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Welcome to the Acer Inc. Satisfaction Reviews

See below results for reviews relating to ACER aspire 1690.

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Acer Inc.

ACER aspire 1690 Satisfaction Reviews

Average Satisfaction
  2.87 out of 4

Percent Freezing

Percent Slow
aspire 1690
PC Type
Total Votes: 237

Date Comments Satisfaction
10/28/2010 12:22:45 AM oldie but a goodie
  4.00 out of 4
9/14/2010 2:22:14 AM its great
  4.00 out of 4
5/12/2010 12:52:18 AM Start-up & Shut-down sometimes slow,also recieving e-mails some -times slow.
  3.00 out of 4
9/1/2010 4:34:13 PM it works good it's just sometimes it slows down unbearably. so i would like it to be fixed...
  3.00 out of 4
2/11/2010 12:16:24 PM Ich möchte eine kostenlose lizenz. Ich wär erfreut wenn es schneller arbeiten würde.
  3.00 out of 4
5/18/2009 8:45:30 AM Has a virus
  3.00 out of 4
3/18/2011 12:51:10 PM At times it does strange things, such as having to right click to make a change.
  3.00 out of 4
12/30/2009 12:20:10 AM it's four years old
  3.00 out of 4
1/10/2010 5:07:12 AM Netzwerkkarte wird zu heiß, dadurch verlangsamte Leistung
  3.00 out of 4
3/5/2011 9:37:29 AM Trop lent, mais Windows n'a pas été réinstallé depuis 3 ans...
  2.00 out of 4
3/14/2011 5:13:36 PM e lentissimo
  2.00 out of 4
1/2/2011 9:25:07 PM Regularly crashes and locks up requiring reboot. Viruses bring machine to a halt even preventing anti-virus scans to be successfully launched. Regularly running out of memory.
  2.00 out of 4
8/9/2010 8:53:09 AM obsoleto
  2.00 out of 4
5/20/2010 11:22:44 AM i like my comp but it wont hold a connetion
  2.00 out of 4
1/16/2010 7:54:32 AM Läuft sehr langsam
  2.00 out of 4
8/29/2009 5:12:03 AM cpu usage is 100%
  2.00 out of 4

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