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Welcome to the Acer Inc. Satisfaction Reviews

See below results for reviews relating to ACER aspire m3201.

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Acer Inc.

ACER aspire m3201 Satisfaction Reviews

Average Satisfaction
  3.15 out of 4

Percent Freezing

Percent Slow
aspire m3201
PC Type
Commercial Desktop
Total Votes: 259

Date Comments Satisfaction
8/27/2009 10:51:35 PM We were not sure if the computer had a good enough hard drive or not as it some times seems slightly slow accessing some things for a quad core.
  4.00 out of 4
12/11/2009 6:00:16 PM Computer has run well and just upgraded memory from 4GB to 8GB. Got this product so computer continues to run smoothly.
  4.00 out of 4
12/23/2010 4:03:38 AM starting to outgrow pc
  3.00 out of 4
4/5/2010 4:31:38 PM Sometimes has random program crashes :(
  3.00 out of 4
6/3/2015 9:53:29 AM only first day lets see in a week.
  3.00 out of 4
3/13/2010 6:53:13 AM faulty cd drive
  3.00 out of 4
1/12/2010 4:29:26 PM lots of spyware and registry problems the remain unrepaired
  3.00 out of 4
10/25/2010 12:15:45 PM sticking
  2.00 out of 4
12/10/2009 3:50:40 PM the grapics card is a big let down when gaming
  2.00 out of 4
8/8/2011 10:02:09 AM internet is running very slow and freezing up all the time
  2.00 out of 4
11/30/2015 11:53:41 AM Computer can freeze up for long periods at a time for no reason.
  2.00 out of 4
8/25/2010 9:37:14 AM PC doesnt work to full potential due to on board graphics for gaming
  2.00 out of 4
11/28/2009 5:51:55 AM Very slow opening and closing Windows
  2.00 out of 4

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