The Evils of Unwanted Software

There is a war going on out there. As you are reading this, the forces of good and evil are at work battling to control your computer. This is not a joke nor an exaggeration. It is happening every day, and at times, I think the bad guys are winning. I’m talking about unwanted software. Software that installs itself largely without the user’s knowledge. The makers of these softwares are going to great lengths to gain control of your PC to further their own causes. Following are three different and distinct examples:

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Why Defragment Your Hard Drive?

When you first loaded files onto your new hard disk, they weren’t fragmented. Each whole file followed the last in consecutive disk clusters, lowest to highest. Your disk performance was never better.

When you began using those files — changing them, adding and deleting records and files — they were broken into smaller and smaller pieces scattered around the disk. That’s because your system writes each new record into the first empty slot it finds on the disk, even if it’s nowhere near the rest of the file.

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