October 2011

Maketecheasier.com: 4 Great Places to Find & Download Portable Apps

The people who frequently change their computers or travel a lot want to have their data with them all the time. It is not always possible to take a laptop or a computer with them. This is where the concept of portable applications comes in. Portable applications are programs that do not depend on any system and do not need to be installed anywhere. They can be installed in a folder and that folder can be copied and taken anywhere without leaving any settings or data behind.

Maketecheasier.com: 4 Great Places to Find & Download Portable Apps Read More »

Windows Observer: Using a SSD As Your OS Drive in Windows 7


Solid State Drives (SSD) have become reasonable in regards to cost and more people are looking at them for everyday use on their PC’s. This article shows you how to use an SSD as the boot drive for Windows 7 and then have a SATA II standard hard drive as a storage location for your documents, videos, pictures, downloads, etc. on it to save space on the SSD.

Windows Observer: Using a SSD As Your OS Drive in Windows 7 Read More »