GPP Audio/Video |
.3gp |
MP3 Format Sound |
.mp3 |
Apple Core Audio Format |
.caf |
Wave Sound |
.wav |
Web Service Description Language |
.wsdl |
Microsoft Analysis Server DMX File |
.dmx |
Data |
.data |
R Workspace |
.rdata |
.dxstream |
.AEX |
.aex |
open old version in new version |
.nhp |
Source Code Interface |
.intf |
Heidenhain File |
.hh |
UltraISO File |
.ui |
PowerISO File |
.dmg |
Compiled Python File |
.pyc |
.dss |
MP4 Video |
.mp4 |
C/C++ Inline File |
.inl |
RAR StuffIt Archive |
.cbr |
Password Depot File (.psw) |
.psw |
AnyDVD Registration Key |
.anydvd |
PyScripter project file |
.psproj |
Guitar Pro 3 Tablature |
.gp3 |
SWF Movie |
.spl |
Flash Document |
.fla |
Windows Media Player |
.acf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hhc |
StuffIt File List |
.scs |
MasterCook MealPlan |
.pln |
Softinterface Conversion Job File |
.sii |
File Association Manager |
.hit | Bestellsoftware Project |
.xpp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.3mf |
Geometry Expressions File |
.gx |
.del |
Wintermute Script |
.script |
EXACT Lock File |
.lck |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.301 |
PowerArchiver File |
.002 |
KMP - ASS Subtitle File |
.ass |
Contact Group File |
.group |
Windows Media Audio/Video file |
.wmv |
Windows Theme File |
.theme |
JDownloader RSDF Container |
.rsdf |
COREL Texture |
.tex |
Media Center file |
.ape |
History Log |
.hst |
VC++ 6 Workspace |
.dsw |
Microsoft Office Access Table Shortcut |
.mat |
Dialogic VOX file |
.act |
Visual Basic User Control |
.ctl |
宛名職人 住所録 |
.ata |
Val Editor |
.val |
WinSQL ER Diagram |
.wer |
Crestron SIMPL+ Source |
.oem |
SQLite |
.s3db |
File Association Manager |
.link |
Corel Family Tree 1.0 |
.cgf |
.hypertile |
File Association Manager |
.numbers |
MediaMan Collection File |
.mmc |
CAMtastic NC Drill Binary Data |
.drl |
.pspframe |
3dsMaxDesign character file |
.chr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.aps |
Ulead PhotoImpact Image |
.upi |
Integration Services Package |
.dtsx |
NoiseTracker Module |
.nst |
VT Transaction+ Template |
.vtt |
Windows Media Player |
.wmdb |
Drawing Exchange Binary File (DXB) |
.dxb |
FTW Family File |
.ftw |
1-2-3 Worksheet |
.wrk |
Envisioneer 4.0 Express |
.bld |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Catalog |
.lrcat |
Файл приложения Nokia Text Message Editor |
.vmg |
NeroVision Dokument |
.nvc |
Zoom Player File |
.zpl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.trg |
IGSS configuration |
.elm |
PowerArchiver File |
.003 |
iLinc PowerBoard |
.pbd |
楽々はがき 住所録 |
.jsr |
3D Rad Project |
.3dr |
PuTTY Private Key File |
.ppk |
File Association Manager |
.jsx |
CuteFTP.Queue |
.que |
Text Document |
.tam |
QUALCOMM Hex Image |
.hex |
.dxg |
TurboTax 2014 Document |
.tax2014 |
Vectric License file |
.vlicence |
Dialogic VOX file |
.toml |
File Association Manager |
.yml |
.exe&authparam=1118159748_b8b6b58e4886a8c1ec5515a7 |
File Association Manager |
.liveupdate |
360zip |
.hxw |
File Association Manager |
.obi |
gcache Document |
.geo |
Application |
.exe |
Visual Basic Project |
.vbp |
QuickTime Movie |
.mov |
Spyware supplemental file |
.sbs |
Microsoft RTC Connection File |
.rtc |
MAGIX Burn Project |
.mbp |
X Window Dump |
.xwd |
Microsoft Data Link |
.udl |
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist |
.wvx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pfc |
APLICDLabel Document |
.lab |
PCStitch Stitched Font |
.stf |
EagleEyeOS Professional SLT Export File |
.ese |
.ca-bundle |
Laszlo XML |
.lzx |
TatukGIS File |
.toc |
.mcmeta |
Windows Media Player |
.ch_ |
LOR Visualizer File |
.lee |
Paint Shop Pro 9 Image |
.ncr |
Detached signature |
.p7s |
DesignCAD Document |
.d3m |
File Association Manager |
.id |
Boxer Macro File |
.bm |
Windows Gadget |
.gadget |
Reference Manager Data File |
.rmd |
Game Cache File |
.gcf |
certfile |
.cert |
JadSplit Info File |
.000 |
Google SketchUp LayOut Document |
.layout |
CALS Type 1 Raster Image |
.cals |
Pagis Image Document |
.brk |
Pagis Image Document |
.kfx |
Firefox Document |
.xhtml |
Microsoft Works Word Processor |
.wpt |
OpenDocument Formula |
.odf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ast |
RootsMagic File |
.rmgc |
Media Catalog File |
.mmw |
SmartDraw Drawing |
.sdr |
Presentations X3-Präsentation |
.shw |
wbload Document |
.wba |
Kindle Content |
.mobi |
ArcSoft Slide Show File |
.sspr |
ACDSee Pro 3 PSP Bild |
.pspbrush |
Apple Device Application File |
.ipa |
StarOffice 5.0 文書ドキュメント |
.sdw |
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document |
.xfdf |
Adobe Acrobat XML Data Package File |
.xdp |
VLC media file (.ac3) |
.ac3 |
Visual Studio Code Snippet File |
.snippet |
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist |
.asx |
Approach View File |
.apr |
PowerArchiver File |
.010 |
AutoTRAX Design Express Part |
.part |
XFDL Document |
.xfdl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sr_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.oc_ |
Simply Accounting Data File |
.csi |
File Association Manager |
.cache |
MicroStation DGN File |
.dgn |
.pspmask |
.pspshape |
.psptube |
Corel SCRIPT 8.0 |
.csc |
.pspcache |
.pspselection |
Text Document |
.prmdf |
Text Document |
.prtdf |
2010 Ohio Spousal Support Calculator |
.mab |
.pspstyledline |
File Association Manager |
.pna |
アルバムビューアー 配布用アルバムファイル |
.aae |
AM2001 Database |
.bvd |
.%%%{4c8cc155-6c1e-11d1-8e41-00c04fb9386d} |
.pspdeformationmap |
.pspgradient |
TurboTax 2020 Document |
.tax2020 |
6SigmaViewer |
.equipment |
SAS AutoSave |
.$as |
File Association Manager |
.lock |
Update Crestron System |
.puf |
.trn |
Aspire file |
.crv3d |
NRG Raw Data File |
.rw |
Dialogic VOX file |
.lgn |
BitComet Unfinished Download File |
.bc! |
Text File |
.1st |
GetRight File List |
.grx |
Notebook File |
.nbk |
CrazyTalk Project File |
.ctp |
OpenDocument Presentation |
.odp |
Microsoft Update Standalone Package |
.msu |
SQL Server Profiler - trace definitions file |
.tdf |
Application Installer |
.jad |
AnyDVD Registration Key |
.anydvdhd |
Broderbund Brochure |
.bro |
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe |
.wb3 |
PerfectScript |
.wcm |
Source Game Add-on |
.vpk |
PowerISO File |
.wim |
Visual Studio Deployment Project |
.vdproj |
ACT! E-mail Message |
.det |
Caspedia Digital Memories Publisher Content Packag |
.package |
JEDMICS C4 Image Document |
.c4 |
CPC Image Document |
.cpi |
.h1c |
ChessBase old format |
.cbf |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.11 |
AllWebMenus Menu |
.awm |
BibTeX Database |
.bib |
LaTeX Document |
.ltx |
LAM Table Setup File |
.lts |
JEF File |
.jef |
Ch Safe File |
.chs |
Stata SMCL document |
.smcl |
Compiled Visual dBASE Report |
.reo |
CADWorx-CAESAR II Data File |
.c2 |
TurboTax 2015 Document |
.tax2015 |
VisualCADD configuration file |
.vctbr |
.log-201897 |
TurboTax 2016 Document |
.tax2016 |
.lbxcit |
File Association Manager |
.regtrans-ms |
.vmoptions |
File Association Manager |
.diskdefines |
FetionProtocol |
.ftn |
TDS Coordinate File |
.cr5 |
u-blox WorkSpace File |
.uws |
Winamp media file |
.zst |
Global Mapper Document |
.opt |
MyDatabase Document |
.edb |
SonicWALL Global VPN Client Document |
.rcf |
TransCAD Matrix |
.mtx |
MasterCook Saved Search |
.src |
UFile 2008 tax data |
.u08 |
Google Gadget |
.gg |
Wireless Bitmap Image |
.wbmp |
GOM Media file(.trp) |
.trp |
Panorama |
.xxx |
Content Copier Datei |
.nbu |
GIMP image |
.xcf |
IrfanView XPM File |
.xpm |
ACDSee Pro 3 PSP Bild |
.pspimage |
ACDSee Pro 3 JPC Bild |
.j2c |
ACDSee Pro 3 JP2 Bild |
.jpx |
UltimateZip file |
.pak |
DAZ Script (ascii) |
.ds |
AbiWord Document |
.abw |
Broderbund Card |
.car |
Media Catalog File |
.mml |
Microsoft PowerPoint Settings File |
.pcb |
X11 Bitmap Image |
.xbm |
Art Explosion Publisher Pro Database |
.sdb |
Resource Script |
.rc2 |
Visual Studio Data Source File |
.datasource |
FileType_en_US_default |
.stc |
Integration Services project file |
.dtproj |
WinRAR archive |
.ace |
Lotus Freelance Presentation |
.pre |
ExitReality Scene |
.dae |
File Association Manager |
.ds_store |
Pagis Image Document |
.lv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pch |
Raven Shield Map Files |
.rsm |
Across crossword puzzle |
.puz |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sor |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rts |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.3 |
PSSDOS Protocol(s) file. |
.pts |
SSA - File |
.ssa |
WhereIsIt? Catalog Group File |
.ctg |
Paint Shop Pro 9 Image |
.wd |
Paint Shop Pro 9 Image |
.afx |
Icarus distortion project |
.ipd |
._gs | |
.io |
File Association Manager |
.mnr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.props |
Windows Media Player |
.jsonlz4 |
.pu1 |
File Association Manager |
.ies |
Windows Media Player |
.lqm |
EHL Program |
.ehl |
.up_meta |
.ulg |
.inf_loc |
Sonnet AN File |
.an |
MIN ファイル |
.min |
Enterprise Architectプロジェクト |
.eap |
Paradox Script |
.sll |
Hallmark Card Studio Project |
.hmk |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.207 |
YUV תמונה |
.ph |
Intelligent Audio File |
.iaf |
Layout File Type |
.lay |
Windows Grep parameter file |
.par |
MIDI Sequence |
.mid |
Integration Services Configuration |
.dtsconfig |
RDF File |
.rdf |
Studio-Projekt |
.template |
XMind Workbook |
.xmind |
PowerDesk Encrypted File |
.pde |
CloneDVDmobile Registration Key |
.clonedvdmobile |
CPS File |
.cps |
CloneDVD Registration Key |
.clonedvd |
Adobe Fireworks STL File |
.stl |
Microsoft Office Access Module Shortcut |
.mad |
PowerISO File |
.bif |
RealPix |
.rp |
RealPlayer Presentation |
.ram |
TimeCoder Zip |
.cds |
PrintMaster Project |
.pmx |
Maya Binary File |
.mb |
CommView Capture File |
.ncf |
File Verification Database |
.crc |
iTunes Music Player |
.aca |
PhotoSuite Album |
.ctf |
RGS-CardMaster Database File |
.drg |
File Association Manager |
.irs |
Heidenhain File |
.hnc |
pomqmV3 Document |
.wai |
.0x0 |
.xtbl |
MastercamX6 Materials File |
.materials-6 |
.arma2oaprofile |
File Association Manager |
.targets |
.pltcfg |
.swlic |
Delta Processing List |
.list |
Text Document |
.bbs |
Amp Census |
.cns |
VirtualBox Machine Definition |
.vbox |
.wfa |
File Association Manager |
.sp2 |
Control Panel |
.cpl |
LSM Bild |
.emz |
Wintermute Entity |
.entity |
AIQ Chart Document |
.dta |
PSpice Simulation Settings |
.sim |
SimSynth Document |
.syn |
ツカエル経理 データファイル |
.blf |
Acronis True Image Backup Archive |
.tib |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.2 |
Altium NC Drill Report File |
.drr |
Fujitsu ATLAS 英語抽出ファイル |
.eng |
Layout & Editing |
.pes |
File Association Manager |
.mydocs |
CHART File Type |
.ch | 1.1 Text Document |
.sxw |
WinRAR archive |
.arj |
iTunes Music Database File |
.itl |
Movie Clip |
.mpg |
Windows Backup Catalog File |
.wbcat |
Virtual Machine Settings File |
.vmc |
Virtual CloneDrive |
.udf |
Google SketchUp Model |
.skp |
DYMO Label File |
.label |
Blender .blend File |
.blend |
Fotoprodukt |
.pcf |
VMware team member |
.vmxf |
AVS DVD Authoring Project |
.dvdprj |
IrfanView DCM File |
.dcm |
JDownloader JDContainer File |
.jdc |
Video Pro X-Project |
.mvp |
Liquid Player File |
.lsl |
SVG Document |
.svgz |
Document OmniPage |
.opd |
Microsoft Easy Assist Connection File |
.eas |
Microsoft Common Console Document |
.msc |
Artweaver Gradient |
.grd |
Real Metadata Package |
.rmp |
InstallShield project file |
.ism |
Chat File Type |
.cht |
Dialogic VOX file |
.faq |
TomTom Binary |
.ov2 |
SmartPath Binary |
.ovr |
Portrait Professional Project |
.pp |
PhotoLine Document |
.esm |
RGSS Encrypted Archive |
.rgssad |
Postal 2 Map |
.fuk |
Lotus 1-2-3 9 Smart Master |
.12m |
ActWP Document |
.wpa |
Macro Scheduler |
.macro |
Wave Audio Album |
.wvl |
NetHASP Code File |
.nhcode |
EasyBCD recovery & stage files |
.efi |
PacketiX VPN Client 接続設定ファイル |
.vpn |
Windows Media Player |
.docmhtml |
SEO SpyGlass Project File |
.spy |
Help Contents File |
.cnt |
.programkey |
VentaFax Delivery Schedule File |
.vfs |
LSM Bild |
.cmt |
File Association Manager |
.save |
Text |
.92t |
Rhino Plug-in |
.rhp |
NTL File |
.ntl |
Text Document |
.nyx |
4nt Batch File |
.btm |
TRL Document |
.t18 |
Sudoku1 Log File |
.sudlog |
File Association Manager |
.sqm |
Zahn Software Verse List |
.zverses |
File Association Manager |
.in |
.installinfo |
.lbxlic |
.upc |
.upc |
iChemLabs ChemDoodle Javascript Data |
.cwcjs |
File Association Manager |
.xvmconf |
TurboTax 2012 Document |
.tax2012 |
XpressDox Lookup File |
.xdtxt |
Text Document |
.fxi |
.ntj |
File Association Manager |
.browser |
.nip |
.may |
.836 |
Windows Media Player |
.studio3 |
.zdt |
.xojo_license |
File Association Manager |
.rfo |
File Association Manager |
.arx |
File Association Manager |
.oeaccount |
File Association Manager |
.fpos |
Video File |
.qm |
.[1] |
FlashDevelop Snippet File |
.fds |
ESRI Client Provisioning File |
.prvc |
Interactive Fiction Story File |
.ulx |
N-triples |
.nt |
Lotus Freelance 9 Presentation |
.pal |
Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Image |
.pp5 |
TurboCAD Drawing |
.tcw |
CueOnline Shot Savefile |
.csr |
LTspice Symbol |
.asy |
ChessBase Database |
.cbh |
Deployment Diagram file |
.dd |
WiX Source File |
.wxs |
ROUTE 66 Routedocument |
.rou |
系统文件 |
.wiz |
Employee Planner File |
.epf |
CAMtastic Mid Layer 1 Gerber Data |
.g1 |
Full Convert |
.fcs |
Windows Media Player |
.wsb |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.12 |
EccoPro Meeting Mail |
.mtg |
PASW Statistics Syntax File |
.sps |
C:\Program Files\VideoViewer\videoPlayer\VideoPlay |
.dvr |
Babylon Glossary |
.bgl |
Theme Park Inc Coaster File |
.cos |
PowerArchiver File |
.004 |
Autodesk Inventor iFeature |
.ide |
SolidWorks Part Document |
.sldprt |
Snapshot Portfolio Document |
.mif |
PD Pro Document |
.lyr |
Microsoft Reader |
.lit |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ilk |
IntegratedTrading File Type |
.itf |
MAGIX Playlist |
.plr |
OpenDocument Text Template |
.ott |
Open Virtualization Format Package |
.ovf |
Report Definition File |
.rdl |
Microsoft Analysis Server MDX File |
.mdx |
WinRAR archive |
.bz2 |
System Monitor File |
.blg |
ProcMon Log File |
.pml |
Clip Organizer Media Package File |
.mpf |
XPS Document |
.jtx |
MPEG-4 Audio |
.m4a |
Outlook Bar Shortcuts |
.fav |
Nokia Application Installer Datei |
.sis |
qwpfile |
.pfl |
ShadowProtect Incremental Image |
.spi |
Microsoft Office Binder Template |
.obt |
Microsoft Office Binder Wizard |
.obz |
GOM Media file(.tp) |
.tp |
CD-ROM (ISO) 編集 |
.nri |
Print Shop Project |
.pdc |
Navisworks Cache |
.nwc |
MD5 Checksum File |
.md5 |
.xsb |
Audio Creator Project File |
.pac |
VMware virtual machine configuration |
.vmt |
IrfanView FSH File |
.fsh |
IrfanView JP2 File |
.jpf |
PagePlus Dokument |
.ppp |
GrabIt NZB file |
.nzb |
PassCard File |
.rfp |
3GPP2 Audio/Video |
.3g2 |
Microsoft Word Backup Document |
.wbk |
Raw Midi Sample Dump Standard File |
.sds |
Chat File |
.cha |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Application |
.app |
PowerISO File |
.ncd |
Design Center |
.pem |
App Class |
.iim |
Preset Manager 2.0 |
.sfpreset |
Prisms Image File |
.pri |
Delta Percival Source |
.p |
MasterCook Shopping List |
.sl |
Sothink SWF Quicker File |
.sqf |
RealOne Metafile |
.rom |
TelNet98 Session |
.etx |
YUV תמונה |
.im |
.rpf |
F90 ファイル |
.f90 |
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive |
.pbo |
ESRI Single Use License Information File |
.esu9 |
FX AccuCharts Watch List Document |
.wld |
Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Image |
.pp4 |
Rs Archive |
.rs |
.sfo |
M4 File |
.m4 |
YUV תמונה |
.ithmb |
EurekaLog file |
.elf |
のどか ファイル |
.nodoka |
Flypaper Model |
.fpm |
LSM Bild |
.ps2 |
Windows Media Player |
.lrtemplate |
Powersoft.Report |
.psr |
Compucon EOS Document |
.ref |
Replay Document |
.rpy |
Gtplot Config file |
.gtc |
Graph Plot File |
.prop |
テキスト ドキュメント |
.jex |
File Association Manager |
.h1q |
TDS Raw Data File |
.rw5 |
REQ File |
.req |
Genbox Chart |
.gct |
ProFile 2007 T3 |
.s7r |
LTspice Bipolar |
.bjt |
LTspice Diode |
.dio |
LTspice JFET |
.jft |
.c5s |
.ini_upg2014 |
VisualCADD configuration file |
.vcmnu |
File Association Manager |
.pkpass |
Netcool Event List View |
.elv |
License key for SuperCache R2 |
.ssc_scr2_key |
Bridge Document |
.brg |
MastercamX6 MMD File |
.mmd-6 |
SAS System Registry |
.sasxreg |
File Association Manager |
.auz |
WinBFB Document |
.bfb |
.customdestinations-ms |
File Association Manager |
.azw3 |
.wzw |
.trashes |
Open with P6 Professional |
.xer |
.installlog |
.us |
File Association Manager |
.fmpsl |
GT-post Document |
.gu |
.txtcrap |
.audionote |
.smart-health-card |
.mynotesbackup |
.rabridge |
.privatekey |
Lua Compiled File |
.luac |
File Association Manager |
.asi |
Геологическая матрица ГИС Панорама |
.mtl |
File Association Manager |
.resmoncfg |
DNS Document |
.dns |
SecretHolderによって暗号化されたファイルです。 |
.shx |
ユーザー環境設定ファイル |
.upf |
.xbin |
File Association Manager |
.strings |
WZ文書 |
.wz |
MastercamX5 MMD File |
.mmd-5 |
File Association Manager |
.dat_old |
Information File |
.ion |
CIMPLICITY Language Mapper UI |
.clm |
5DQDCreator.Document |
.4qb |
InPage Document |
.inp |
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive |
.sin |
Preference Settings |
.prefs |
HighEdit Dokument |
.hed |
Utimaco SafeGuard® PrivateDisk Volume |
.vol |
Chinese GB File |
.gb |
VokatorSVM.Document |
.svm |
.BIG File |
.big |
Tuner Document |
.srv |
ev101 Document |
.ver |
.ch2 |
YUV תמונה |
.pan |
YUV תמונה |
.pc1 |
YUV תמונה |
.arn |
TopSPICE Misc. Commands Document |
.mis |
Sonnet Graph File |
.sgr |
OrCAD Capture Lite Edition 9.20 |
.olb |
Wad Archive |
.wad |
BackupXpress Project |
.bpr |
BitZipper XZ Archive |
.xz |
Unitype Global Writer 98 Document |
.uni |
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003-Arbeitsblatt |
.vif |
Msia File |
.lif |
Icon |
.icns |
Pure Data |
.pd |
YUV תמונה |
.npm |
Sonicfire Pro Project File |
.seq |
WinMorph Project |
.mrf |
CAMtastic Top Layer Gerber Data |
.gtl |
CAMtastic Top Overlay Gerber Data |
.gto |
CAMtastic Bottom Overlay Gerber Data |
.gbo |
CAMtastic Mechanical Layer 1 Gerber Data |
.gm1 |
YUV תמונה |
.dol |
Harpoon Game - HDSD |
.hpi |
LogoMaker File |
.gbl |
PowerArchiver File |
.009 |
EndNote Import File |
.enw |
PASW Statistics Output Document |
.spv |
onlineTV 5 Skin |
.skn |
TRADOStag Document |
.ttx |
Design File type |
.clo |
.dvdfabplatinum |
Parasolid X_T Files |
.x_t |
XFDL Document |
.xfd |
QNE Document |
.org |
KMP -Video File |
.ofr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.udt |
Bitmap image |
.bms |
Wireshark capture file |
.pcap |
Apple Device Software Update File |
.ipsw |
Visual Studio Project/Item Template File |
.vstemplate |
Windows Media Player Skin Package |
.wmz |
Text Template |
.tt |
File Association Manager |
.crysisjmsf |
Nero BackItUp アーカイブファイル |
.nba |
GoldSource/Source Engine map |
.bsp |
FLC Animation |
.fli |
GIMP brush |
.gbr |
QuickBooks Company File |
.qbw |
QuickBooks Accountant Change File |
.qby |
Tax File |
.tax |
IrfanView SID File |
.sid |
Print Shop Project |
.pcc |
1-2-3 Worksheet |
.wk4 |
ACDSee Pro 3 SGI Bild |
.int |
Vegas Pro Project |
.veg |
Kindle Content |
.azw |
Autodesk Revit Family |
.rfa |
IsoBuster IBQ Image |
.ibq |
Bulk Mailer File |
.bmf |
Compiled Visual dBASE Menu Bar |
.mno |
Greeting Card Factory Photo Card |
.fpg |
Sphere Package File |
.spk |
Greeting Card Factory T-Shirt |
.fts |
k25 Raw-Image |
.k25 |
LP Tracks File |
.trk |
SampleVision file |
.smp |
Serif DrawPlus Drawing |
.dpx |
AutoSketch Drawing |
.skf |
TIScreenCapture Picture |
.73i |
TIScreenCapture Picture |
.83i |
TIScreenCapture Picture |
.86i |
TIScreenCapture Picture |
.89i |
TIScreenCapture Picture |
.92i |
rdc Raw-Image |
.rdc |
EasyWorship Schedule File |
.ews |
BitZipper XAR Archive |
.xar |
Photo Explosion Album Catalog |
.pax |
PowerTab File Format |
.ptb |
ACDSee Pro 3 IFF Bild |
.ilbm |
Fotos auf CD & DVD 9 deluxe-Projekt |
.mph |
ACDSee Pro 3 PIX Bild |
.pix |
1-2-3 Worksheet |
.wk1 |
IrfanView RAS File |
.sun |
IrfanView JLS File |
.jls |
IrfanView B3D File |
.b3d |
HP Graphics Language |
.hpgl |
HP Graphics Language |
.hp |
VideoImpression File |
.vi |
GIMP brush pipe |
.gih |
FLC Animation |
.cel |
Truevision TGA Image |
.targa |
OmniPage Image File |
.jb2 |
DiscSpan Compilation |
.nds |
FTM Family File 2009 |
.ftm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pmg |
qlbfile |
.bfl |
Entry Point Trace |
.ept |
Photostage 1.x Project |
.ssp |
.dvdfabdvd2dvd |
Guitar Pro 4 Tablature |
.gp4 |
Mein Geld Datenbank |
.tdb |
SmartDraw Template |
.sdt |
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe |
.wb1 |
Microsoft Schedule+ Application |
.sc2 |
UUSEE Media File |
.ucf |
Abekas Image File |
.yuv |
Disabled startup file |
.disabled |
YUV תמונה |
.pse |
Disc Image File |
.tdi |
Registration Script |
.rgs |
XML Document |
.rels |
Windows Remote Assistance Invitation |
.msrcincident |
iPod Game File |
.ipg |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table |
.fpt |
Microsoft Office Project Document |
.mpp |
Adobe Photoshop Elements Image |
.pdd |
Paint.NET Image |
.pdn |
Cineon Image File |
.cin |
Report Project File |
.rptproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vspscc |
ACHART File Type |
.ach |
MaxBulk |
.mbm |
MGI PhotoSuite III Project |
.pzp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fky |
Dialogic VOX file |
.icon |
Retrospect Catalog |
.rbc |
Picture Collage Maker File |
.pwp |
VuePrint |
.j6i |
Bluebeam PDF Revu Remote Package |
.bfx |
Bluebeam PDF Revu Profile |
.bpx |
YUV תמונה |
.vff |
AR Pro 7 Saved Formula |
.cpa |
AR Pro 7 Saved Formula |
.epa |
AR Pro 7 Saved Formula |
.lda |
NewsStand Reader Document |
.nsr |
vID |
.vid |
CaseMap Send To Plug In |
.cmp |
Magick Image File Image |
.miff |
MTV Raytrace Image |
.mtv |
Alias/Wavefront RLE Image |
.rla |
PSX TIM Image |
.tim |
VICAR Rasterfile Image |
.vicar |
Khoros Visualization Image |
.viff |
Khoros Visualization Image |
.xv |
CPC Image Document |
.cpc |
Portable Anymap Image |
.pnm |
JBIG Image |
.bie |
DICOM Image |
.dicom |
Flexible Image Transport System Image |
.fits |
JBIG Image |
.jbg |
JBIG Image |
.jbig |
Bricscad Plot Configuration file |
.pc3 |
Pagis Electronic Document |
.lwp |
.eif |
NTF MediaFACE Document |
.ntf |
DesignCAD DCD Drawing |
.dcd |
ProShow Slide Style |
.pxs |
Meeting File |
.met |
LOGO!Soft Comfort Drawing |
.lsc |
SI Image File |
.si |
Autodesk Inventor Part |
.ipt |
ResumeMaker User Profile |
.rmr |
仮想CD/DVDイメージファイル |
.dsi |
ExitReality Scene |
.wrl |
Jigs@w Puzzle 2 |
.pzl |
Hasselblad Raw Image |
.3fr |
Pixia画像ファイル |
.pxa |
Buddi Translation |
.lang |
PoserContent |
.hrz |
Rune Map |
.run |
Task Coach File |
.tsk |
AutoIt v3 Script |
.au3 |
LView Pro Image File |
.lvp |
LSM Bild |
.pfi |
Living Scenes Still Puzzle |
.jig |
Living Scenes Saved Puzzle |
.saw |
CAMtastic Mechanical Layer 2 Gerber Data |
.gm2 |
CAMtastic Mechanical Layer 4 Gerber Data |
.gm4 |
CAMtastic Mid Layer 16 Gerber Data |
.g16 |
CAMtastic Mid Layer 4 Gerber Data |
.g4 |
Snapshot Image file |
.sna |
Digital Waveform File |
.so |
YUV תמונה |
.imt |
EO Design File |
.dis |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.16 |
EccoPro |
.ecc |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.303 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.4 |
SCENE Package |
.cip |
ChessBase Database |
.cbm |
Powerbullet Presenter File |
.pbt |
Gravis Preference File |
.grb |
Pradis.Document |
.st5 |
YUV תמונה |
.xfx |
FSync Document |
.fsy |
Madori Data File |
.mwd |
3D Designer Wohnung |
.bvh |
ADX Audio File |
.adx |
CSLU Rapid Application Developer Canvas |
.rad |
CSLU Sound Object |
.sob |
Directory Opus Button File |
.dop |
Hpglview Document |
.hpgl2 |
ArchiCAD Fill Properties |
.fpr |
ArchiCAD Label Library Part |
.lsm |
SN invitation files |
.snt |
ZBR vector image |
.zbr |
ZMF document |
.zmf |
Fortran Source |
.fi |
KoolMoves Document |
.fun |
Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 6.0 Chart |
.abc |
LinkSurvey Document |
.lss |
YUV תמונה |
.pgf |
LSM Bild |
.mil |
concord Document |
.cit |
CadStd Drawing |
.cad |
書庫ファイル |
.ish |
Tasker File |
.tsx |
.isd |
LaTeX Style |
.sty |
.fcx |
IV Document |
.ivb |
DesignCAD 3D Ascii Drawing |
.dc3 |
FaceShopPro File |
.fac |
PC2 File |
.pc2 |
ArtRage Project File |
.ptg |
AutoPlay Media Studio Button File |
.btn |
Design Document |
.can |
Bryce 5.5 Texture Preset |
.brt |
YUV תמונה |
.atk |
YUV תמונה |
.att |
YUV תמונה |
.b&w |
YUV תמונה |
.b16 |
YUV תמונה |
.b2d |
YUV תמונה |
.bfli |
YUV תמונה |
.bga |
YUV תמונה |
.bmc |
YUV תמונה |
.bmg |
YUV תמונה |
.bn |
YUV תמונה |
.bs |
YUV תמונה |
.bsg |
YUV תמונה |
.bum |
YUV תמונה |
.b_w |
YUV תמונה |
.cdu |
YUV תמונה |
.ce |
YUV תמונה |
.ce1 |
YUV תמונה |
.cmu |
YUV תמונה |
.cp8 |
YUV תמונה |
.crg |
YUV תמונה |
.doo |
YUV תמונה |
.drz |
YUV תמונה |
.ef3 |
YUV תמונה |
.f96 |
YUV תמונה |
.face |
YUV תמונה |
.fp2 |
YUV תמונה |
.fre |
YUV תמונה |
.gaf |
YUV תמונה |
.gig |
YUV תמונה |
.gm |
YUV תמונה |
.gmf |
YUV תמונה |
.gn |
YUV תמונה |
.gro |
YUV תמונה |
.gro2 |
YUV תמונה |
.gro4 |
YUV תמונה |
.gun |
YUV תמונה |
.hbm |
YUV תמונה |
.hdru |
YUV תמונה |
.hf |
YUV תמונה |
.hir |
YUV תמונה |
.hr |
YUV תמונה |
.hru |
YUV תמונה |
.i17 |
YUV תמונה |
.i18 |
YUV תמונה |
.ib7 |
YUV תמונה |
.ibg |
YUV תמונה |
.if9 |
YUV תמונה |
.iimg |
YUV תמונה |
.im5 |
YUV תמונה |
.ioca |
YUV תמונה |
.iph |
YUV תמונה |
.itg |
YUV תמונה |
.jj |
YUV תמונה |
.kps |
YUV תמונה |
.lwi |
YUV תמונה |
.m8 |
YUV תמונה |
.mbfavs |
YUV תמונה |
.mbfs |
YUV תמונה |
.mgr |
YUV תמונה |
.mh |
YUV תמונה |
.mpnt |
YUV תמונה |
.ncy |
YUV תמונה |
.nitf |
YUV תמונה |
.oaz |
YUV תמונה |
.p64 |
YUV תמונה |
.paint |
YUV תמונה |
.pe4 |
YUV תמונה |
.pgc |
YUV תמונה |
.pi |
YUV תמונה |
.pi1 |
YUV תמונה |
.pi2 |
YUV תמונה |
.pi3 |
YUV תמונה |
.pi4 |
YUV תמונה |
.pi5 |
YUV תמונה |
.pi6 |
YUV תמונה |
.picio |
YUV תמונה |
.pig |
YUV תמונה |
.pixar |
YUV תמונה |
.q0 |
YUV תמונה |
.qdv |
YUV תמונה |
.rgh |
YUV תמונה |
.rix |
YUV תמונה |
.rlc |
YUV תמונה |
.rpnm |
YUV תמונה |
.sar |
YUV תמונה |
.sc? |
YUV תמונה |
.sd0 |
YUV תמונה |
.sd1 |
YUV תמונה |
.sir |
YUV תמונה |
.spu |
YUV תמונה |
.sul |
YUV תמונה |
.suniff |
YUV תמונה |
.syj |
YUV תמונה |
.t1 |
YUV תמונה |
.t2 |
YUV תמונה |
.taac |
YUV תמונה |
.thb |
YUV תמונה |
.tile |
YUV תמונה |
.tjp |
YUV תמונה |
.tn2 |
YUV תמונה |
.tn3 |
YUV תמונה |
.tnl |
YUV תמונה |
.tny |
YUV תמונה |
.urt |
TG4 File |
.tg4 |
Apple Macintosh MacPaint |
.macp |
VentaFax Fañsimile Message File |
.vfx |
Raster Image Catalog File |
.ric |
Gartrip data file |
.t |
FileMaker Pro Fonts |
.fmf |
Taccel |
.bob |
PSoC Designer Application |
.soc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sog |
FreshBrew Model |
.fbm |
Astro Image |
.st4 |
Astro Image |
.st6 |
Astro Image |
.st7 |
Astro Image |
.st8 |
アイデアマスター 文書 |
.cvp |
LSM Bild |
.cursor |
LSM Bild |
.ei |
LSM Bild |
.eidi |
LSM Bild |
.ppma |
LSM Bild |
.pr |
LSM Bild |
.ps3 |
LSM Bild |
.pwc |
LSM Bild |
.pxb |
LSM Bild |
.qrt |
LSM Bild |
.rast |
LSM Bild |
.rawraw |
LSM Bild |
.rlb |
LSM Bild |
.rpbm |
LSM Bild |
.rpgm |
LSM Bild |
.rppm |
LSM Bild |
.sj1 |
LSM Bild |
.sr |
LSM Bild |
.synu |
LSM Bild |
.tdim |
LSM Bild |
.tm2 |
LSM Bild |
.uyvy |
LSM Bild |
.vpb |
LSM Bild |
.wap |
LSM Bild |
.wic |
LSM Bild |
.wlm |
LSM Bild |
.wsq |
LSM Bild |
.x11 |
LSM Bild |
.ypc |
LSM Bild |
.epi |
LSM Bild |
.eri |
LSM Bild |
.fx3 |
LSM Bild |
.gl2 |
LSM Bild |
.grey |
LSM Bild |
.gry |
LSM Bild |
.hdri |
LSM Bild |
.ia |
LSM Bild |
.ipl |
LSM Bild |
.iris |
LSM Bild |
.iwc |
LSM Bild |
.j |
LSM Bild |
.kro |
LSM Bild |
.lff |
LSM Bild |
.mrc |
LSM Bild |
.oil |
LSM Bild |
.p2 |
LSM Bild |
.p7 |
LSM Bild |
.pict2 |
Page File Type |
.pg |
LabVIEW Instrument Template |
.vit |
Hacha |
.0 |
LSM Bild |
.apng |
LSM Bild |
.apx |
LSM Bild |
.avw |
LSM Bild |
.blp |
LSM Bild |
.cloe |
BunBackupファイル |
.lbk |
FormTool Document |
.ftf |
Offline Commander Project |
.ocp |
BMX Document |
.bmx |
Precision Tile File |
.til |
地図行政区 |
.adm |
Neo Dif-File |
.neo |
xml bookmark file |
.xbel |
{&Tahoma8}InstallShield |
.ce2 |
BioPlot's molecule template file |
.tn1 |
BirthdayRemember - Datei |
.brf |
HG2F Download File |
.z2f |
.mediaid |
File Association Manager |
.mso |
PID Document |
.pid |
TRL Document |
.t16 |
Express Cartridge |
.ltc |
Windows CE CeLog file |
.clg |
GT-COOL3D Document |
.ghx |
SQLite database |
.db3 |
File Association Manager |
.ex4 |
YUV תמונה |
.!s |
YUV תמונה |
.$c |
YUV תמונה |
.$s |
YUV תמונה |
.2d |
YUV תמונה |
.411 |
YUV תמונה |
.4bit |
YUV תמונה |
.4bt |
YUV תמונה |
.82i |
YUV תמונה |
.85i |
YUV תמונה |
.a64 |
YUV תמונה |
.ami |
YUV תמונה |
.wzl |
YUV תמונה |
.xim |
YUV תמונה |
.xp0 |
YUV תמונה |
.[b] |
Remark Office OMR Automation Wizard File |
.rez |
ISI Common Export Format Document |
.isi |
.lic_save |
File Association Manager |
.jrs |
.msmessagestore |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.342 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.371 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.581 |
.711 |
.838 |
.uxdc |
Rubikon header |
.rbh |
File Association Manager |
.dov |
PowerDesigner 9 Free Model Backup File |
.feb |
Rbtstype Document |
.sot |
.c41236f6614f4f3682203f134dee771b |
TurboTax 2021 Document |
.tax2021 |
.tmk |
.base |
Windows Media Player |
.log-201893 |
.lset | Diagram |
.drawio |
.sa_ |
Cantax FormMaster 2020 Document |
.t20 |
qaedit Document |
.nwh |
WeBuilder Document |
.less |
.classpath |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.387 |
File Association Manager |
.reference |
Visual RPG Source file |
.vr |
WordPad Document |
.835 |
JUNO-Di Librarian Document |
.jxl |
.nrpn |
BioLayout Express 3D Matrix File |
.matrix |
.51d |
.database |
Profile 2011 T3 Backup |
.11d |
.rot135 |
SigmaStat 3.0 Notebook |
.snb |
.2k0 |
File Association Manager |
.calibre |
Free Opener association |
.dropbox |
.fio2007-config |
.sft2 |
File Association Manager |
.xib |
HLSL Source |
.hlsl |
File Association Manager |
.doc# |
.2011 |
File Association Manager |
.ichat |
DriveCrypt keyfile |
.dkf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gpi |
2027 Cantax T2 Return |
.c27 |
XL Toolbox Chart Design |
.xltbcd |
XL Toolbox Session File |
.xltbsession |
ml2 Document |
.ml2 |
File Association Manager |
.jsxinc |
.cfg" |
.wsrmac |
avast! secureline file |
.avastvpn |
.doll(done) |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.425 |
.bluebutton |
File Association Manager |
.jbi |
.txt000 |
.x2m |
.50d |
.52d |
.61d |
.62d |
.63d |
.64d |
.65d |
.66d |
.2020 |
Program AsphWax Simulators 2017 |
.awx |
.log-201891 |
.tunable |
Windows Media Player |
.log-201892 |
Note Radio Data |
.note |
.lpconfig |
.contacts |
.jjozdw |
.x-vcard |
.log-2018112 |
.memo |
.arcacheitem |
.pdf_profile |
.hocon |
.mdihistory |
.rwpls |
.ini~v83e23qe |
.lnk~dipogtso |
.lnk~h8rrt0h5 |
.lnk~huqsh9tv |
.lnk~ojpvuj92 |
.lnk~qr08idpr |
.spbm |
FPProj File |
.fpproj |
Tektronix AFG3000/ArbExpress File |
.tfw |
.d5 |
IndevisM General |
.pnd |
Pensione Fondo FERROVIE STATO |
.ff |
暗号化ユーティリティ |
.peb |
Life32.LifeFile.2 |
.l |
File Association Manager |
.jsxbin |
Duty and Flight Times |
.60d |
vNote |
.vnt |
DynaCAD 部品 |
.pzd |
DipTrace Schematic |
.dch |
.eu |
Hackman Watches File |
.wtc |
Windows Media Player |
.pm$ |
Vectorian Giotto Template |
.vgt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sfk |
Обменный текстовый формат векторной карты |
.txf |
Packet F |
.fgd |
DataView Document |
.dvb |
game crasked |
.crash |
File Association Manager |
.myapp |
File Association Manager |
.ori |
File Association Manager |
.unl |
Financial Tools Document |
.vft |
UnrealScript File |
.uc |
MTG Online III Deck |
.dek |
.bundledmesh |
PRO100 project |
.sto |
KiSS Document |
.cnf |
MegAlign Project |
.meg |
NX Client for Windows session file |
.nxs |
WISO Steuer 2010 Datei |
.t10 |
File Association Manager |
.mpq |
.94b |
Windows Media Player |
.xlsmhtml |
Finale Notation File |
.mus |
ATZ図面編集ファイル |
.ezm |
VP3 Tournament |
.vpt |
C:\Program Files\DeductionPro 2007\DeductionPro.ex |
.d07 |
FX AccuCharts Chart Document |
.nch |
MetaQuotes Language 4 file |
.mqh |
File Association Manager |
.cmbl |
Microsoft Excel Data Service Document |
.atomsvc |
CAD Draw 8 Zeichnung |
.mkd |
Amiga Floppy Disk Image |
.dms |
SHV File |
.shv |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.93 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.95 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.96 |
Quartus II Block/Schematic File |
.bdf |
Navin' You Basic Package |
.nvi |
System Diagram file |
.sd |
HASP Code File |
.hcode |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.5 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.7 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.20 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.22 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.230 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.19 |
Designer Project |
.dp |
PowerArchiver File |
.022 |
InkWriter/Note Taker/Notizen-Dokument |
.pwi |
Caligari Rosetta Recording |
.rcd |
Corel Write Document |
.aww |
Delphi プロジェクトファイル |
.dpr |
InstallAware Setup Script Code Folding |
.fld |
Handy Address Book |
.abk |
Solid Package File |
.pkg |
PASW Statistics UI Builder Document |
.spd |
カシミール3D 地図データ |
.dim |
Test file |
.tst |
Domain Specific Language Designer |
.dsl |
Autodesk Image File |
.als |
Vbox Helper Application |
.box |
AnyTime Organizer Document |
.atw |
ATEasy Driver |
.drt |
GPG Encrypted File |
.gpg |
CaseMap Portable Format |
.cpf |
Adobe Audition Impluse File |
.imp |
WISO Geld-Tipp Steuer 2007 Datei |
.t07 |
Caliper Standard Geographic Database |
.dbd |
Retrospect Run Document |
.rrr |
Army Builder Roster File |
.rst |
Neo Content |
.nss |
Scrapbook Factory Scrapbook Cover |
.ssc |
Announcements Letterhead |
.ltr |
DocuWorks文書 |
.xdw |
Gaussian Input File |
.gau |
TradeStation Workspace |
.tsw |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Class Library |
.vct |
Microsoft Office InfoPath Form Template |
.xsn |
Apple Mobile Device Configuration Profile |
.mobileconfig |
Windows Live Mail News Message |
.nws |
Movie Clip |
.mpeg |
.MinesweeperSave-ms |
.minesweepersave-ms |
AU Format Sound |
.snd |
ASP.NET Site Map |
.sitemap |
Windows Media Audio shortcut |
.wax |
Microsoft Office Excel 4.0 Macro |
.xlm |
Nero CD カバードキュメント |
.cdc |
Digital sheet music |
.mtd |
Expression XPR Document |
.xpr |
Microsoft Word HTML Document |
.dochtml |
Preclick PhotoMovieMaker |
.pmm |
Media Center file |
.mpc |
MediaCenter.15.Playlist |
.mpl |
AVCHD(TM) DVD Compilation |
.nhd |
KeePass Password Database |
.kdb |
Garmin GPS Database |
.gdb |
QuickBooks Web Connector Configuration File |
.qwc |
Norstedts Skatt 2008 Deklarationsfil |
.t08 |
PUP package (Puppy Linux) |
.pup |
DeLorme Transfer File |
.dmt |
DDI Character Builder file |
.dnd4e |
VMware snapshot metadata |
.vmsd |
MathType Equation Preferences |
.eqp |
MAGIX Fotoalbum |
.alb |
AutoCAD Sheet Set |
.dst |
Adobe ®Table 3.0 |
.tml |
i3D File Format |
.i3d |
Shortcut to Microsoft Office Accounting Company |
.sbc |
MPEG-TS Video File |
.tps |
Greeting Card Factory Greeting Card |
.fgc |
.sc |
Stick Figure File |
.stk |
WebPlus Document |
.wpp |
MPEG File |
.tr |
Wave Corrector |
.ses |
C:\Program Files\DeductionPro 2008\DeductionPro.ex |
.d08 |
Photo Explosion Project Studio Project |
.lyt |
.dvdfabplatinum5 |
File Association Manager |
.fssave |
QuickBooks Form Template File |
.des |
Fgw Document |
.fga |
ZOO ファイル |
.zoo |
Broderbund Scrapbook Page |
.sbp |
Data Transfer To AS400 |
.tfr |
Nero BackItUp圧縮ファイル |
.nco |
TurboTax 2009 Document |
.tax2009 |
DWG TrueView Drawing Standards File |
.dws |
Autodesk DWF Document |
.dwf |
Windows Media Audio file |
.wma |
Microsoft Office Theme |
.thmx |
Diff/Patch File |
.patch |
AVCHD Video |
.mts |
XPS Document |
.dwfx |
LabelPrint File |
.lpp |
OpenDocument データベース |
.odb |
P2G File |
.p2g |
Open Virtualization Format Distribution Package |
.ova | 1.1 Spreadsheet |
.sxc |
Audacity Project File |
.aup |
APL Audio Datei |
.apl |
XrML Digital License Package |
.slupkg-ms |
SiSoftware Sandra Lite Dokument |
.srr |
IEMBL Nucleotide Format File |
.emb |
Scrapbook Factory Family Tree |
.sft |
Retrospect Disk Backup Set |
.rdb |
BethesdaSoftworks Archive |
.bsa |
Starcraft Scenario |
.scm |
Smacker/Bink Media file |
.bik |
Spyder2 Target File |
.tgt |
Bricscad Plot Color Table file |
.ctb |
Lotus Organizer 97 File |
.or5 |
StuffIt ArchiveSearch Criteria file |
.sas |
C:\Program Files (x86)\DeductionPro 2009\Deduction |
.d09 |
Dev-C++ Project File |
.dev |
Maya ASCII File |
.ma |
筆まめペイント15 |
.mlb |
RoQ Media file |
.roq |
FTR Shortcut File |
.ftr |
FormDocs Data |
.fdd |
Agree プレゼンテーション |
.hpt |
Amiga Floppy Disk Image |
.adf |
Mozilla XUL Document |
.xul |
柿木将棋棋譜 |
.kif |
RPGXP Data |
.rxdata |
SWSTD Document |
.sws |
MapInfo Workspace |
.wor |
SOURCENEXT 携快電話 メール |
.mlx |
IBM Lotus Notes database |
.nsf |
newlook Screen File |
.nl |
Altium Script Document |
.tcl |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.21 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.110 |
PassManager Password Database |
.spm |
ABC Archiv |
.har |
Drawgraphic シンボルパーツ |
.fya |
SSG File |
.ssg |
R+I Schema |
.rpa |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.97 |
Chess Game |
.pgn |
StellaNavigator Ver.8 Document |
.sns |
LabelCreator Pro |
.d01 |
LabelCreator Pro |
.d02 |
ArchiCAD Team Project Local Draft |
.plc |
Amiga Floppy Disk Image |
.ipf |
TPF ファイル |
.tpf |
Christian Greeting Card Factory Craft |
.ccr |
WinRAR-archief |
.100 |
InftyEditorドキュメント |
.iml |
PC-Telephone Folders |
.tel |
Caligari trueSpace Object |
.cob |
File Association Manager |
.sdsk |
.pys |
C:\Program Files\DeductionPro 2006\DeductionPro.ex |
.d06 |
Coach 6 Activity |
.cma |
マイページエクスポートファイル |
.mspm |
.cvr |
Pro/E Markup File |
.mrk |
GuitarPort Tone |
.gpt |
Disk Image |
.po |
SpaceTime 4.0 File |
.st |
Sonnet Packed File |
.zon |
Sonnet De-embedded File |
.d |
MyPasswordManager.Document |
.apm |
Wintermute Font |
.font |
BarTender Label Format |
.btw |
MSN Content Plus File |
.msn |
File Association Manager |
.sel |
FileLock |
.daw |
IdeaTree ファイル タイプ |
.idt |
cSwing Document |
.csw |
Coordinate File |
.pxy |
VDF Dialog Source |
.dg |
DocuSign Envelope |
.dsx |
Ricerca scolastica di Enciclopedia Multimediale 2005 |
.rse |
Quicknote |
.rem |
·çÀ×Ó°Òô²¥·ÅÁбí |
.fl |
SDX 楽譜ファイル |
.sdx |
DeductionPro Document |
.d05 |
Windows Media Player |
.acs |
WinWay Resume Document |
.cv |
Time-stamp token |
.tsr |
Tento-Datei |
.tf |
WISO Sparbuch 2006/2007 Datei |
.k07 |
Winsudoku saved games |
.wsg |
C:\Program Files\MDPT\MDPT.EXE,0 |
.esp |
Coffee Document |
.tag |
File Association Manager |
.pnach |
.policy |
SmartLink Single PSX Save File |
.mcb |
ThreeDimSim script document |
.thd |
.conv |
.sys_3339bd51 |
._doc |
LLBLGen Pro v2.6 Project Files |
.lgp |
.0002 |
File Association Manager |
.asec |
Cyberduck Bookmark |
.duck |
.default |
EasyTax 2010 BL |
.d10 |
.ibak |
notepad |
.groobax-log |
XCA Template |
.xca |
Capture Document |
.cef |
LaTeX Auxiliaries |
.aux |
.2] |
save Document |
.eug |
Registration Entries |
.key-backupbyhdinspectorportable |
Dialogic VOX file |
.secstore |
File Association Manager |
.aba |
.types |
._mac |
Xconq Game Module |
.g |
Influence Diagram |
.ind |
Hanes® T-ShirtMaker® Delux Document |
.shr |
File Association Manager |
.qel |
.dnbold |
.rfc822 |
p7b |
.p7b |
pnViewJ.Document |
.pnx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.00 |
YAMAHA Plug-in Board Editor for PLG150-PC File |
.pck |
.y20 |
.y21 |
.g_en |
.htmll |
UFT Dictionary File |
.d14 |
UFT File |
.uft |
.4ac8bf75c |
VoluMill Post Definition File |
.vmpst |
.s76 |
.5785197 |
Units Data File |
.units |
.assets |
.d3i |
.xojo_binary_code |
.ldg |
.vfn |
Windows Media Player |
.ms_ |
.k01 |
.k05 |
Windows Media Player |
.log-2018129 |
.log-20181217 |
.cdf-ms |
.tingo |
.log-20181228 |
VisualCADD configuration file |
.vchat |
Code Sharing app Project file |
.shproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iacc |
GameMaker Studio 2 Compressed Project |
.yyz |
Niagara Web Launcher |
.nwl |
File Association Manager |
.uos |
Chess Openings Wizard Ebook |
.4md |
IPython Notebook File |
.ipynb |
Mobirise Project File |
.mobirise |
DeductionPro Document |
.d03 |
SunRav Book document |
.srb |
.nomedia |
.ncs |
GDS2 file |
.strm |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.489 |
.errors |
.htaccess[1] |
.asm_pc |
.str2_pc |
._501 |
SEL5601.Document |
.eve |
.gol |
File Association Manager |
.xnb |
Find duplicate files and recover valuable disk space. |
.d11 |
iTunes Music Player |
.thumbdata3-1763508120 |
Combustion Dynamics Data Trend File |
.d04 |
.wbverify |
.16385_none_6079f415110c0210_hosts_d78df635 |
.20110501 |
.20110502 |
.2010 |
UTSkinMaker Model Extension |
.skme |
OxMetrics Ox File |
.ox |
.hogg |
File Association Manager |
.{pb |
.y03 |
.y04 |
RPGVXAce Data |
.rvdata2 |
.maps |
Windows Media Player |
.nbak |
Bluebeam Studio File |
.studio |
.galaxyscenariodef |
Text Document |
.mtu |
Text Document |
.xco |
.k |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vsdx |
.html_sample |
.listing |
.zshrc |
.ganttproject |
PCDS Debrief File |
.pcz |
QPS .points file |
.points |
Fractal Presets |
.ups |
.iyogi |
.haz |
.mkr |
ホストファイル |
.hosts |
.tptb |
Windows Media Player |
._p |
.dot_1033 |
TimePassages Chart File |
.chw |
.devlib |
BibTeX Document |
.bibtex |
FastChords Song |
.crl |
.eu3 |
.eqg |
.invgridbackup |
.xmlpullparserfactory |
.2007 |
.ffpreset |
Vip7 Package |
.pack |
File Association Manager |
.gf |
.reg_ |
._ |
.2011_12_9 |
.trnack |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.511 |
File Association Manager |
.555 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.562 |
.7741 |
HIPAASuite.EdiFile.edi |
.837 |
.9045 |
.9095 |
.9574 |
HIPAASuite.EdiFile.edi |
.999 |
.00317 |
.03611 |
.04789 |
.1040 |
.1063 |
.1607 |
.1865 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.456 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.457 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.486 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.487 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.488 |
Pathloss 5.1 Network |
.gr5 |
.cri |
.yg0 |
.mu0 |
File Association Manager |
.djr |
.build-process |
.swidtag |
File Association Manager |
.an1 |
.14txt |
.boh |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.355 |
File Association Manager |
.wx |
.bakx |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.429 |
kindle |
.azw3f |
GearGenerator |
.gear |
Dialogic VOX file |
.yaml |
.dll_4a104032 |
File Association Manager |
.localstorage |
.htpasswd |
土木積算システム ATLUS REAL Evo |
.lbf |
.loredit |
FASTQ Sequence Trace |
.fastq |
Windows Media Player |
.849c9593-d756-4e56-8d6e-42412f2a707b |
MacVector Protein Sequence Document DNA |
.prot |
.pdf' |
Fab Document |
.fab |
FreeFileSync Configuration |
.ffs_gui |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.504 |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.510 |
Online-Banking+ Backup |
.obb |
Notepad++ Document |
.cmake |
File Association Manager |
.rpyc |
File Association Manager |
.ja |
File Association Manager |
.directory |
File Association Manager |
.enex |
.ini0 |
.xln |
Windows Media Player |
.loaded_0 |
.log-20181221 |
.prnx |
.log-201895 |
Commander Layout |
.cla |
Synology Office Document |
.odoc |
Windows Media Player |
.timestamp |
PExprt 2020.1 Buck Document |
.cia |
.aliases |
.sudo_as_admin_successful |
.7db |
Windows Media Player |
.log-201894 |
.modi |
.gzquar |
.cfxxe |
.html_ |
.nt_ |
.studioonemacro |
KioWare Client Settings File |
.kwconfig |
Dialogic VOX file |
.editorconfig |
.log-201896 |
.aiw |
.winmd |
.lst;1 |
.rctrl |
.sinfull_cookie |
.1_4831289_0_170_adid=-41 |
.usa_n196uw |
.5_1 |
.datold |
.lk# |
.1_4831294_0_154_adid=-41 |
.jkefa |
.jkefs |
.publishsettings |
.tmp tue, jan 30 2018 08 36 34 am |
.baked |
.configcache |
.cnb |
.arma3profile |
.2019 |
.110z--hxd648ee7327bdee47fac3fd0e607969ae94a03ebf |
.465z--hxd648ee7327bdee47fac3fd0e607969ae94a03ebf |
.logstudio |
.m3i |
.txtstudio |
.strdb00p |
.metadata |
.01232018 |
.fio |
.output |
.wlist |
.bb8 |
.bb8template |
File Association Manager |
.ba_ |
Apple Macintosh Icon |
.rsrc |
.ymt |
Image Dowloader Document |
.imd |
Qt Phrase Book |
.qph |
YAMAHA VH Effect Editor File |
.hrm |
Data Loader2 Document |
.wzd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wpw |
ees Document |
.xpt |
WinRail Benchwork |
.bdm |
Text Document |
.eur |
GameCore Game Scripting Language |
.gsl |
Burner file |
.upg |
メタセコイアファイル |
.mqo |
T2000 Trunked Data File |
.t2t |
TSS Log Files |
.sil |
勝てる名刺2 カスタムデザイン |
.abd |
.gbu |
Baukos Document |
.bke |
.xtx |
pomqmV3 Document |
.bal |
.downloading |
3B File |
.bbb |
База данных телефонного справочника |
.09 |
File Association Manager |
.isr |
File Association Manager |
.hxs |
WorldCAT 2D Internet Document |
.wia |
File Association Manager |
.bad |
Cosmic Blobs Document |
.blob |
CCS Fix File |
.fix |
The Welkin Suite Resource File |
.resource |
.pbook |
Preferences Configuration File |
.pref |
.12da |
C Tech 4DIM File |
.4d |
.4do |
GigaHoop Customizer |
.arg |
.gts7 |
.lbxcol |
File Association Manager |
.oca |
Source Insight Configuration File |
.cf |
.wab~ |
HiCAD Körper Archiv |
.kra |
.lbxlbk |
Fichier QPK |
.qpk |
Reflection for IBM Internal Trace |
.rit |
Adobe InDesign 梓暮僇 |
.idms |
Tekstdokument |
.jnelog |
DIMIN Viewer n5 Image |
.u |
Clarion for Windows Source File |
.clw |
Clarion Project |
.cwproj |
ConTEXT document |
.wag |
Warcraft III Expansion Map |
.w3x |
Atari 8-bit State File |
.a8s |
gINT Script |
.gsc |
TRL Document |
.t13 |
TRL Document |
.t19 |
Windows 10 Manager splitted file! |
.0001 |
.gbck |
._txt |
.log;1 |
.txt~ |
.lastbuildstate |
.keys |
.nfo~ |
Program |
.89p |
.g01 |
XRC resource file |
.xrc |
.tit |
File Association Manager |
.sr0 |
File Association Manager |
.ftpquota |
File Association Manager |
.temp |
CodeWarrior GTD File |
.file |
Windows Media Player |
.cont |
AlambikMcPlayer |
.hdv |
TurboTax 2010 Document |
.tax2010 |
Alcyone Astronomical Tables Document |
.atx |
.hxf |
File Association Manager |
.mnc |
Windows Media Player |
.nng |
File Association Manager |
.dox |
License key for RamDisk/RamDisk Plus |
.ssc_rdrp_key |
Intuit Statement Writer Appearance |
.qss |
Go Format |
.go |
Butler Advantage XE |
.adv |
MyBook BkImage File |
.mbb |
UVX File |
.uvx |
StarCraft II Script File |
.galaxy |
Hilscher GmbH DeviceNet Configuration |
.dn |
KuaiZip 07 Archive file |
.07 |
Cadwork 2DR listing |
.bdr |
File Association Manager |
.ax |
TurboIRC Macro |
.tmc |
PowerList台帳ファイル |
.dwl |
FotoShow-Project |
.fsb |
File Association Manager |
.sbv |
vShop |
.vsh |
TorqueScript File |
.gui |
LightWave 3D |
.ls |
.mi |
Alphacam Turning VBA Project |
.atb |
CyberGestion |
.cm |
photograph |
.odp# |
AudioSoft Parameter File |
.aip |
.scv |
MixVibes Document |
.vib |
OASYS2文書 |
.fmt |
CTM programs update file Wild Media Server (UPnP, DLNA, HTTP) |
.ws1 |
Business Stationery Pro Document |
.lbs |
Agilix EPOS Note file |
.ant |
Abomination: The Nemesis Project Save Game File |
.asg |
Altova Licenses File |
.altova_licenses |
Activstudio Tickertape |
.tic |
Fichier Fax |
.sfx |
CAPE 図面 |
.dcc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xsc |
印刷工房2001ファイル |
.dri |
BBT Book |
.bbt |
File Association Manager |
.rmbak |
Scrapbook MAX! Document |
.sbm |
GETS EEO data file |
.eeo |
PowerCOBOL Line Information File |
.pli |
Feuille de styles WebDev |
.wds |
DeadLine Math Equation |
.ddl |
News Alert |
.nas |
Connect File |
.kni |