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Welcome to the MSI Satisfaction Reviews

See below results for reviews relating to MSI ms-7519.

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MSI ms-7519 Satisfaction Reviews

Average Satisfaction
  3.14 out of 4

Percent Freezing

Percent Slow
PC Type
Custom Built
Total Votes: 629

Date Comments Satisfaction
6/19/2009 5:58:48 PM I think it's the best one I built.
  4.00 out of 4
4/11/2018 12:23:02 AM Very fast and reliable with SSD. Using Core 2 Duo E8550.
  4.00 out of 4
10/4/2016 9:35:13 PM dmfnsjklfesdh
  4.00 out of 4
1/31/2010 7:47:58 AM most powerful pc to date
  4.00 out of 4
7/25/2010 7:46:41 AM aaa
  3.00 out of 4
8/2/2010 10:24:00 AM search engine has been hijacked
  3.00 out of 4
7/7/2010 11:52:33 AM It freezes sometimes and there are some programs I want to run on it, but it won't run them.
  3.00 out of 4
7/13/2010 10:12:14 AM ?????????????????????
  3.00 out of 4
3/19/2010 5:56:05 AM 2009???
  3.00 out of 4
5/22/2010 2:53:26 AM ??????????
  3.00 out of 4
4/12/2011 3:58:55 AM extra
  3.00 out of 4
2/21/2010 2:41:59 PM Zeitüberschreitungen
  3.00 out of 4
10/21/2010 4:27:37 AM Harddisk and memory
  3.00 out of 4
11/2/2010 6:28:03 AM I want it to be fastre.
  3.00 out of 4
7/8/2017 8:10:00 PM we just got it so please give me about 3 months so i would give you a better answer
  3.00 out of 4
1/22/2013 8:45:03 PM monitor wont set properly
  3.00 out of 4
11/13/2009 8:44:32 PM In some games I experience low fps where I should be getting high fps.
  3.00 out of 4
7/22/2012 11:19:28 AM na
  3.00 out of 4
1/19/2011 3:35:04 PM It's sometimes slow on the internet opening sites.
  3.00 out of 4
12/23/2010 6:25:45 AM blue screen of death often
  3.00 out of 4
1/1/2011 3:07:04 AM ??????
  3.00 out of 4
11/30/2010 5:53:22 AM i is satisfied
  3.00 out of 4
8/19/2010 3:38:59 AM crashing
  3.00 out of 4
4/24/2010 5:39:49 PM it's the dearest, but most favourite pc within this household, it has a problem or 2 at times, but when it's running, it is usually top notch.
  3.00 out of 4
8/17/2011 9:21:52 PM YAHOO!BB
  3.00 out of 4
8/19/2011 2:30:46 AM AGGGGGGGGG
  3.00 out of 4
5/7/2014 3:22:39 AM Gaming is really slow.
  3.00 out of 4
5/10/2010 3:41:50 AM ???????????????????????????????
  3.00 out of 4
11/25/2009 12:57:31 PM Windows 7 64-bit has it´s problems but i think i have fixed it by installing Intel Ma´trix driver.
  3.00 out of 4
2/8/2011 7:14:04 AM ??????????????
  2.00 out of 4
11/17/2010 1:55:54 AM ?????????????
  2.00 out of 4
9/30/2011 3:06:02 AM Blue Screens and Crashes
  2.00 out of 4
10/4/2011 3:27:35 AM The start process is extremely slow
  2.00 out of 4
1/11/2011 8:42:58 AM Slow and need to restart often
  2.00 out of 4
9/21/2016 6:06:22 PM win7 update does not work
  2.00 out of 4
1/10/2015 11:11:44 PM ??????????? ??????? ????
  2.00 out of 4
9/12/2012 12:38:27 AM typing e-mail messages are halting and slow
  2.00 out of 4
5/23/2010 9:07:17 PM ??PC???????????????····
  2.00 out of 4
12/29/2009 7:01:30 PM petrlich
  2.00 out of 4
7/30/2010 7:57:31 PM ???????
  2.00 out of 4
2/3/2010 7:01:45 AM extra bad after upgradeing ca internet security
  2.00 out of 4
3/7/2011 11:49:40 AM slow, crashes,
  2.00 out of 4
4/1/2010 2:14:47 PM Er stürtz immer ab!
  1.00 out of 4
3/29/2020 6:28:18 AM Verry Fine work ! No problem, I think pc-Matic Best off Best !
  1.00 out of 4

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